Chapter 15- Keep dreaming Hun

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Fresh air hits me when I get out of the bus at school. I walk towards my locker to see Liam and Jake already waiting for me. I hug both of them, one by one. Liam just holds me a little longer. As we pull away, Wesley, Amy and Emily walk towards us.

"You could have texted back?", is the first thing I ask Wesley.

"Ummm....sorry I slept off early yesterday", he replies scratching his hair. He is embarrassed?

" that a fucking hickey Amy? You two....?? You two had sex didn't you?", Jake exclaims.

"I told you Wesley they will notice it", Amy says.
Red color creeps onto his face and he seems at a loss for words.
Liam and Jake both have smirks on their face while Em looks just as shocked as me.

"What's popping people?", Andrew walks in and I almost laugh at irony of his words.

"Nothing just that Wesley and Amy had sex for the first time." Emily answers.

"What the hell? Already? You used protection right? If my best friend gets pregnant I'll kill you Wesley."

"Calm down hulk. Yes we used a condom and can we please stop talking about it?", Amy says looking embarrassed by people discussing her sex life, I would be too.

"Looks like Wesley is wishing he could dig a hole and die", Liam snorts and I hit him for embarrassing them even further.
Wesley just groans.
"Movie at my place tonight?" Andrew asks. We all agree before leaving for our respective classes.

I am so glad my dance practice got canceled today otherwise I would surely have been late to go to Andrew's house.

Everyone decided to watch The Dark Night after a lot of bickering on which DC movie to watch. I am neither a marvel fan nor a DC fan. But I still feel awkward putting forward my opinions. I know that is very wierd since I know them for 6 months now, but that is me.

Batman walks into the interrogation room to interrogate The Joker when I turn to Liam, "How did you get the habit of smoking?"

"What? Watch the movie, I love it."

"This means you have already watched it more than 4/5 times. So answer me. So how did you start smoking?"

"I don't smoke frequently, only when I am too stressed or angry. I got it from my dad. Now can I watch the movie please?"
I decide to not push it further. When batman starts strangling The Joker, I zone out and then lose myself into a shuffling maze of thoughts.

"He is a silent guardian, a watchful protector, A Dark Knight", Gordon, I think thats what his name is says and the movie ends.

It is 7 when the movie ends so we all decide to go for dinner. We find it difficult to find a place which serves vegetarian but we do find it. Amy and Wesley all over each other. Amy is feeding Wesley, which I can see makes him uncomfortable but he keeps opening his mouth when she brings her hand to his mouth. I mentally cringe at that but who am I to judge, I am not an experienced one in relationships.

Liam offers to drive me home and I agree. He is a lot more tolerable than he was before.

"So your dad smokes?" I blurt before I am able to instruct my mouth to shut up.

"He did. My mum threatened to leave him. Since then he has quit but I found his stash....", he says. "Are you always this nosy?", he asks

"Well thats what I have been told by many people. I am not a fan of people who smoke though....but you make an exception I guess."

"So are you saying that you are a fan of mine? Well obviously looking at my body and face, I should not be shocked", he laughs....annnnnddd we are back.

"Keep dreaming hun"

"Well 'babe' you are the one that's gonna be dreaming....about me"

"Don't call me babe"

" Don't call me hun"

That's how we bicker all the way back till my house. My sister, Yana, rushes out when I get out of the car with a smug look on her face.

"Oh you are gonna get goooood from mom and dad.", she says smugly before rushing back inside.

Shit. I forgot to text them about going for dinner and also my battery died midway during dinner so I am assuming they couldn't reach me. Good luck me.

"I'll see you at my funeral. Leave lillies please.", I say as he laughs.

I recite a silent prayer before opening the door to hell.

"Where were you??", my mum yells and continues, "Giving you a phone is of no use if you cannot call and inform us."

"I am sorry I forgot to call. My phone's battery died so that's why you weren't able to contact me."

"But Nyra, we are still new in this country. Your mom almost had a heart attack when she couldn't reach you.", my dad says this time.

"I know and I am sorry. We went for dinner after the movie ended.", I say to my dad. Saying it to my mom I of no use since she is not gonna listen.

"So already had dinner? What will happen to the food I made at home?", my yells again. She then starts her lecture about how many people who don't get food and how irresponsible it is of me to not tell her and now how this food will go wasted. Then she points out the part how much effort it takes and how I don't respect. After me saying sorry for the 100th time and saying that I'll be more responsible next time, I go back up to my room and sleep early after scrolling through twitter and Instagram for a few minutes.


So my exams are postponed because of Corona Virus. Hope everyone is safe and healthy. Please listen to your governments.

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Stay safe

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