NaruHina Date and WHAT JUST HAPPENED!!!!!!!!!

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Hinata Hyuga

I woke up and I could'nt even get up because a pair of arms were wrapped around me. I looked beside me and saw Sasuke holding me close to his chest. I turned my self around and brung myself closer to him as I placed my head on his broud chest. I then fell back to sleep in the warmth of his body heat and the sercure of being in his arms.

When I woke up again I saw Sasuke smiling at me which caused me to smile back. He twirled a piece of my hair in his fingers then put it behind my ear before he kissed me on my forehead. I smiled as I leaned closer to him then kissed him on his cheek super close to his lips. He pulled me closer to him then I put my head on his shoulder causing both of us too hug eachother.

"Good morning Hina" He said in a low tone enough for me to hear

I smiled then kiss his cheek "Good morning Sasuke"

I broke the hug between us and his heart was pounding agaist his chest enough for me too feel. He got up and so did I but for me it was more like a scoch because we were on his side sort of. I walked into the bathrom and put the water on almost hot and when I took off my clothes The door opened slowly. My stupid ass did'nt realize until I heard an uhhh.

I turned around and saw "SASUKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

He just continued staring and I grabbed a towel as I glared at him "Oh UH, sorry Hinata"

But he never closed the door nor left he just stared "SASUKE GET OUT"

He looked away from my breast and looked at my face "Oh yeah sorry again"

He closed the door quickly and I sighed as I went into the shower. After I was finished I walked out wear sweatpants and a T-shirt.Since I did'nt see Sasuke in the room anymore I walked down stairs just to smell the sweet smell of bacon. I went into the kitchen just to see Sasuke only in his underwear wearing an apron. I think he noticed my appearance because he looked back and smiled.

You know that smile that makes your heart pound rapidly and you have no choice but to smile back even tho you wanna just throw your self onto him. Yeah that type of smile. He put the chopstick down and walked over towards me then pulled me into a hug as he inhailed my scent. I hugged him back and closed my eyes enjoying the embrass like a obsessed person with his hugs.

"Hinata, please be safe on your date and tell me if he hurts you because I would kick his sorry ass" He said in a attitude

I giggled as I kept my eyes shut "I will"

"Because any guy is lucky to have you and is stupid enough to hurt you..." he said in soft voice "I was too late to have you"

I did'nt understand what he said at the last part but I ignored it. But whatever he said made my heart pound against my chest rapidly. After I ate I watched a movie with Sasuke.

6 hours later

Sasuke went home because Itachi needed him for something and I started to get ready. I put on dark blue shorts on and a white shirt with blue flipflops. I smiled at my reflection as I brushed my hair into a ponytail. I looked at the time and it was 8:27 I grabbed my bag and ran down stairs into the livingroom.

I went into the kitchen and plopped a mint into my mouth and as I chewed on it the front door rang. I ran to it and when I opened the door I saw Naruto in black pants and a white shirt with black shoes. I blushed as he looked at me from head to toe then we walked out of the hyuga property to the resturant.

When we got there I remembered this is where Sasuke and I first met as all the memories retured to me I smiled and Naruto looked at me "You seem happy to come here"

I looked at him and smiled "Yeah when I was ten I loved it here"

He smiled at me as we both went into the ramon noddle shop "Well great because I love it here too".

We sat down together and we both ordered the special then he looked out from the entrance. I looked at him when he looked out from the enterance then he looked at me with a cheesy grin. I looked at him confused as he got up and took one step.

"I'll be right back Hinata" He said as he walked out

He never came back and I started to worry. Being curious I told the cook I'll be right back and went outside. I heard moaning and groaning from the side of the resturant and when I looked I saw Naruto making out with...Sakura?


They stopped kissing and Sakura glared at me "don't say my name as if we are friends Hinata"

I looked at her confused "But we were friends Sakura"

"No we're not you stole Sasuke away from me so I used Naruto to hurt you just like you hurt me" She said as she leaned on her right foot as she crossed her arms

I shook my head rapidly as several tears escaped my eyes then I heard a pair of running feet coming towards us "YOU BASTERD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I looked behind me to see a angry Sasuke charging towards us "Sasuke??"

Before I knew it Sasuke quickly stopped and punched Naruto straight in his face causing him to fly backwards "WHY DID YOU HURT HINATA"

He walked towards Naruto whom was on the floor and Sasuke sat on his stomach then started punching him rapidly. Sakura started running away as I went up to Sasuke and grabbed his arm. Sasuke got up but kicked Naruto in his gut, I hugged him from behind as Sasuke stared at the beat up Naruto while breathing heavily.

I hugged him tighter "Sasuke please stop" I said as tears began pouring out my eyes


Sasuke quickly turned around and picked me up bridle style as he started walking or should I say carried me home.

I fangirled over this chapter :D
Hoped you liked it :)

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Stay Kawaii


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