The Burrow

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Ginny's POV:

I sat in a tree reading my book while Rebecca hovered in the air on her broom while reading still fidgeting mind you. "Rebecca get down! You're going to kill yourself!" Hermione yelled forcing me to tear her eyes away from my gorgeous best friend Rebecca.

Rebecca rolled her eyes laughing. "Oh come on sis. You only live once. Live it up." She said smiling carefree. Even after the battle Rebecca had an aura of carefreeness to her.

Hermione frowned up at her sister. Ron came outside. "Oh come on 'Mione Rebecca will be fine. Right?" My brother asked wanting Hermione to himself no doubt.

"Sir yes sir." Rebecca mock saluted at Ron. "That's why I like you Rebecca." Ron smiled. I rolled my eyes. "I'm right here brother." I yelled jokingly. "Eh you're okay." Ron said shrugging.

Rebecca mockingly stuck her tongue out at me. I jumped down and chased Ron around the garden. Rebecca laughed. That laugh will be the death of me. Ron ran in as I was momentarily distracted.

"Don't worry Gin. You have Harry." Rebecca comforted from her broomstick. Right Harry. "Yeah. I guess I do." I smirked up at her laughing.

"Can you make sure Rebecca doesn't die or something Ginny?" Hermione pleaded as she walked in to my brother. "Of course Hermione." I promised.

I climbed back up the tree. Rebecca frowned in confusion. I sighed. "What are you confused about Rebecca?" I asked. "Well I just can't read this word." She said annoyed. Rebecca looks cute annoyed. Like a bunny. She threw the book at The Burrow.

"Screw it. It was boring anyway." Rebecca frowned. "Rebecca you didn't need to throw it at my house." I laughed. See Rebecca has dyslexia which means she understands things at a slower pace. Accompanied with her unwillingness to sit down and read is not a good mix.

"Rebecca that's the 7th book you threw at the house!" Hermione yelled her hair messed up and her skirt ripped. "We all know what you were doing." I said suggestively wriggling my eyebrows. Hermione blushed in realisation.

"No. I don't. What were you doing?" Rebecca asked confused. Rebecca's innocence never fails to astound me. "You don't want to know." I laughed. Rebecca pouted. That pout is all I need to die happy. "Yes I do." Rebecca protested.

Later Harry arrived. He put his arm around me and leaned in to kiss me. "We need to talk." I blurted out. I couldn't stop myself. It's just it all felt so wrong. Especially with Rebecca...

"We need to break up." I said to Harry solemnly when we were alone. "What? Why?" Harry asked confused. I took a deep breath. "I've liked someone for a long time and I can't do this to you. You're like a brother." I said softly.

"Who is it?" Harry asked calmly. I looked down. "It's... Rebecca Granger." I said tears falling from my eyes. Harry unexpectedly hugged me. "I know." He whispered into my hair.

I pulled away and looked at him shocked. "I knew ever since I really looked at how you looked at her. You look at Rebecca like... Your problems are just gone. Like you just saw a miracle. I want someone to look at me like that." He said quietly.

"Wow. You never cease to amaze Harry James Potter. And I hope someone does look at you like that. You deserve it." I smiled at him.

We broke the news to everyone. They were understandably shocked and sad.

"Poor you Ginny. Oh I'm so sorry." Hermione comforted while Rebecca just rubbed my back affectionately. She never was good with words or emotions. Hermione nudged Rebecca.

"You know what I feel like? A taco." Rebecca said randomly. Hermione face planted while I laughed. "Wow that actually worked." Hermione said astonished.

Rebecca ran downstairs to make a taco. "Why did you break up with Harry?" Hermione asked. "Because it wasn't working out." I lied quietly. Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Is it because you're in love with my sister?" Hermione asked bluntly. I fell silent. Hermione took my silence as a 'yes'. "Eek! Yay. We'll be sister-in-law." Hermione said excitedly.

I laughed. "We already would've been." I said laughing. "Oh yeah." Hermione said frowning.

Rebecca came back up. "Taco?" She asked offering one to each of us. We both shook our heads. "Well more for me." Rebecca said happily. Hermione rolled her eyes.

"I swear you'll kill yourself one day. Whether it's because of your recklessness on broomsticks or your unhealthy diet." Hermione scolded her sister. Rebecca laughed. "Well you'll kill yourself by not trying anything new." She retorted to her sister happily.

Hermione huffed. "You're impossible." Hermione said shaking her head at her sister. "Impossible at what?" Rebecca inquired cheekily. Hermione frowned. "Shut your mouth." Hermione ordered.

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