Chapter 32

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Third Person's POV

After finishing his classes for the day, Rajveer is walking through the academy corridor to get to his quarter, when he sees Ritu walking toward him with a smile on her face.

He controls his urge to groan out loud and fakes a smile on his face, looking at her as she ambles toward him.

He knew she would be back to the academy today. After all, Chaubey had been keeping an eye on her and had told him last night about her arrival in KMA.

He wants to confront her and ask her how she framed Naveen and who was the mastermind behind that conspiracy, but he knows doing that will not lead him anywhere.

So, he will have to pretend to be friendly with her until he knows about her plans and her boss.

"Hello, Captain Rajveer. How have you been?" Ritu asks him once she reaches closer to him.

"I am fine, Dr. Mishra. It's good to see you back in the academy." He forces himself to continue smiling at her, controlling hard not to sneer at her instead.

"Really? Did you miss me?" Ritu asks Rajveer, putting the right amount of longing and hope in her voice.

She has been doing this for so long that she knows exactly how to trap men in her love.

Rajveer could see through Ritu's façade.

He knows what she is trying to do. She is trying to do the same thing with him, which she had done with Naveen.

But he will not let her succeed this time.

"Well, Dr. Shalini surely missed you. She kept on talking about you all the time. Did you meet her?" He carefully avoids answering her question.

Feeling disappointed by Rajveer's reply, Ritu decides to try one more time.

"Umm, not yet. I just arrived now, and I thought of meeting you first. I wanted to ask you something," she tells him, pleased with the way she perfected her voice, putting the right amount of hesitation and shyness in it.

Rajveer is about to ask Ritu what she wants, but he panics when he sees Naina walking towards them.

Here Ritu is trying to flirt with him, and his hot-headed prankster girlfriend is about to witness it.

'What the hell is going to happen now?' He wonders, getting worried about how Naina will react.

"Captain Rajveer? Are you listening?" Ritu's voice snaps him out of his reverie.

"Yes, Dr. Mishra. I am sorry. You were saying?" He asks Ritu and hopes whatever she days won't rile up Naina.

"Captain, I wanted to ask if you would want to go out with me tonight?

"My favorite actor's movie was released last week, and I have not watched it yet. I was wondering if you could come with me to watch that movie," Ritu tells him, shyly tucking her hair behind her ear.

'This perfect move has made many fall for me, and I know Captain Rajveer will fall for it too. All men are the same, after all.' She smirks at her thought.

Naina was walking toward Rajveer, wanting to talk with him about one of his lessons, but when she reached the place where he was talking with Dr. Ritu Mishra, she heard Ritu asking Rajveer out.

'How dare she ask my Rajveer out?' She thinks, fuming in anger.

"Rajveer Sir is mine," she blurts out without thinking, and hearing her, Rajveer closes his eyes.

'How am I going to handle this situation now?' He wonders.

"Excuse me, Cadet Naina Singh. What did you just say?" Ritu asks Naina.

"Ma'am, I meant Rajveer Sir is my mentor, and he cannot go out with you tonight because he had told me to report to him tonight so that we can discuss my progress in classes and drills," Naina lies to Ritu smoothly, and turns to Rajveer, "Right, Sir?"

Naina was sweetly smiling at him, but Rajveer could see the anger in her eyes.

"Yes, Dr. Mishra. Cadet Singh is right. I had been quite busy for the last few days that I was unable to observe her progress. That is why I had called her tonight to discuss her training," Rajveer tells Ritu.

"In fact, Cadet Singh, it is already 1800 hours now. Come with me now, and we can discuss everything. I will clear all your worries," Rajveer says to Naina, silently pleading with his eyes to come with him so he could explain the situation she walked into.

Understanding what his eyes were trying to convey, Naina nods at him.

"Yes, Sir. We can go now," she replies.

Excusing themselves from Ritu, both leave from there.

Ritu watches Rajveer and Naina walk away from her with a slight frown on her face.

She had found their conversation a bit weird. It was as if they were saying one thing and meaning something else.

She wonders if something is going on between those two.

'No, that cannot happen. I will have to act fast. I need to make Captain Rajveer fall in love with me soon,' she thinks, smirking evilly.

Last time she had been unsuccessful in her plans, but not this time.

This time she will trap Captain Rajveer in her love, and those triggers will be hers too.

She will make sure that she tastes sweet victory this time.


Once they enter his quarter, Rajveer quickly closes and locks the door.

"Naina, listen to me. What you heard--" He begins speaking but Naina interrupts him.

"Captain Rajveer Singh Shekhawat. Why the hell was Dr. Ritu Mishra asking you out?"

"That is what I am trying to say. She was asking me out. I was not asking her out. And I was going to refuse her too. It's just that you arrived there and spoke before I could refuse her," he explains, wanting to pacify her anger.

"But why would she ask you out in the first place? She just returned today and suddenly asked you out?" She narrows her eyes at him. "Is there something you are not telling me?"

Rajveer is unable to figure out how to answer her.

He cannot reveal Ritu's truth to Naina yet.

He knows Naina. She can be impulsive and hot-headed at times, especially where Naveen is concerned.

And he cannot risk her going to Ritu and confronting her after learning the truth because that can put both Naina and their mission in danger.

"Naina, how am I supposed to know that? She asked me out. Go and ask her." He avoids answering her direct questions, and Naina fumes at his reply.

"I am sure you must have given her your charming smile. You are already handsome, and your smile is something to die for. It is your fault. Your face's and your smile's fault. Any girl would fall for you. Why would Dr. Ritu Mishra be an exception? You--" Naina stopped speaking abruptly when she sees him looking at her with an amused expression marring his face.

"So, Naina Ah... Singh thinks I am handsome, and my smile is something to die for? Hmm, then that must be the reason behind Ritu asking me out." Rajveer teases her.

"Oh, so you are already calling her Ritu now instead of Dr. Mishra? Ok then, go out with your Ritu. Who am I to stop you? In fact, I will also go out with someone else." Naina pouts, and Rajveer feels the urge to laugh out loud.

But he controls himself, not wanting to anger her further. Although he is enjoying her jealous reaction a bit too much.

'She is just so cute.' He thinks, looking fondly at her.

"Who will you go out with, Naina?" He asks, knowing very well she has no one else in her mind and heart.

Naina hesitates, not knowing whose name to give him.

She cannot give Huda's and Ali's name because Rajveer knows she is not talking with them. Yudi is also not here.

Aalekh is not here too. Well, even if Aalekh was here, she would not have given his name because Rajveer knows Aalekh is like a brother to her.

"I am waiting for your answer Naina. Give me the name."

Naina looks at Rajveer's questioning gaze, still struggling to find the answer to his query.

"I will go with.... Yes, I will go with that orderly by the gate. He always smiles at me when I pass through the gate," she replies, and unable to control himself this time, Rajveer laughs out loud.

"Seriously, Naina? Orderly by the gate? Do you even know his name?" He asks her and laughs harder when she does not reply.

"You know what? You keep on laughing here. And go out with your Ritu. I am not going to stop you," Naina huffs and stomps out of his room, leaving Rajveer still laughing behind her.

Rajveer shakes his head, seeing Naina walk out of his quarter.

"Well, that's that, then," he sighs, slumping on the couch.

"Captain Rajveer Singh Shekhawat, start the planning now to appease your Naina," he says to himself, thinking about what to do to melt her anger.


"Shalini, I have an emergency, and I am in dire need of your help," Rajveer says to Shalini dramatically once he enters the infirmary.

Shalini is immediately concerned, thinking it to be a medical emergency.

"Yes, Rajveer. Tell me. Is someone injured? Let me get my emergency kit, and we will go there soon."

"No, Shalini. It is not a medical emergency. It is a kind of personal emergency," Rajveer tells her hesitantly.

He is unsure if he should tell Shalini about him and Naina. After all, he does not know whether she will be supportive of their relationship or not.

"Hmm, Captain. Tell me then. What is your personal emergency?" Shalini looks at him curiously.

"I need chicken," he blurts out, noticing surprised expression marring her face after hearing his reply.

"Chicken?" She asks him, as if to confirm if she heard correctly.

"Yes, Shalini. I need chicken. Actually, I want to make a chicken dish for dinner tonight, and I found out I do not have chicken in my kitchen. So, I was wondering if you have some in your kitchen that you could lend me."

He wants to make a delicious dinner for Naina tonight.

She is angry with him, and he knows that a delicious dinner will surely melt her anger. After all, food is one of her weaknesses.

"So, Captain, for whom are you making this chicken dish?" Shalini asks Rajveer.

Although she already has an inkling about who that person is, she wants to hear that person's name from Rajveer's mouth.

"Just making it for myself," he answers her, and she frowns at him.

"Please, Raj. Do not insult my intelligence. I know what is going on," she tells him. "Also, I want you to know that being your friend, I will support you and Cadet Naina Singh.

"Just be careful, and please do not do anything that could land you both in trouble."

Rajveer nods, feeling glad to have Shalini's support.

"Thank you, Shalini." He smiles at her.

"No problem, Raj. After all, what are friends for?" She smiles back at him. "You do not need to worry about me saying anything about this to anyone else. Rest assured, your secret is safe with me." Shalini reassures him, and he nods gratefully at her.

"And about your chicken emergency. I think I have some in my refrigerator. Come with me," she tells him, and both then walk out of the infirmary to go to Shalini's quarter.

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