*12th Fall*

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*Twelfth Fall: Crossed Hearts*


Three days.

Since Luhan left Sehun

Since Sehun was left by Luhan

Since Sehun got broken

Since Luhan got into pieces

"Lu, please eat" Jungkook pleaded. Luhan hasn't ate for three straight days.

"No. Please don't...dont" Luhan sobbed like a mad man. He's completely broken. Jungkook looked at him in pity and began crying too.

"Shhh. Lu, everything's going to be okay" Jungkook put himself together. He has to be strong for his best friend.

Luhan just cried.


"Gimme*hik* one more!" Sehun shouted

He's with no one here at a club. Well, except for the wild people.

*Phone Ring*

//Dude it's Jungkook, Luhan needs you. I'll text you the adress//

Jungkook dropped the call and sent the address. With the note:

Dude this is my first time to ask a favour from you. Please come here, Lu badly needs you.

Sehun hurriedly stood up, paid his bill then left. He focused on the road. Yes, he's drunk but that sensation suddenly left his being when he heard that Luhan needs him. He arrived at the address then quickly rang the bell.

When the door opened these words welcomed him

"Calm down then follow me" Jungkook said calmly as if he's taming a tiger. Sehun nodded slowly then calmed himself. When Jungkook started walking he followed.

They arrived at a room. The room where Luhan stays. He's currently at a corner, hugging his knees and shaking with tears dropping from his eye.

"He was like that since I brought him here. I thought that you could fix this because...ya know...he loves you" Jungkook looked away saying those last words. It hurts folks, it hurts.

Sehun wanted to celebrate knowing he had defeated Jungkook but no, Luhan needs him.

He went closer to Luhan, he's not even feeling a bit drunk.

"Lu?" He called as he knelt to the other's level. Jungkook exited to give them privacy.

"M-M-Ma-s-ster" Luhan said in fear. Guilt struck Sehun. He scared Luhan.

"Please don't hurt me. I never did anything wrong. I'm so sorry for being pathetic. I'll quit the job. I'll leave. Please don't hurt me" Luhan cried. Sehun was about to touch hi but he slapped the hand away

"I never did anything to experience this! All my life I've been good! Why do people keep on hurting me?! I loved but I never was loved! What did I do to deserve this?!" He protested. He was looking straight, as if talking to the wall. Sehun cried because of this. It's his fault.

When Luhan saw this he suddenly came back to his senses. He wipes his master's tears which startled Sehun.

"Lu?" Sehun called as he held the soft hand of Luhan.

"P-Please don't cry. Sorry for touching you" Luhan looked really cute. But Sehun shook that off.

"Will you come with me? Let's go home..."

Luhan was shocked. The word 'home' is completely different from 'house'. Luhan blushed.

"B-But I'm useless and pathetic master. I don't-"

"You're not useless, I'm so sorry for saying those hurtful words. Lu, let me prove that I care. Let me prove that I love you"

Without even letting Luhan answer, Sehun carried him bridal style.

"Lu? Are you okay now?" Jungkook asked as he saw the two leaving

"Yes he's okay now. I swear I won't do anything bad and take great care of him" Sehun told Jungkook sincerely. Jungkook nodded then they left.

"So, where do you want to go ?" Sehun asked while driving. He completely forgot about the fact that he's drunk. Luhan noticed the tiredness in Sehun's voice.

"Let's just go back to your house master" Luhan smiled

"It's our house. Called home. Then remove the master, you're fired" this made Luhan eyes go wide

"Haha. Because now, I'm your suitor, and your future husband" Luhan blushed. Then Sehun just chuckled

"Then should I call you hyung now?" Luhan asked

"Lu, we have the same age" Sehun laughed

"O-Oh. Is that so? Okay"


"Achoo!" Sehun sneezed

"Here" Luhan gave him a cup of hot choco. Which Sehun gladly accepted, he thinks it's sweet.

Luhan sat beside Sehun since Sehun told him to treat the house as his own.



"Tell me something about yourself. I'll do the same" Luhan chuckled at Sehun's childish behaviour.


Sehun smiled like a child then faced Luhan.

Sehun shot Luhan many questions. As if it't their first meeting.

"Okay. Your turn" Sehun was happy because of the info he just got.

"Hmmmm.... Just tell me about your family" Sehun's smile turned a bit sad

"S-Sorry you don't-"

"It's fine.Okay I'll tell you" Sehun faced front and began

"Dad was the heir of the Oh Empire. Yes, from the very start, we already have bad blood. The empire was passed for generations. It lasted, even though it's illegal. Well, the government doesn't know about our bad business, we have a wine company to cover it up. We were really happy, even as kids we were aware of the bad activities. But we have to accept it; it's for our own good. But mom, she never accepted it, she didn't rebelled; dad locked her inside the house. She wasn't allowed to go outside. Then suddenly one day, she just died. I can't remember the details, they told me she was killed inside the house. Hyxan-hyung became distant since then. He even jumped of from his room!" Sehun began sobbing. Luhan stroked his back.

"Other relatives? I've heard that I have an aunt. But I never saw her before" Sehun continued.

"What is your mother's name?" Luhan asked in curiosity

Sehun looked as if he was thinking deep

"Lu, I love you so I guess I should tell you. Dad forbid us to tell mom's name to anyone because she was a famous model. Knowing that her death is still a mystery would cause a problem" Luhan waited for Sehun to tell him

"Nathifa" Sehun said

"What a pretty name" Luhan complimented that made Sehun smile again. Sehun noticed that Luhan's face was red, he touched the other's forehead and found out that he's burning because of fever.

"Lu you're burning!" Sehun panicked. Luhan held his hand.

"I'm fine. It must be because of..of" Luhan shook his thoughts remembering what just happened to him. It came back to his mind and he started crying and screaming again.

"No! Please no!" Sehun hugged the deer and calmed him down. Sehun was fuming in anger.

"I promise when I find them they'll suffer first before they die" Sehun whispered still calming Luhan down.

Luhan calmed down after a few minutes. Sehun carried him bridal style to his (Sehun's) room.

He laid Luhan down then get a small pail with cold water and a towel.

He soaked the towel then placed it on Luhan's forehead.

"You don't have to take care of me" Luhan

"No. Of course I should. Lu, I told you I will do everything for you, I love you" Sehun was goig to kiss Luhan when Luhan stopped him

"Y-You'll get a fever too!" Luhan reasoned and Sehun just smirked

"It's fine, as long as you'll take care of me" then he continued the kiss. Luhan kissed back. It was soft.

Full of love

Sehun pulled away before he could do something more than that.

"Sleep now. We'll go out on a date tomorrow" Luhan smiled and nodded. Sehun went out of the room to call someone.

"Hello....ummmm Baek?" he haven't talk to the gang yet since that day. So he supposed that they're still angry

//Sehun? What do you need?// and he is correct. Baek's voice is full of irritation

"Have you found the men who did that to Luhan?"

//Not yet. They're nowhere. Jungkook already told us, take care of Lu// then he dropped the call

And one thing's for sure. Sehun will do everything to find those punks, then torture them until they beg to just kill them.

Sehun walked back inside his room. Luhan is already asleep.

He lay down beside the deer then hugged him, and surprisingly, Luhan hugged back. And that made Sehun smile.

--Baekhyun's house--

Baekhyun is currently holding a marker and solving something on the white board.

"45518...the first step of language" he chanted.

"Oppa!" a little girl called. It's Sairah, his little sister that was left to him for a week because of family stuffs.

"Hello there baby, what do need?" Baekhyun asked as he put the little girl on his lap

"Oppa, can you read this for me?" she pointed at her book

"Sure" Baekhyun then held the book

"The Alphabet, they are letters. And by that, those letters help you to read and write. Therefore, the Alphabet is the--Holy shit!" Baekhyun cursed as he read it again and again.

"Baekkie is there something wrong?" a tall dude with huge ears asked as he popped out of nowhere.

"Channie, hold Sai for a sec" the dude then carried Sairah

"Fuck what?" Baekhyun exclaimed as he wrote

"Babe, what's wrong?" the dude asked worried

"It's nothing Chanyeol, can you take care of Sai for a while? I need to go Underground" the Chanyeol dude knows about baekhyun being the sixth man. Chanyeol is a member/leader of another black lair; Red City.

"Okay, be careful" Chanyeol kissed Baek then the smaller left.


"Hell" Baekhyun called Irene who was currently drinking liquor

"RB? Isn't it too late? Aren't you babysitting Sairah?" she asked while looking at the other confused

"I have something to tell you"

"Is it so important?"

"It's about those dudes after Sehun" that made Hell spit her drink

"W-What about them?" she stuttered

Fuck that shit Hell compose yourself! She thought

"I solved one of the clues, the one with the 45518" he showed Hell a paper where he scribbled the answer

"Shit" Irene cursed under her breathe

"What? Irene do you know something?" Baekhyun was getting suspicious and a bit in range

Irene stared at Baekhyun for a few seconds

"Come with me" she stood up and they went to her 'office'

She made sure no one was there but them

"Irene what the fuck is going on?!" Baek asked

"Baek, before doing something stupid listen to me first" she calmed Baekhyun.

"Alright. Spit it" Baekhyun sat down. And when Irene was about to speak, the door opened. Then it showed a man in white clothing, with a whit face mask that enables people to recognize him. He slowly walked in then locked the door. Both Irene and Baek were shocked. Irene was shocked because she didn't expected his presence and Baek was shocked because he didn't know the dude.

"Who the fuck?..." Baek asked, then the man lifted his shirt and there a tattoo

White Shadow

End of 12th Fall

Have a guess?

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