Chapter 11

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He walks towards me, and helps me sit and then after gulping some water on the table, he starts explaining.

Arnav - This was when we were in our 2nd year of 2 years from today


A young Arnav is sitting with his bunch of friends while holding a book.

A guy (annoyed) - Come on Arnav, stop reading all this stuff and think of where we are going to go in 1 month. Finally, the holidays are coming,

Arnav (annoyed) - Arjun, how many times do I have to tell you? We can discuss this after our exams, which are NEXT WEEK

Arjun (annoyed) - Come on Arnav...don't be so boring

Arjun tries to take the book from his hand, while others around him silently cheer for him, however, one guy stops him.

Guy (annoyed) - unlike you, my best friend wants good grades, he wants to be the CEO of a big company. Learn the value of education, before it's too late.

Arjun (annoyed) - Oh come on Aman, social life is also important, all day he is either busy with studies or going out with that girl... What's her name?
Arnav (without keeping his eyes off the book) - Khushi

Arjun - yes, that Khushi, he doesn't even have time for us... he hasn't had one girlfriend nor has he even been interested in any females... I am starting to question his...

Aman (annoyed) - Shut up, we do go out on every summer holiday, don't exaggerate...

While Aman is busy explaining, two girls silently approach Arnav bringing a smile on Arnav's face.

Arnav's POV

I can recognise her presence from anywhere

POV Ends

Arnav turns around and smiles seeing both Khushi and Maya. Arnav, Khushi and Maya have been best friends ever since 10th standard. Soon, as college started, Arnav slowly recognised his feelings for Maya and had been trying to ask her out since forever. Maya has always been a soft-spoken girl in front of Arnav, and that makes Arnav nervous about rejection.

Khushi (pouting) - you always recognise our presence

Arnav (smirking) - What can I say, you don't know the meaning of silence, even when you try to walk quietly, you always end up making noise.

Khushi (shocked) - Arnie, you just wait, one day I will become so quiet that you will not be able to bear it and you yourself will ask me to talk...

Arnav (pinching Khushi's cheeks) - I can't wait for that day Khush... that day, I will be the happiest person. Your non-stop chatter makes me get a headache.

Khushi pouts again, and turns to face the opposite side of Arnav, while Arnav just smiles.

Arnav - Hi Maya

Maya (smiling) - Hello Arnav...

Khushi (annoyed) - Arnav, I am angry with you..

Arnav, who was busy staring at Maya, ignores Khushi, making Khushi hurt and she starts to walk away. Maya is about to follow her but Arnav holds her wrist softly and takes her away from everyone.

Arnav (nervous) - Maya, I don't know how to tell you this, but ever since I met you, I felt my heart flutter. Hearing your name automatically makes me smile and I could recognise your presence without even needing to turn back. At first, I thought I was going crazy and it might be the effect of the craziness of Khush but I have realised, it's not... It's called love. I am in love with you... but do you feel the same as me?

Maya, who was scared at first, immediately smiles and kisses Arnav's cheeks, making Arnav shocked and causing her to blush.

Flashback Ends

Arnav - from then, we started dating. I wanted to tell you, but Maya thought you might not like it as we are both your best friends and we are dating... so, we didn't tell you.

I stare at him, hurt. He has known me for so long and yet he couldn't figure out that my happiness lies in my friend's happiness. I wouldn't care if they were dating or not. I wouldn't find it weird or awkward, in fact, I would have been happy. So much for trust. My eyes immediately started to moisten up, knowing the fact that two of the most important people in my life didn't even trust me enough.

Arnav (upset) - I know Khushi, you are upset but, at that time, I seriously did think you would be upset. Think about it, you were the only girl in my life, and therefore, all my attention was on you and suddenly, you have to share that attention with your best friend, because she is the girl I love. Also, I wasn't comfortable telling my relationship status to people. You know, I was an introvert. If it makes you feel better no one knew about my relationship status, except Aman and Shyam after.

Me (upset) - I thought of you as my best friend, I share everything with you, even my crushes and my boyfriend, but you... you couldn't share the fact that you were dating my best friend... I guess you were uncomfortable... but even a little hint could have helped. I wouldn't be feeling so dumb and stupid right now... I saw both you and Maya spending time together more often and thinking of you guys just bonding... I ignored it... Maya used to lie to spend time with you and I used to see that but I ignored it and even you did the same... and even then I ignored it... if only I wasn't so dumb to not see the obviousness. I guess you didn't trust me enough, Arnav...

Arnav (upset) - it's not about trusting Khushi, I just didn't feel comfortable sharing my love life with anyone, not even you... I trusted you... even Maya also felt the same, that's why both of us kept it quiet. Also Khushi, you didn't tell me about Shyam until I actually caught you two... did I get mad? No na, it's because I understand that you both wanted privacy... and I understood that you didn't feel comfortable telling me.

Who is right? Khushi or Arnav?

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PS: Not edited, so ignore all grammar and spelling errors.

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