Chapter 19: Finally Free

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Grace's POV:

When when Julie and I get to the club we quickly find Flynn. "Are we too late?" I ask. "No, too early. Look." She says. That's when I see Carrie walk onto the stage. "Dirty Candy, how did she get on the list?" Julie asks. "Her dad probably pulled some strings." I grumble.

"I like this, pretty flower." Flynn says, pointing to Julie's vest. "Thanks, it's a dahlia, our mom's favorite." She says. I smile at this. That's when Carrie starts. "Is she being serious?" I hear Luke whisper in my ear. I turn and grin. "Don't know." Is all I say.

When I turn back to the stage I gasp when I see Alex up there, dancing along with Dirty Candy. That's when he flashes back. "You having fun up there?" Julie asks him. "It's not my fault, it's my, um, my feet." He says. "Sure buddy." I say, grinning.

"Put me back in coach." He says, poofing back onto the stage. I laugh. A minute later the song is over and I gotta say Alex stole the show. Too bad no one else could see him. "Hey, um, I was just...I was just doing that for you guys." He says. I laugh again.

"Yeah, you can stop smiling now." Reggie says. "I'm not gonna lie, that was kinda good." Julie says. "Really?" I ask. "Remind me again why we hate her?" Flynn asks. "Hey girls, isn't it past your bedtime?" Carrie asks when she walks up to us. "Now I remember." Flynn says.

Carrie then turns to me. "Nick's not here if you're wondering." She says. "I'm not here for him." I say. "Next up is Julie, Grace, and the Fat Ones." The announcers say. Carrie and her group laugh while I resist the urge to turn and glare at whoever wrote our name down.

"Oh Grace, try not to run off crying tonight. Such a horrible thing to watch." She tells me as they walk away. "Grace." I turn to look at look. He looks me in the eyes. "You got this. You're one of the best performers I know. Just relax and have fun up there." He tells me, smiling.

I smile back and nod before following Julie to the stage. I get may guitar and stand behind my mic right between where Alex and Luke will be. Julie is to the right of where Reggie will be. "Actually it's Julie, Grace, and the Phantoms." Julie corrects. No one cares.

I look at the crowd and take a deep breath before looking at her and nodding. She starts playing and I chime in


Hearts on fire
We're no liars
So we say what we wanna say

I'm awakened
No more fakin
So we push all our fear away

Don't know if I'll make it
Cause I'm going under

Close my eye and feel my chest
Beating like thunder

I wanna fly
Come alive
Watch me shine!

The boys appear playing. I stop and let Luke take over while Julie comes out from her piano. I grab the mic while it's on the stand and hold tightly.

Girls and Luke

I got a spark in me
Hands up if you can see

And you're apart of me
Hands up if you're with me

Now till eternity
Hands up if you believe

Been so long and now we're finally free!


We're all bright now
What a sight now
Coming out like we're fireworks

Marching on proud
Turn it up loud
Cause now we know what we're worth

Grace and Luke

We know we can make it
We're not falling down under

Luke and I make eye contact, grinning at each other. We hold each others gaze while singing.

Close my eyes and feel my chest
Beating like thunder

I look away but I can still feel his gaze on me.

I wanna fly
Come alive


Watch me shine!

I take my mic off the stand and start singing back to back with Julie.


I got a spark in me
Hands up if you can see

And you're apart of
Hands up if you're with me

Now till eternity
Hands up if you believe

Been so long and now we're finally free

I got a spark in me
Hands up if you can see

And you're apart of
Hands up if you're with me

Now till eternity
Hands up if you believe

Been so long and now we're finally free!

I put my mic back on my stand and bring it over to Luke.


I got a spark in me


I got a spark in me


And you're a part of me


And you're a part of me


Now till eternity


Now till eternity


Been so long and now we're finally free!

I go back and forth with the mic till we're close enough for me not to move it. When our little piece ends I go back my normal place and take the mic off the stand so I can move.


I got a spark in me
Hands up if you can see

And you're apart of
Hands up if you're with me

Now till eternity
Hands up if you believe

Been so long and now we're finally free











Finally free, yeah!







Girls and Luke

Been so long and now we're finally free!


Finally free!



With that we bow and the boys disappear, causing the crowd to gasp then clap louder. "We're Julie, Grace, and the Phantoms. Tell your friends." Julie says. I laugh and the two of us walk off stage. We run over to Flynn. We squeal then hug. "You were incredible!" She says.

The boys appear behind her. "Yeah we were." Reggie brags. "Hey. Hey! Whoever Carrie was trying to impress is coming this way." Luke points out. We turn and see a woman in a suit walking towards us. "She looks all business." Alex mutters.

"Wait, who should do the talking. Oh, right, the girls." Reggie realizes. "Hi, I'm Andy Parker and I would love to-" "Julie, Gracelyn." Oh no, not the full name. We look over Andy's shoulder and there stands our dad. "Time to go." He says.

We give Andy an apologetic look before following our dad. "Gracelyn you go in your car and meet us at the house, but I want to talk to the both of you before we go in." He says. I nod and get in my car, taking off. I hear a pop and I jump, almost crashing.

"Do you guys seriously have to do that? I almost ended up being the fourth ghost in our band." Tell the boys. Alex and Reggie are in the back seat while Luke is in the passenger seat. "Sorry." They mumble. "Do you think your dad's mad enough to make you quit the band?" Luke asks.

"What? No. Of course not. He's not like that. He'll just give us a stern talking to. that's it." I say. "Ok good. Also, your name is Gracelyn?" He asks. I glance over at him, glaring. "Yes, but call me that and I'll make sure you die permanently this time." I say.

"Fine, but tell us your full name." He says. I sigh. "Gracelyn Danielle Molina." I say. "Gracelyn Danielle." "I said-" "I know, last time. It's a beautiful name though." He says. I blush and that's when I realize the other boys are gone.

Giving me one last grin Luke poofs out right as I pull up to my house. When I get out I wait for Julie and my dad. It doesn't take long and soon I see his car pulling up next to mine. I take a deep breath. Here goes nothing.

"Girls, we need to talk. So, after skipping school, missing a test, you decided to sneak out even though I told you to study in your room. And you Grace, you lied to your Aunt about where you were going. Why?" He asks. "I'm sorry." Julie says.

"Yeah, you seem to be saying that a lot lately. Look, if you just let me in I could have been excited about tonight instead of having this conversation we both hate. Why didn't you two tell me you are in a band?" He asks.

"It all just happened so fast. These last couple of weeks have changed our lives. When we play music we feel closer to mom." Julie says. "And I love that. You both know I do. But your tía is right. School needs to come first." He says.

"I know, but without the band we would have never made it back into the music program. They played with us when we were trying to earn back our spots." I say. "They did?" He asks, shocked. "I think this is our thing dad." Julie says.

"Well, I'd be a jerk of a dad to take that away from you. Look, if you two are going to stay in this band, you need to keep up with school, and you need to keep me in the loop." He says. "Really?" I ask. "Yeah." "Thanks papa." Julie says as we both hug him.

"Hey, so that lady at your show, that was some sort of manager, right? Could've been a big deal?" He asks. "Who knows." I say. "Hopefully she'll get to see us play again. Which we will tell you about." Julie adds. "Oh, yeah, you will." He says.

He throws his arms over our shoulders and we walk into the house laughing. When I get up to my room Luke is in there. "Please tell me you both are still allowed in the band." He says. I roll my eyes. "I told you, he's not that kind of dad. Now, leave. I'm going to sleep." I say.

"Oh, right, goodnight Grace." With that he poofs out. I grin. "Goodnight Luke."

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