*11th Fall*

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*Eleventh Fall: Got hit again*


"Luhan!" Jimin called

"Lu!?" Baekhyun called

"Xiao Lu!" Kris called

Irene groaned in frustration. They've been searching for Luhan during the last five hours. They didn't mind to report it to the police, those douches are useless anyway.

"Why does shit happens?!" Kai groaned. They're all worried, they don't have any idea where Luhan might be. He was left here in this abandoned place since 8:30pm, and it's 3:30am already.

"Yeah and this fuck is Sehun's shit" Kris said angry. They've searched almost everywhere, even the wide and endless field but there was no sign of Luhan. Seulgi went there to help too.

Irene's phone suddenly rang that caught everyone's attention.

//Unnie I found a warehouse//

"What?! You're not here with us?!" They didn't noticed that Seulgi was no longer with them.

//Yeah Unnie. But please come here, I can't come in and someone's crying inside, I can hear sobs. The door is locked//

Irene informed the others about what Seulgi found. They quickly went to the place Seulgi said.

They all, well except Seulgi, used their bodies to break the door. Darkness welcomed them. But like Seulgi, they heard sobs. They searched.

Then they found a naked Luhan covered with a small piece of cloth, lying on the cold floor looking straight at the ceiling, crying. They all gasped and hurried close to him. Kris hugged him tight.

"This is bullshit" Jimin cursed as he comforted Luhan too.

"Let's bring him to the hospital" Irene said as she comforted the also crying Seulgi

They arrived at the hospital. It's been an hour since the doors closed for the doctor to observe the poor deer.

"Should we call Gold gear?" Kyungsoo asked with irritation

"Let's ask Lu" Irene answered. Moments later the doctor came out.

"As unusual and weird as it seems, Mr. Luhan got raped. By men" He explained. Seulgi started crying again.

"Can we see him?" Kris asked

"Yes, you may. Just don't be too noisy, trauma is still present" the doctor reminded. They all nodded then walked inside the room Luhan just got transferred to.

They saw a breathing creature, but it has a lifeless aura.
Luhan just looked at eternity, those usually wonderful eyes became so dull.

Kris walked to him first. When Luhan noticed them, he surprisingly smiled. But it was a forced one.

"Damn it. Call Se---" but Irene was cut off

"No! Please no!" Luhan begged
"Lu, this is his---"

"No. No one wanted it to happen. And what's the big deal? I'm a guy!" Luhan tried to convince them but he looked so pitiful. He looked helpless.

Luhan begged them more until he finally convinced them.

"Lu, you want me to call Jungkook?" Irene asked sweetly. Using her usual loud manner could trigger Luhan's fear.

"Yeah. That would be great" Luhan forced a smiled. Irene nodded and called Jungkook.
Luhan has been inside this white place for five hours already.

"Lu?!" Jungkook barged in

"Jungkook" Luhan called and smiled weakly. That almost made Jungkook cry. Irene told him everything on the phone including the detail that this is Sehun's fault.

Jungkook went to Luhan and kissed his right hand. This made Kris irritated a bit.

"That bastard--"
"No. Please don't confront him. It's not his fault" too good. Yeah that's it, Luhan is too good.

Jungkook had no choice but to agree and keep the boiling blood inside of him.

The gang accompanied Luhan to Sehun's house. Seulgi was guiding him to walk and Sehun saw this.

They were even with Jungkook that made Sehun get mad even more.

"What the fucking hell are you doing here?!" He's drunk. Yep so drunk.
"Just caring for Luhan" Jungkook answered coldly holding Luhan's hand.

Sehun gave a glare and just left the living room. There were bottles everywhere, and that made Luhan slip.
"Oppa!" Seulgi supported Luhan's fall, so did Jungkook.
That triggered a scary thing.

Sehun went to Luhan and gripped his hand tight that it could break him. It happened fast that they were already inside Sehun's room.

"You're mine" Sehun said through gritted teeth. He started stripping Luhan. And that one triggered Luhan's trauma. He started screaming hard remembering the events. Sehun started to unbuckle his own belt and Luhan kept yelling.




They broke the door and rushed to the two, the naked Luhan and almost naked Sehun.



Kris and Jungkook gave him two punches. It made Sehun lay on the floor blood dripping from his nose and cut lips.

Baekhyun and Kyungsoo started to dress Luhan. Jimin and Kai are trying to calm Jungkook and Kris.

"Bring him to the living room" Irene ordered with a voice full of authority.
When the boys left exept Jungkook who was hugging Luhan, Irene went to him.
"Kook, bring Luhan to your house first" Irene said. Jungkook nodded and he carried Luhan bridal style.

Silence. It covered the whole living room. With the gang staring at Sehun and Sehun looking down.
That silence was broken by Sehun's laugh. Yes, he laughed.

"What's the big deal? He's my slave. Fucking him won't be illegal, he's a slut anyway" he said that made everyone get angry even more. Irene slapped him.

"You left him on that dark place" Irene. Sehun laughed again.

"As if the darkness would eat him" then another slap from Irene

"He got raped" that startled everyone including Sehun. The others gasped because it was a deal that they wouldn't tell Sehun. Sehun didn't show anything but he was shocked

"S-So what? H-he's a guy!" He stuttered

Another slap

"He was so scared. He's a fragile guy, Sehun. He cried so much. But he told us not to tell you. He said it wasn't your fault. He said that it was no one's fault. But it's so clear and maybe too clear that it's your fault. He told us he got raped by five men. And it was almost six just minutes ago. You're dissapointing, Sehun. How could you? You're too selfish. Don't do something that was done before" Irene stood up with the gang and they were about to leave. Kris was the last one to go out, and before he did, he said something that made Sehun cry.

"By the way, he loves you"

It hit him

End of 11th Fall

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