*7th Fall*

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*Seventh Fall: Threats*


The second man is scared as hell. He's shaking. Remembering what happened last night.


When Sehun finished the ugly men, he went home while carrying Luhan in his arms. He went straight to the fragile boy's room and put him on his bed. He stared at the boy, beautiful indeed. Just when he was about to place his lips on the other's, he received a message.

He went out for a while when he saw that the message has a video.

There was no note. Just the video. He clicked 'play' which he wished he never did

"No! Please don't! Let go of him!" A man cried while struggling

"Shut the fuck up faggots!" The man received a slap from another man; Oh Siegfried

"No!! Please stop!" Another man being tied begged

Men in black took off all the tied man's clothes. When he was left naked they took out knives and started stabbing him. Cries. Cries and blood splatter were heard.

"I love you" the tied man whispered looking at the man Siegfried slapped.

The men in black poured gas on the tied man. They let go of the other man and he went to his beloved. He hugged the other and shared a kiss for the last time

"I love you more, until hell breaks"

"Disgusting. Burn them" and then it happened. They were burned to death.

And now the poor Sehun is shaking. Too scared to even realise his on the cold ground, crying.

He composed himself and entered Luhan's room to wake him up. For him, this needs to end. He doesn't want to die

He will follow Irene though. He won't kill the poor deer. He will just end the suitor thingy.

"Tss. Suddenly fainting in the middle of a fight? How weak" then he left the room leaving Luhan clueless.

---end of flashback---

He can't seem to forget anymore. He has seen that kind of scene before, when he was just a fragile boy. He heard their cries a hundred times. And just last night, it all came back after his years of being a fallen.

His phone rang. Just like last night. But this time, it was a call.

//Hun? Are you crying?//

"P-Please c-come h-hear K-Kai"

//Okay okay. Should I bring the rest?//


//Aight we're on our way//

After several minutes the gang arrived and a still shaking Sehun welcomed them

"What happened?" Irene asked worriedly as she hug Sehun

"Vi-Video" Sehun answered while pointing his phone

Kris took the phone and a video welcomed him. He played it.

"Shit" Kris cursed under his breath so the rest except Sehun watched it too.

Who the fuck sent this?" Kai asked as if someone can answer him

"Could it be those who sent the letters?" Kyungsoo concluded

"Possible" Baek nodded

"Shhh. Where do you want to go? Where's Lu?" Irene asked

"No. Not Lu. He shouldn't know how pathetic I am. I should avoid him. I don't wanna die. No, I'm not gonna die" Sehun chanted like a mad man. The rest kept on calming him.

"Do you want to go watch the sunset? Isn't that what you always wanna do?" Irene cooed as if Sehun is the child she used to take care of.

"Dude. I can't look at the sun" Kai reminded

"I-It's fine let's go somewhere else, Kris, you tell Lu" Sehun said still shaking in Irene's arms

Kris nodded and went to Luhan's room. He knocked twice and Luhan immediately opened the door

"Hey Lu" Kris greeted

"Sir Kris? Why?" Luhan bowed

"We're taking Sehun somewhere. You take charge here"

"Yes sir"

Before leaving Kris noticed Luhan's red and swollen eye.

He decided not to ask and just left.

"Aight let's go" Jimin started the engine when Kris exited the house

After they left, someone arrived; Jungkook

He smirked when he saw a car left. He rang the door bell.

"Kook?" Luhan greeted a little shock

"Sorry for the sudden visit. But I guess I'm on time, you master left" he smiled

"Uh yeah. I don't think I have the right to welcome you inside though" he smiled in apology

"No it's fine. Let's stay at the garden? Is that okay?" Luhan just nodded and they went to the bench at the front yard

Once they sat down Jungkook noticed something, same as what Kris did.

"Did you cry?" Jungkook asked worried

"H-Huh? N-No" Luhan stuttered. Obviously lying.

"Come on. You can tell me. And why the hell is your left eye the only one swollen?" Curiosity at its best

"My right eye is artificial. And I don't wanna talk about it" Luhan answered one question sadly

Jungkook pitied Luhan. He's an orphan, he works as a slave, and has an artificial eye. Poor kid.

"Sorry. But you haven't answered the other question yet"

"I-It's S-Sehun"

"What?! What did he do? Did he touched you badly again?!" Jungkook felt furious

"N-No. He confessed lately, he liked me. He was all sweet to me, then last night, he became cold again"
Luhan stated sadly

And Jungkook can only think of one word


This means Luhan likes Sehun back

"Y-You like him?" Jungkook asked avoiding Luhan's gaze

"Oh no! That's not what I meant! S-Sorry" Luhan lowered his head

"Lu, tell me, do I even have a chance?" Silence. Luhan didn't know what to say.

He's confused. So confused.

Jungkook smiled sadly at Luhan, and the other gave him an apologising look.

"It's okay. Lu, that's your heart. Don't force it, follow it. So, can we be friends?" Jungkook offered a hand shake that made Luhan smile

"Best friends" he beamed and shook Jungkook's hand

"And now as your best friend, I advice you to fight for that" Jungkook pointed at where Luhan's heart is placed

"My heart?" Jungkook nodded

"Yep. Dude, it still fucking hurts but whatever. You should tell him you like him back, and by doing that, maybe he'll be an angel to you for good" Luhan laughed at this

"Yah. Why are you laughing?"

"Master? Angel? Dude he's a fallen" Luhan laughed. Jungkook frowned at this and pouted. He was somehow affected by the word 'fallen'

"Oh shit sorry I didn't mean it like that" Luhan apologised cutely which made the other chuckle

"It's okay. And where the hell did you learn how to cuss?" Now Jungkook sounded like a father

"From all of you" Luhan pouted

"Well, you have a point. But don't cuss often okay? It's bad" Jungkook

"Says the one who does it"

They laughed at this not realising a pair of jealous eyes watching them

"Don't tell me you're jealous?" Irene teased the guy beside her; Sehun

"N-No. I told I'd stop already" Sehun looked away. The others inside the car teased him too. They decided to wait until Jungkook leaves. Not too long, he left.

"Bye now. Dude, pull yourself together" Kai reminded Sehun before leaving

Sehun gave a nod and went inside. He saw Luhan cooking. He smiled at the view, but shook it off.

"Master, dinner is ready" Luhan said. But Sehun just ignored him and went to his room. Poor Luhan felt a tear drop again. So he ate alone. Sehun watched him at the last step of the staircase. He hates it that Luhan is hurt because of him. But what can he do? He loves his life.

Luhan went to his room. He remembered the letter he received and read it again.

His wings are fragile as silence

Remind him who he is and he'll break

An angel who fell cannot bring back the sense

Sorry, I'm afraid your heart needs to ache

This angel ain't hit by conscience

Falling for a fallen is not good to take

Ps. You're the A and he's the B

It sent shivers to his whole body. At the moment of thrill his phone rang which made him jump

"H-Hello?" It was an unregistered number

//Hey Lu! It's Irene! Oh and don't ask where I got your number hihihihihi//

"Oh. Do you need anything Miss Irene?"

//Oh Luhan. Oh wait that didn't sound right, but whatever you two make a prefect couple.hihihihihi. Irene's dine drop the formalities// Heh Irene and her mouth


//Sorry if I'm weird but hey I'm awesome. Lu, I heard from Jungkook that you two are best friends now. You dropped the romance. Don't ask how I knew from Kookie. And earlier while you two were laughing together Sehun looked really jealous//

"Eh? Irene, he hates me, I can feel it"

//No he does not! He likes you Luhan. He's just afraid and I'll tell you about it tomorrow. I swear. I even think he loves you already// Irene squealed


//hihihihihi dear, I'll talk to you tomorrow 'kay? Bye!// then she dropped the call

Luhan let out a sigh and decided to sleep.

Threats, yep many of them.

End of 7th Fall

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