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Rebecca's POV:

I wrote a note to the Weasley's, Harry and my sister so that everyone would I know I would be gone all day. In 2 weeks it would be Christmas so I decided I would get everyone presents.

I rode my broomstick to Diagon Alley. When my phone rang. "Hello?" I asked. "Hey Rebecca." Ginny said. "Oh hey Ginny. How is my bestie?" I asked happily.

Ginny cleared her throat like she always did when I called her bestie or sister from another mister. It was kind of weird. But I just deemed it a 'Ginny thing'. "I'm fine. But where are you?" Ginny asked concerned. I smiled to myself. Typical Ginny. Always concerned for my safety.

"I'm just straightening a few things up. Tell Hermione that I'm not going to die on my Top Secret Mission." I said smirking. Ginny groaned. "Where are you?" She snapped. I hung up the phone.

I loved Ginny like a sister. But sometimes she annoys the shit out of me. Just like everyone else. Everyone presumes I'm reckless, carefree or careless but I can be other things.

For Hermione I decided to buy her a limited edition of Alice in Wonderland signed by Lewis Carroll. For Ginny I brought a best friend necklace. You know like the one with one half that says Best and the other saying Friend.

For George I got him a new broomstick since his broke a couple weeks ago. For Harry I got him some hair gel. For Ron I got him a swear jar since he swears a lot. For Mrs. Weasley I'm going to make her a Weasley jumper. For Charlie I got him a dragon snow globe. For Fleur I got her some cooking supplies. For Percy I got him a cauldron as inside joke when he was doing an essay on the thickness of cauldron bottoms. And for Mr. Weasley I got a rubber duck.

I arrived back at the Burrow during dinner with everything securely in my backpack. "I'm back!" I said excitedly. I frowned when there was no chairs left since Fleur, Bill, Charlie, George and Percy were visiting.

"Hey you could sit on Ginny's lap." Harry said wriggling his eyebrows. I frowned deeper. Am I missing something? "Why are you wiggling your eyebrows? Is there something I should know?" I asked confused.

Fluer and Hermione giggled. I pouted. "What is it?" I asked annoyed now. "N-nothing." Ginny said a little too quickly. Ginny also did this a lot. "Seriously guys, you can tell me." I said annoyed.

"You don't want to know." George smirked. I frowned. "Well that just makes me want to know even more now." I said getting more annoyed. Mrs. Weasley sighed. "Young love." She said blissfully.

"Young love? Who's gotten together? Has George found a girlfriend? What is it?" I asked confused. "I've gotten a boyfriend." Charlie blurted out. I grinned. "Congratulations Charlie! What's his name?" I squealed happily.

Charlie sighed. "I was lying." He mumbled. I pouted. "That was a mean joke." I said sulking in Ginny's lap. "You're okay with me sitting in your lap aren't you?" I asked Ginny sweetly. Ginny nodded and gulped. "Y-yeah totally." She said.

Ginny sometimes stutters around me as well. I don't know why though. Maybe she has a stutter. I'll have to ask Mrs. Weasley. If she does then I wonder why Ginny didn't tell me. Or anyone else didn't tell me.

Hermione laughed. "You look funny when you actually think." My annoying sister laughed. I pouted. "I think. You just don't notice." I protested. Harry laughed. Does everyone think I'm dumb? Am I the dumb one?

I thought I was the... Huh, I guess I am the dumb one. Is it an endearing dumbness? Or an annoying dumbness? Now I've confused myself. What if I'm the annoying dumb one? I can't be the annoying dumb one!

"Er you can get off my lap now." Ginny said blushing. "Okay." I smiled happily and moved to sit on the sofa. Ginny looked at me weirdly while I looked into the fire.

"What is it?" I asked turning to my best friend. "N-nothing." Ginny stuttered looking down to her lap.

I skipped over to Mrs. Weasley as she walked up the dirty plates. "Mrs. Weasley?" I asked to grab her attention. Mrs. Weasley smiled and turned to me. "Yes, dear?" Mrs. Weasley asked kindly.

"Does... Ginny have a stutter?" I asked concerned that I'm untrustworthy. I mean if no one told me I must be untrustworthy. Right? "No dear. Why do you ask?" Mrs. Weasley said.

I smiled. "No reason. It's just Ginny stutters a lot. I thought maybe I had forgotten about it or everyone just forgot to tell me." I explained. Mrs. Weasley frowned.

"Why would we forget to tell you?" Mrs. Weasley asked. I shrugged. "Because it wasn't that important for me to know?" I suggested. "What other things does Ginny do around you?" Mrs. Weasley asked grinning.

"She blushes a lot. And Ginny looks at my oddly on occasion." I explain. Mrs. Weasley smile widened. "True love." She said sighing blissfully.

"True love? What's true love?" I asked confused. Mrs. Weasley shook her head. "Nothing dear." She said going outside to feed the chickens.

What was it about me that made me untrustworthy? Why wouldn't someone just tell me what's going on?

"Woah chill out." Harry said. "What?" I asked dazed. "You just punched the table." He said frowning. "Oh." I said. "What's bothering you?" Harry asked.

"Am I untrustworthy?" I asked annoyed. "No." Harry replied honestly. "Then am I dumb?" I asked. Harry shook his head. "Not in the slightest." He replied.

"Then why won't anyone tell me what's going on?" I groaned frustrated. "Because we have to wait until Ginny grows some lady balls and tells you herself." Harry replied. I frowned in confusion. "What do you mean?" I asked.

But Harry was already gone.

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