*1st Fall*

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*First Fall: Oh Sehun*


"Dude. Where's Xyna?"

"Sleeping. She's tired"

"Ohoho. Were you rough?"

"Nah I only loaded 20 times"


"Yah. GG I told you not to abuse your guns." Hell nagged again. Urgh

"I know I know. I told you she's resting." I love that lovely riffle.

"So, what's going today?" Kai asked, he's the one I'm talking to earlier
"We'll go underground. We're expecting some visitors." Hell answered

"Visitors?" I asked. I'm actually not updated about what's happening underground recently
"Oh you'll see dear" Hell smirked and left. She's from the other classroom

Oh yeah. I'm the oh so great Oh Sehun. 18. In Class A. Here in Oh Empire Academy. Nah I don't own this school, but my dad does. Aaand we're included in the Mafia Chart, on the top to be exact.


Psh. Class? Nah, I'll just take a nap.

Yeah a very looong nap.


He's sleeping again. He'll be failing the next exam again. But then AGAIN have a passing grade.
What's life without power? Well, that's for them. For me? I should study.

It's heaven after this anyway.

By the hell way. Kim Jong In, they call me Kai. 18. Class A. Mafia? Yep, the Kim Empire. Top 3 on the chart. And the Top 1 student here.

"Answer this" the peasant pointed the screen. Psh too easy.
Math? Algebra? So my thing.

*Phone Rings*

Message from: Oh Hyxan

Jongin. Tell Sehun he HAS to be at the Empire exactly 12:00am. Tell him not to be late or father will kill him.


Psh why the hell am I these siblings messenger?! Hyxan really hates his youngest brother.

*sigh* I guess I'll just tell him later.

"Okay send me your answers."

Shit! Curse you Oh Hyxan!



"Dude it's time let's go." Kai kept pulling me up

"Darn you just five more minutes."

"Dude you kept on saying that for the past five hours." he groaned.

"Alright I'm up douche." I gave up and just took my bag and stood up

"Finally" he followed

-Inside Kai's Car-

"Ah. Sehun ,Hyxan told me to tell you uncle calls. 12:00am sharp or you're dead."

What's it about again?

"Yeah right" he continued driving.

We reached the destination. Which happens to be

"Casa per Caduti"

We also call it the Underground

"GG! IK!" Hell called

"You are fucking late for five damn hours" D.O also greeted us warmly

"It's his fault Kyungie~" Kai cooed trying to calm down his beloved partner.

Yes, even the fallen has their beloved.

" TSS...faggots," I whispered but seems like they heard it well.

"Oh Sehun I curse you to be one too" D.O swore shooting daggers at me.

But why did I suddenly felt goosebumps because of that silly curse?

"Let's go, they're almost here" Hell ordered

Never mind....


Haha. This will be fun.

"I'll go get Matilda" I said as I walk to my Ferrari Enzo


Noisy...you'll shut up in a few.

I loaded. Let's go for some bang bang bang.

-20 minutes-

"Wooohhhh!!!!" They cheered as I kill three cops at the centre stage

Bang. Bang. Bang.

I took a glass a and poured it to the three. I gestured Kai for a lighter

"This is what you get for being too noisy. You're interrupting Xyna's sleep...

Singed Gold Gear"

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Music. Nice Music.

"Finish!" I yelled more of shouting at Hell

"B+!" She shouted back. What?!

"Only B+?!" I went to her and asked in disbelief

"Yep. It was quite lame" I frowned hard

"Gimme another" I said coldly. She smirked and walked to the last police damn car
She took the last cop by head with one hand and threw it to me

"Time starts


I took my dagger then struck it straight to his heart. I felt the heart meat interact with my dagger so I swiped down my hand placed the damned heart to his stomach while he screams in agony. I could see blood flood. Meat on the ground. I took the dagger out. Heart out of stomach. His liver showing. I threw the stupid heart somewhere and struck the dagger to his head. His scalp letting go from the head. I can view his brain. His eyes were popping out already cause I kept on taking the dagger in and out his head. Okay, is he dead? Or should I remove the tongue too?

Yeah I think I should remove the tongue.

Awww he ain't screaming anymore. I think I should've removed his heart the last.

I finished. And now looking at my art work. It looks so great. Can you imagine it?

I'd love to make a gallery and put this there.

"Okay, that's better. But I think you should've removed the heart last" Hell pouted

"Yeah I think so too"

"Alright. A"

"Yehet!" And they cheered again

Kai and D.O came close to us

"Dude that was awesome" Kai and I fist bumped

"Well, I think it's fine" D.O rolled his eyes. Psh, classic owl.

"Oh shit dude it's 11:30!" Shit.

I ran as fast as I could and entered my car.

I drove so fast I think I flew. Whew. I still have 5 minutes. And that's enough to travel through this place to get to that office.

Stairs. Elevator. Hallways. Bulldogs. Snakes. Lasers. Urgh!

Finally I'm here! Gosh only a minute left.

I waited a little.


*knock knock*

"Come in" voice filled with authority. As if a his whisper can cause you death already.

"Father, you called for me?" I asked trying to act cool. Hell dude this old man is giving me the chills

"Yes. Sehun. I have something to discuss to you" he sounded serious. Well, he always is.

"Have a seat" I sat on the couch in front of his table

"Sehun, son. I want you to be careful this coming days. Maybe for a year or so, you should stay inside--"

"What?!" I suddenly reacted. He looked at me as if it was the worst move to do in this damned world.

"Sorry" I bowed

"As I was saying. You will stay inside a room or this house. Or, you will hire your personal assassin"

I don't like the idea of being protected. I don't like the idea of being locked up more.

"I'll take an assassin" I groaned

"As I thought. You'll pick one tomorrow. Come hear after your classes"

"Yeah, what you said" I said and went out. I'm going to get wild tonight, I mean ummm...this dawn till the last hour of classes. Cause after that? I don't think I'll be able to step underground often anymore.


The Grand Father of the Oh Empire can't seem to be still.

Something's bothering him for a while

He looked down on his table. And there a paper fresh from its envelope read:

Time is ticking. You'll never know what's gonna hit you until it's already hitting you

Oh Sehun is gonna be hit

END OF THE 1st Fall

Hell'a message: Yo peasants. Sorry for this crappy chapter. But I made this in a hurry so sorry. The next chapters will be better. I think the torture then kill part is really boring too. *sigh*
The HunHan is in the shed don't ya worry.

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