Chapter 31

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Third Person's POV

"I don't know if this is a good idea, Naina," Rajveer says, confused about what to do in this situation.

Hearing him, Naina closes her eyes, gathering courage for the thing she is about to do.

This action of hers will either make or break their relationship.

She slowly leans toward him, lightly pressing her lips against his, feeling glad when he does not push her away.

After a while, she leans back, and cradling his face with both her hands, she looks directly in his eyes.

"Please, Rajveer," she begins, calling him by his name without adding Sir for the first time.

"If you do feel the same way about me, please do not push me away." Saying that, she leans toward to kiss him again.

Rajveer feels every nerve of his body come alive when he feels Naina's lips pressed against his.

He had dreamt of this moment countless times. He had dreamt of this kiss innumerable times. But all those dreams did not compare to this reality.

Just a touch of her lips and he knows he is already addicted.

He feels his control slipping as he slowly starts to forget why this is so wrong and why he should deny himself her love.

He knows he needs to back off and tell her to go. He knows he needs to stop it. But try as he might, he could not bring himself to do that.

After everything he has faced in his life, after every loss he suffered, every happiness he lost, he wants to give one chance to his love. He wants to grasp to that joy that Naina's presence in his life can give him.

He is still controlling the urge to deepen the kiss when he feels Naina tracing his bottom lip with her tongue, and that snaps his careful control.

He groans and tangles his one hand on her hair and snakes his other hand on her waist, pulling her closer for a fiery and passionate kiss.

As he crushes his lips against hers, he feels like he is walking on air.

It was pure magic, the way her lips connected with his. Her mouth so warm and her lips so soft against his that not getting enough, he tugs her hair lightly to angle her mouth closer to his and deepens the kiss.

He never knew that a kiss could be so electrifying. He wanted to drown in the feeling that she and her lips were evoking in him and never surface back again.

Slowly, the world was disappearing around him, along with all the rules and regulations of KMA.

He felt like none of it mattered. Nothing else mattered as long as he is with her.

Her lips were moving in perfect sync with his, and he pulled her closer to him, kissing her with passion, pouring all his love and his feelings in that kiss.

This one kiss gave him the courage to do what had to be done.

He left her lips and leaned his forehead against hers, breathing hard.

'I cannot lie to her. When she has bared her heart in front of me, I cannot disrespect her by lying to her.' He decides.

"I love you, Naina. I love you so much," he finally confesses and hugs her.

"I love you too so much," Naina replies shyly, hugging him back, still in a hazy state from her first kiss.


Seated on the couch in his living room with Naina sitting in front of him, he is unable to figure out what to say to her.

He wants to tell her about the realization of his love for her in solitary confinement. But he does not know how to start.

This is all new to him, so he does not know how to proceed or what to say after confessing his love to her.

But he knows he needs to tell her something. After all, how can he stay silent after kissing her like that?

'What must she be thinking of me?' He thinks and decides to say something.

Naina is still feeling shy after the kiss.

'How could I act so boldly in front of him and initiate kissing him?' She bites her bottom lip in nervousness.

Yes, she is a strong-headed girl, but she had never thought that she would kiss someone to make him confess his feelings for her one day.

'And that someone I kissed is none other than Rajveer Sir. What must he be thinking of me?' She thinks, deciding to explain.



Both speak at the same time and smile at each other.

"Yes, Naina? What were you going to say?" Rajveer asks Naina.

"No, Sir. You say first," she replies, wanting to know what he wanted to tell her.

"Naina I--" He begins but is interrupted when his mobile phone rings.

Looking at his screen, he finds the caller to be Lieutenant Chaubey.

"Just a minute, Naina. I need to take this," he tells her, and receives the call when she nods at him.

"Yes, Chaubey. Tell me," he says on the phone, and is surprised after hearing what Chaubey.

"Are you sure? Have you cross-checked?" He asks to confirm the news.

"Ok, Chaubey. Good job. Continue keeping an eye on her." Saying that, he hangs up the phone.

"Who was it, Rajveer Sir? Is it something related to your mission? And who are you keeping an eye on?" Naina asks him as soon as he hangs up the phone.

He smiles, hearing her questions.

Oh, how much he had missed her questions during the last few days.

His smile widens when he realizes he will never have to be without her questions ever again.

Naina and her questions will be with him for his whole life now.

"I was wondering what happened to my Naina Ah.... Singh. But now that you are back to your interrogation avatar, I am relieved you are fine," Rajveer teased her.

"Are you making fun of me?" Naina narrows her eyes. "Ok, I won't ask you any question from now on."

"No, Naina. Please ask as many questions as you want because I missed them so much during the last few days. Only I know how I stopped myself from coming to you every time I missed you," Rajveer tells her.

"Then why did you stop yourself? Why did you not come to me? You knew that I was so lonely without you, but still, you did not come. Why?" Naina asks him, her eyes getting misty, and Rajveer also feels his eyes pricking with unshed tears.

He walks to where she was seated on the couch and kneels in front of her.

Keeping his hands over hers in her lap, he looks up at her and starts speaking.

"I am sorry, Naina. I know I acted stupidly. But I promise you. I will never do that again. I will never make you feel lonely again."

Naina smiles, hearing his promise.

She knows he means every word. The look in his eyes says it all.

"I believe in your promise," she tells him and feels her heart flutter when his whole face alights with his gorgeous smile.

She is mesmerized, looking at his face.

'How can he be so handsome? His eyes look more beautiful when crinkled from his smile, and he has such kissable lips. If only I could kiss him one more time.'

Her eyes widen due to her own thoughts.

'You just kissed him to make him confess, Naina, and now you are thinking of kissing him again? Control yourself. Otherwise, he might think that you are a kissing maniac,' she reprimands herself and thinks of leaving his quarter before she does something to embarrass herself.

"Umm, Sir, I think I should go now. It's almost time for the lights out," Naina tells him, but Rajveer frowns, hearing her.

"Why are you calling me Sir again, Naina? If I remember correctly, you were calling me by my name a while ago," he teases her, and sees her blush at his words.

Gazing at her, he realizes she looks more beautiful with that blush adorning her cheeks.

The way she has lowered her eyes, avoiding looking at him due to her shyness, and the way she keeps tucking her hair behind her ear, she is such a wonderful mix of adorable, shy, and beautiful.

'And she is mine now,' he thinks, wondering how he got so lucky.

Just a few days back, he had thought he would have to hide his love for her. He had thought he would have to bury all his feelings and continue longing for her his whole life.

But now everything is out in the open.

And to top that, she also feels the same way for him.

'What more could I ever want from life?' He smiles, feeling his heart jolt with a rush of emotions for his girl.

"What happened, Naina Ah.... Singh? Cat got your tongue?" He asks her, looking at her lovingly.

She was still looking down, avoiding meeting his gaze. Her cheeks were flushed, and she was wringing her hands in nervousness.

Suddenly, she bites her bottom lip, and seeing that, he has the urge to kiss her senseless.

He knows now how it is like to kiss her, and he wants to feel that again.

'If only I could kiss her again.'

He draws in a deep breath and exhales to clear that thought from his mind.

'Stop it, Rajveer. What are you thinking? You just kissed her a while back. You cannot keep kissing her every five minutes. She might get scared,' he chides himself.

"Umm, Sir. I do not know what you are talking about. I need to go now. It's quite late, and almost time for the lights out too," Naina says and runs out of his quarter, not giving him a chance to speak.

He smiles fondly and shakes his head once she leaves.

He did not know his fearless Naina knew how to feel shy too.

But his smile falters when he remembers what he has hidden from her.

Although he is happy knowing that Naina reciprocates his love, one worry is still nagging him because he has hidden a big truth from her.

The truth that has the potential to ruin everything.

The truth that can destroy the very foundation of their relationship.

He just hopes when the time comes to finally tell her the truth, their bond will be strong enough to bear the brunt of that truth.

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