Chapter 12

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I stare at him shocked. Am I being dramatic? It's true that Arnav is very introverted, and if I can hide Shyam from him, then why can't I do the same? I guess, I am angry at Maya not at Arnav, but I am showing my anger to Arnav. I will, however, not show nor admit that to him. I sit on the bed with a frown, while Arnav looks at me and mutters his favourite phrase, 'What the...'

Me (annoyed) - No, I want to sleep... now leave

Arnav - what the...

Me (annoyed) - if you are done with your what the... can you leave?

Arnav (worried) - actually I want to explain one more thing... I actually told Ma and Papa that we will sleep together in the same room from tomorrow onwards because the doctor said you still aren't fully well. I want to be near you, to make sure you are fine. I know I am at fault for this condition of yours so please let me redeem myself.

Me (annoyed) - look, I know you want to redeem yourself but I am not comfortable with the idea of both of us sharing a room, so please leave the room.

Arnav (smirking) - are you thinking something will happen Khushi? Are you scared? I mean, if you are... say it,

I stare at him shocked. How dare he?

Me (annoyed) - No, I am not scared... I just don't feel it's right to share a room with the person that was once someone very important to me...

Arnav frowns hearing my response, then suddenly smirks.

Arnav (smirking) - chill Khushi, nothing to be afraid about. I remember how much of a scaredy cat you used to be...

Me (annoyed) - don't bring the past Arnav...

Arnav (annoyed) - Look, Khushi, I know you are annoyed, angry and upset with me, however, let me find out more about Maya's accident and solve my misunderstanding fully before I try and make you understand why I blamed you. You have every right to know, and I agree but I don't want to give you false information and as for sharing a room. I promise I will not touch you, I will sleep on the floor damn it but I want to take care of you... I am the reason you are in this state, I will try and redeem myself.

I stared at his face which had a more worried expression than annoyed. Should I give him a chance? My heart screamed yes.. But my brain refuses to give him any chances. Why should he get one? He had 4 months of our marriage and nothing happened then.

Me (annoyed) - Just sleep on the sofa instead

He takes the blanket and pillows and moves towards the sofa. I closed my eyes, but I could feel someone staring at me constantly. I even heard a whispered good night before I fully slept.

Arnav's POV

I watch as Khushi slowly falls asleep. I am sorry Khushi, I don't know how to tell you that Maya was planning to meet you on the day she died, her last word was your name and then I got a clip of your father pushing her off. I didn't want to blame you but all the evidence was against you. I will try my hardest this time, to uncover the entire truth before blaming everyone. I hope, for now, nothing more than to earn your forgiveness

Arnav's POV ends

I wake up to sun rays falling on my eyes and turn towards the sofa to see a missing Arnav. He must have gone for his morning jog. I unwillingly get up from the warm and cosy bed to go shower, however, I am stopped by a note and breakfast on my side table.

Having known you for most if not all of my life, I know how much you hate waking up so early. I have made you breakfast in bed. It's Aloo Puri. Your favourite. I know how much you changed to fit into my home, and it's time I put in those efforts.

I stare at the note in shock. Arnav and making me aloo puri and that too for breakfast. This is a lie. He hated me for having that for breakfast and said it was too oily. Impossible. I rush to the bathroom, to get ready. I am doubting this food.

After an hour I leave downstairs, with the food untouched and see Ma instructing the HP and OP brothers. I silently go towards the kitchen table to put the food down when Ma turns around and looks at me with a surprised expression.

Ma - Good morning beta. How are you feeling? (sees the aloo puri) Oh, you didn't have them. Is it that bad? You know, choote woke up extra early today and made everyone leave the kitchen to make this for you. (laughing) The kitchen looked like a mess and so did choote. I asked him multiple times to let me cook, however, he refused and made this himself and left for the office straight after. Is it really bad?

How do I tell Ma, that I haven't even tried it? Why did Arnav go into all this trouble to make me breakfast? How does he even remember what I like? It's been a long time since we even had breakfast together.

Precap - Shopping

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PS: Not edited, so ignore all grammar and spelling errors.

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