*6th Fall*

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*Sixth Fall: Puzzled*


"Master, can I go out today?" Luhan asked his master with his head low

"Why? Are you going out with that douche bag?" Sehun asked probably referring to his 'rival', Jungkook

"Y-Yes master" the latter answered neevously

"What?! No---" the poor master was cut off by the one besides him

"Of course, Han, you can go even for the whole day" Irene said making the word 'whole' long


"Yep! I'll handle this demon" she assured while pointing to the angry looking Sehun.

Luhan thanked and was about to leave when Sehun pulled him.

Sehun just gave his dear slave a quick kiss. Which made Irene squeal.

"B-Bye, master" Sehun nodded then Luhan left

Sehun looked like he really wanted to stop Luhan. But he has no choice, Hell has his neck, namely and literally.

"What a move. Aight, let's roll" Irene said as she stood up and went outside

Sehun let out a groan and just followed. They rode Irene's car and drove to her lair. Yep, to Hell's Lair.

When they got there they were welcomed by the rest of the gang. Baekhyun was already in front of his laptop.

"What's the update?" Sehun asked as he sat beside Baek

"Nothing much. But I---" he was cut off by the rest except Sehun

"WE" they all chorused

"Fine whatever. We managed to hack your dad's computer, please don't ask how. I--okay we scanned his files and found a journal" Baek received daggers so he continued using 'we'. While Sehun almost laughed at the journal part.

"Why the hell are you laughing?" Jimin asked

"Man seriously a journal?! Dude that's gay!" Sehun laughed

"YOU'RE GAY" and now, it's Sehun's turn to be victimised by the fab choir.

"W-what and ever" Sehun said back in embarrassment and defeat

"Anyway, his latest updates in that journal contained these" Baek handed Sehun the hard copies of his dad's journal. Three papers.

"When heaven meets hell?" Sehun read the first one. He glanced at Baek and Baek looked back at him saying go on

When heaven meets hell -- envelope seal

I've been receiving letters from an unknown sender for three days already.

The first letter read: Hello my dear friend, how's hell?

The second letter read: How are you? Dead already?

And today, I received this : Time is ticking. You don't know what's gonna hit you until it's already hitting you.
Oh Sehun is gonna be hit.

Sehun shivered at that. The rest peeked except for Baekhyun who already knows. They all looked frightened and worried for their second man.

Except for one

"Continue" Kris said

Sehun moved on to the second paper

Today, I received another letter. Same seal, same handwriting.

Hello there my friend I have a puzzle want to solve it?

Oh no, I think you have to do it. Your son's life depends on it.

Here's your first clue:

45518. The first steps of language.

Note: You spared her. You cut her wings.

Tick tock Siegfried

Again, they all shivered. Yes, they are demons but this crap just scares the shit outta them.

As if daggers stab them while reading the letters

Sehun gulped once then continued to the third and last paper.

I have a first step to the puzzle.

All I need to do is act like a kid. And the seal, it's like this:

When heaven meets hell--original

When angels meets demons

And right there it stabbed me.

What if they're going back?

Who are they using?

"W-Who's back?" Sehun asked clueless

"I really don't know Hun. Looks like you don't know your family much.

"Why the hell are they gonna kill me?" Sehun asked almost crying

"Dude pull yourself together. We'll get to the root of this, you won't die" Kai comforted him

"Maybe she just wanted to I don't know...get something back?" Kris said

"Like what?" Jimin

"Dunno. Money?" Kris shrugged

"You have a point. Sehun calm down, we'll get the culprit" Baek assured


Jungkook and Luhan walked together hand in hand.

"Thank you for this day, Lulu" Jungkook smiled as they continued to walk

"Your welcome. And thank you too, I had fun" Luhan smiled back

They stopped in front of Sehun's house. Bid goodbyes and parted ways.

"Lu" Luhan almost jumped when he heard a cold voice call him, it was his master.

"Y-Yes?" Luhan

Sehun walked towards him then gave Luhan a hug


"How's your 'date' with the douche bag?" Sehun asked like an angry kid while pouting.

Luhan found it really cute so he can't stop him self to let out a chuckle

"Ya! What's so funny?"

"Y-you looked cute" and Sehun froze. Still absorbing what he just heard

Now, Luhan is puzzled. Should he show some affection? If he would, is that called being fair to his 'suitors'? Or is that even official? Aish, how puzzling.

He didn't know what to do so

"M-Master, I'll just get changed" and left Sehun redder than red and harder than stone. He can't move.

Luhan just kissed his cheek


Holy Lord. God, I am sorry if that was wrong.

Well, liking a guy, two guys is already wrong.

Yes, I like them both. I never thought I would be a homo. And add the fact that there's two of'em.

"WOOOHHHHH!!!!YEHET!!!!" I heard master cheered, he's so cute.


Luhan went back to his master. He saw Sehun with a wide smile.

"Lu, why don't we have dinner somewhere?" Sehun ask, shyly may I add

"Sure master" Luhan smiled. Sehun nodded then went outside, the deer followed. He went to his car but Luhan stopped him

"Master, why don't we take a walk?" Luhan smiled. That smile that Sehun can't resist.


It is quite a busy day in the streets of Seoul.
Sehun is already hugging Luhan so he won't get bumped. And now conscience hit Luhan.

"Sorry Master. I think it's not a good idea to walk at this situation" Luhan managed to say

"No, it's fine, we're almost there" Sehun is actually enjoying it. Tsk, tsk, luck is on his side today.

They finally arrived at the restaurant. It was a little crowded too. Good thing Sehun made a reservation

When a waitress saw him, she quickly led them to their reserved table.

They sat down, ordered then waited for their food.

Yet Sehun is feeling uneasy. He was feeling this at the street too.

Daggers. Yup, he felt daggers. Lots of'em

His eyes searched. He saw a guy at the counter looking at Luhan. He saw a guy at the corner looking at Luhan. He saw a guy outside looking at Luhan. He saw a guy in his car looking at Luhan.

And all of them had guns inside the pockets. How did Sehun knew? Heh, his eyes are for demons anyway.

"Master? Is there something wrong?" Luhan asked worried. He didn't notice that the food was already served

"Y-Yeah. Let's eat" they ate. Sehun was all sweet to Luhan. He would slice Luhan's meat. He would wipe sauce on Luhan's mouth, sometimes using his own. He even arranged Luhan before eating, putting a clothe on his lap.

But Sehun kept in mind those who looked like they planned to kill Luhan, he concluded that they are part of that who sends his father letters, they know Luhan is important. They're still looking.

"Done?" Luhan nodded as he gulped the last drops of his drink.

Sehun stood up and so did Luhan. Sehun kept Luhan close to him as they exit. There were still some on the streets.

And just like in movies, at the dark alley they approach.

Sehun knew this could happen so he's left with no choice. He needs to end this.

"Lu, stay at my back okay? I have business" Sehun whispered

Luhan was confused but followed anyway. Sehun faced the ugly men, that's what he named them. They took out their guns. Isn't that a bit too early? But whatever, Sehun just chuckled and took out a silver capsule with a red button. He pushed the button then it became a sword like thingy. It isn't a blade though, just a round silver that is shaped like a sword. They shot at the same time at the two but Sehun blocked it with his 'sword'. Sehun took out Shaira; a pistol then made shots too. Luhan was already shaking in fear but he kept quiet. He can't seem to take the scene, so he passed out.




"Lu" a blurred voice kept calling

"Lu" it's becoming clear now. It's master.

I opened my eyes and saw a familiar ceiling, it's my room.

"M-Master?" I called I saw his smiling face while he's stroking my hair.

"You okay now?" He wore his poker face again. What's wrong?

I was about to speak when he suddenly hissed

"Tss. Suddenly fainting in the middle of a fight? How weak" he left my room.

What's wrong with him again?!

I decided to just shrug it off. I sat up then noticed something.

A black and white envelope?

I stood up to look at it

When Heaven meets Hell


Again. Siegfried is thinking deep as he read the new letter

Hello, time for the next clue!

He who can't really see the sun

Tick tock

Note: You who changed him

Surprised? Good, I hope you died because of that surprise. :)

End of Sixth fall

Clues are everywhere. Comment your conclusions.

Ps. I have no typos in this chapter(I think) Or maybe in all the chapters. Did ya get me on that? Haha

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