*10th Fall*

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*Tenth Fall: Pains*

What a fucked up view
Yeah that's what Sehun has in mind
Luhan and Seulgi are all sweet. They're too sweet Sehun wished they're chased by bees and ants already. They're currently at Irene's lair. She just called for a hangout. And of course, she did that for her awesome plan.
"What's with the face?" Irene sat besides Sehun and handed him beer
"A handsome looking guy" Sehun said emotionless still looking at Luhan and Seulgi.
"Okay whatever. Hun, about Lu, do---"
"No. I. Hate. Him" Sehun said clenching his fist. Irene's eyes widened. Luhan might be in trouble.
"Hun. I heard about the task you gave Lu yesterday. Dude that was torture! Don't you know it was very hot? And you ridiculously told him to go in different orders! Luhan looked so pale, but he said he didn't wanted to disobey you" with this, Sehun felt guilt.
"Please don't hurt him any---"
"But he's hurting me too...it hurts so bad" Sehun whispered but Irene heard it crystal clear. It made her smile so wide she almost squealed but she held it back.
"Okay. Okay. Let's call it a day, now shoooo!" Irene shooed her gang. They followed even though they found it weird. Before leaving Seulgi stopped Luhan.
And gave him a peck on his lips
"Good night oppa!" Of course, part of the plan.
"Good night" Luhan said back with a smile even though he's in shock
But that action made someone very angry. So angry he yanked Luhan's wrist and pulled him, Sehun pushed Luhan inside his car like the deer was just a bag.
Luhan looked at Irene with fear through the window. Irene tried to stop Swhun from driving away because she knew what might happen. But Sehun has his ears closed.

Sehun didn't took the usual way that would take them to his house fast. Instead he took the road that was a little abandoned. It was dark. Tall bushes. Trees.

It's creepy


"Out" Luhan didn't seemed to absorb that
"GET OUT!!" Sehun shouted that made Luhan do what he said. Once Luhan was out, he drove away fast.

Sehun went home. And there his gang welcomed him, without Seulgi though.
"What the---where the fucking hell is Luhan?!" Kris growled
"I left him at the abandoned road" Sehun answered as if it was the most normal thing in the world
Kris was about to punch him but the rest stopped him
"Don't mind the douche for now. Let's go and search for Lu" Jimin said and the rest agreed leaving douche Sehun who just gave a 'TSS' and went inside.

Luhan was crying. Hugging his knees sitting on the side walk.
He heard foot steps.

"Dude look!" A guy with piercings called
"Nice. This should fit dinner" and four more guys showed up to the scared Luhan

"No! Please no!" They carried Luhan and brought him to an abandoned warehouse. They tied him to the ceiling.
"No" they kissed him. One by one.
"No" they stripped him until he was fully naked
"Beautiful" one complimented. But Luhan hated that compliment.
"Please no..." They did everything they wanted

And for the last time while he's still conscious

A tear dropped from his eye

End of 10th Fall

Sorry it's short. And starting next week my updates will go slow.
School's starting, yep new hell. Maybe updates will on weekends.

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