Hinata I'm Sorry

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When I took Hinata home I put her in her room and said "Get dressed and call me when your done"

I closed her room door then walked down stairs into the living room and threw myself onto the couch. I sighed as I ran my hand threw my hair wondering why am I ordering her around. She doesnt understand how much I care about her and how much I would go threw just to make her feel like I love her.

I then head her footsteps coming from upstairs. I slowly looked behind me just to see her walk towards me sorta mad. Damn, I don't understand nor have experiance with this. I never argued with her before I don't know whats gonna happen. I thought as I watched her sit right next to my out streached legs.

"Sasuke why did you have to start a fight" She asked me in a sorta additudish calmish voice

I swallowed the lump in my throat and looked away from her ''He hurt you Hina I told you I would hurt whom ever hurts you"

She leaned in closer and said "Yeah I know but you could have gave him brain damage"

I scoffed as I got up and walked into the kitchen "What do you care about, Your feelings getting hurt or someone else getting hurt?"

She looked at me and looked down "I care about my own feelings"


"But I care aboout other people feelings as well" She said as she interupted me

I growled a little as I poured my self a cup of soda "Well stop thinking about how others feel all the time and start thinking about your self"

She quickly shot her head up "But I don't wanna be selfish Sasuke"

I took a sip of my soda "Your not being Selfish Hinata you sometimes need to think of your self"

She looked down "No wonder you never had any other friends besides me" She said lowly thinking I did'nt hear her

Okay so that ticked me off "I never trusted anyone else but you"

She looked up at me and walked towards me "Sasuke I'm....."

"STOP..." I yelled as I put my hand up causing her to stop walking "Stop before I do something both of us would regret"

She looked down causing her hair to shadow her eyes "I'm sorry"

I looked down and turned away from her as I ran my hand threw my hair due to fustration "This is why I never had friends nor became this close with them.

"S-SASUKE I SA-ID I WAS SO-SORRY" She yelled while studdering which stunned me

I looked at her as I realized she was because she has'nt studdered around me in six years "I know but why are you studdering again"

She looked at me and walked closer but I walked back until my back hit the counter "Sasuke w-why are we e-even arguing"

I looked away from her because I wanted to do something so bad but I don't want to ruin anything "Hinata I'm sorry"

She looked at me confused but before she could even say anything I put my hands on her cheeks and smashed my lips onto hers. I could tell she was shocked because she did'nt kiss me back. But she finally gave in and kissed me like her life depended on it. I felt my lungs screaming for air but I ignored it and deepened the kiss.

I moved my hands down to her waist and pulled her closer to my body as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I broke the kiss causing both of us to gasp for air while panting. She pouted then captured my lips with hers causing me too kiss her back like no tomorrow. She moaned which drove me on edge causing me to put her on the counter top accidently ruining the kiss.

She kissed me again but roughly and I kissed her back as she wrapped her legs around my torso. I put my hands on the counter leaning forward as she put her hands threw my hair. I deepened the kiss between us the licked her bottom lip asking for an entrence and she happidly opened her mouth.

Our tongues fought for domance and of course I won so she let me explore her mouth. I then broke the kiss causing a string of saliva hanging from our bottom lip. I kissed her again and then licked my lips as she blushed a deep shade of scarlet red. I grinned as I picked her up briddle style and took her to her room.

I laid her on her bed and kissed her one last time and opened her legs "Just tell me if you want me to stop"

She nodded her head and I took off her shorts "Please be gental"

I looked at her underwear then her again "Last warning Hina"

She looked down at me and smiled "Pleasure me Sasuke"

I shrugged my shoulders then I ripped her underwear open revealing every mans treasure. My eyes sparkled as I stared and I think I drooled a little. Before I started anything I heard the front door open. I swore to myself and we stood quite until we heard the front door close.


I know that voice anywhere it was Hiashi Hinata's father. Hinata and I quickly got off the bed and she threw on a new pair of underwear and put her shorts back on. She hid the underwear I just broke in her dresser and turned on the television. I jumped onto the bed and so did she as I turned the lamp off and she started flicking threw the channals.

Her room door opened and there stood her father "Oh here you are, looks like you guys are having fun"

We nodded my head "Yeah" we said in unison

He nodded his head with a smile "Okay no funny buisness"

He then walked out the room and I leaned over to Hinata "Tomorrow for sure''

I earned a blush from her as I stole a kiss from her and walked out her room. I then walked out of their house and out of the Hyuga property to my house on the Uchiha property. I WILL MAKE HINATA MINE I thought.

Hoped you liked it :) Oh and a lemon scene is gonna
be in the next chapter.... I know this book maybe
going to fast but I'm enjoying everything lmfao

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