*2nd Fall*

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*Second Fall: Lu Han*


Boy, I'm now a baby sitter.

How hell is that? As Hell as me of course.

By the hell way, I'm Irene. Though they call me by my code name underground: Hell

"Hell, help me with Sehun!" Kkamjong called

"I'm already cleaning his mess here!" I yelled back. Oh hell, GG is pretty high.

"Eeww Hun please stop it already" I heard IK plead

Wondering why this scene is happening? Well, Sehun is kinda...depressed?

Well, this is what he told us


Sehun came back underground with face that looks like it was newly harvested from hell

"Why so down?" I asked giving him a glass. He sat down with us here at the counter

"Dad will hire me an assassin." he said poker faced
"What's so bad about that?" IK asked
"He said that I won't be able to go here often for a year or so" our eyes widen
"What why?!" Jongin asked

"I think I know." I joined their talk. Sehun raised me a brow

"What?" He asked. D.O also joined us

"Someone's after you" I answered

They know that when I answer with a straight face, I don't doubt the thought.

They kept quiet then Sehun suddenly cried. The hell?

"I *sniff* need to be kept *sniff* inside until they found out who's after me" oh poor guy. Sehun is the type of guy that doesn't like to stay inside that long.

"Then live the remaining hours of your free life" I suggested

Which was soooo damn wrong.

He dragged me and Jongin to his house, Kyungie managed to escape T_T

---End of Flashback---

Then he got drunk. So drunk.

Then he started dancing. Spinning. Jumping. Watching porn with Kai, only Kai of course. Disgusting stuff is not my style.

And now his flirting with Kai. While I am cleaning his mess.


An hour before classes starts. *sigh*

After cleaning---wait

Argh!! This is so stressing. Me? The queen of the Underground is cleaning the second man's mess?!

And yes, I am the queen of the Underground. Here's the ranking Underground incase you wanna know:

Queen/King: Hell (me)

First Man:

Second Man: Gold Gear (Sehun)

Third Man: Cursed Mask (Wu Fan)

Fourth Man: Inferno King (Kai)

Fifth Man: Under Key (Jimin)

Sixth Man: Rain Blood (Baekhyun)

The first man? Let's say I'm the only one who knows him.

Why am I the only girl? Coz peasants I'm the only girl who joined the Underground, ain't I just awesome? Yes, yes I am.

I went to the two guys and saw Sehun sleeping face first on the floor.

"The hell?" I asked Kai because Sehun has blood coming out of his nose and bruised lips.

"He won't stop kissing me! So I punched him and boom he fell asleep!" He said as if explaining for his life.

"Aight. Let's just get him awake and ready for school" he nodded and we carried Sehun to the bathroom

We put him inside the tub, I turned on the very, very cold water.

"Shit!" Then Sehun sat up

"Got nothing to explain now hurry up get ready cause we are too" then I ran out to the other bathroom


Argh. I have a major head ache, it hurts, so bad so bad.

"Yo gear, you seem hurt" Blood came to me

"Yeah Bad, very bad" I answered my hands massaging my forehead

"Countdown Hun. Ten minutes to go" Kai reminded. I groaned in frustration.

"Why?" Kris joined the conversation. We are currently at the library. The only place at peace.

"Where's Hell?" I asked

"Irene needs to attend her class, they have a test" Baek/Blood answered.

And yes. We're cutting classes.

And as what Kai said; classes are near to end. And for the first time, it's a bad thing.

"Oh so that's what happened" Kris said nodding, maybe Kai told him what happened to me

"Yeah and it's bullshit" I remarked quite pissed

Then they laughed at me

"5" Kris said. Oh no...

"4" followed by Baek...no...no...no...no

"3" Kai...hell...no...please no

"2" Jimin suddenly arrived with Hell, maybe she told him

"1" Hell finished the countdown


"Welcome to Hell" they all said in chorus

Why so cruel? T^T


I am now standing in front of hell's door.

The door to dad's office

I knocked then I heard a deep 'come in'

I saw dad sitting on his swivel chair, elbows on the table and his hands on his forehead. He looks troubled.

"Dad? Is there a problem?" He looked up

"There is, a big problem. Someone blocked the higher ranked assassins I called to go here and let you pick one. They were all dead and was sent here by a plane. I asked for replacement but they only sent..." He stopped and run his fingers through his hair

"Sent what?" I'm happy at the same time nervous

"The Interns." he sighed

Interns? Hmmmmm....say I never had one before.

I don't really need one.

"But I don't really need one." I protested.

"No. You'll need one. You won't be attending school, you can't go outside your house without disguise and someone with you." he said


"No buts young man. Enter!" Then a line of people in the same black outfit came in.

"Now, pick" dad ordered voice full of authority

They all look like peasants---

On second thought. Not all of them.

I walked closer to someone my eyes were glued on. His eyes were cold and empty. Although his pretty face can't be denied.

I stood there in front of it examining everything about it. It has its head low so I raised it up by holding his chin.


"Ehem. I guess you have picked." dad interrupted me. I nodded. Unable to speak.

Dad smirked. Shit he saw through me!

"Here's he's file." he handed me a folder

"You can use him as a you know, you can order him around. So there's no need for you to go out often."
I nodded not really paying attention

"But son," he came close to me as if he'll whisper something

"He's an assassin, do not make him do useless things. Okay?" He gave a naughty laugh

"Whatever." I waved off.

The one I picked followed me as I walked.

While walking I scanned the folder.


Age : 18 years old

Nationality: Chinese

Blood type: O

Gender: Male

Birthday: April 20, 1990


Hmmmmm...So Luhan huh?

We arrived at my room here in the Empire

I told him to sit in front of me for the short interview. I want to know him, too.

"So Luhan. Don't you have a family name?" I asked, because there's only one name written here

"I don't use my father's surname, Sir."  I nodded

He looks so innocent and confident at the same time.

"So, where's your family?" I asked

"I'm an orphan, Sir." he smiled sadly.

"S-Sorry" I bowed.

"You shouldn't bow in front of me Sir, I'm only your helper, and it's alright." he said. Even smiled.

I nodded and at the same time, felt strange.

Why the shit is that?

Nah never mind...

"Okay. Let's go to my house now." I said he nodded and followed me

He told me he can drive so I agreed that he's the one that will drive

*Phone Ring*

Hell Calling...

I accepted the call

"Yo Hell!" I greeted joyfully

//What the hell? Why are you happy? Aren't you supposed to be dead gloomy?//

I laughed "Well that was an hour ago. Higher Assassins died." I announced as if I'm a kid whom got his first kiss

//Okay? Well, wait...are you on the road? I thought you don't like talking while driving?//

"No, someone's driving for me."

//huh? Who?//

"An intern. Don't ask how I got one yet, it's a long story"

//Dude then make it short. Duh// I can tell that she's rolling her eyes.

"I'll just tell the story later. Head to my house with the other four."

//Aight. What's his name?// she asked excitedly.

*IRENE (Hell)


. . .


. . .



Yo peasants! This chapter is dedicated to @HunHanismxx794
Thanks for your support! Thanks for that comment so here's your wish! ^_^t //Salamat bruh//

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