Chapter 35

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Aalekh and Yudi enter the room beside KMA's mailroom, still unable to understand why Naina called them there, that too after the lights out.

But they do not have to ponder on it more as the reason becomes clear to them when they see slightly decorated room with a welcome back poster pasted on the wall.

They are pleasantly surprised to see all their friends gathered in the room along with Naina, everyone cheerfully welcoming them.

They are also relieved to see Naina happy and smiling again. They had been worried about Naina for the whole week, wondering how she was coping with all the rumors and humiliation.

Once the initial cheers and surprise calm down, they all sit on the cushions laid around the center of the room, discussing how Ali, Huda, and Pooja got to know about Bhargav's planning and how they helped Captain Rajveer expose him in front of Brigadier Chandok.

Although Aalekh and Yudi feel slightly disappointed about not being able to see Brigadier Chandok reprimand Bhargav and throw him out of KMA, they are happy that man is not in the academy anymore.

"I am happy everything is fine now," Aalekh says to Naina, smiling at her.

"Yes, Aalekh. Everything is perfect now. And both you and Yudi are back too. I missed you guys so much," Naina tells Aalekh.

"We missed you too, Naina," Yudi says, giving her a side hug. "For the whole one week, Aalekh and I were worried about you. You have no idea how relieved we are to see you happy and smiling."

"And we are relieved that finally all of you are back to being the fun-loving cadets like you were before," Shalini tells them as she enters the room with Rajveer.

Rajveer too smiles at his six cadets, glad to see them happy and together once again.

He is glad that Naina took his advice and forgave her friends.

"Sir, Ma'am, thank you fo coming. After all, our celebration would have been incomplete without you two," Pooja welcomes them warmly.

Naina feels the blush creep up her cheeks when she looks at Rajveer.

She still remembers the way he had kissed her when she went to his quarter earlier to invite him to the party. That moment is so fresh in her mind that she can still feel his lips against hers.

Rajveer sees Naina looking at him shyly, red hue covering her cheeks.

'Is she remembering our earlier encounter--the way I kissed her?' He wonders, wanting kiss her rosy cheeks, but he knows it is impossible with all her friends and Shalini present here.

So, controlling himself, he just smiles at her.

Amidst all this, Aalekh was observing the way Rajveer and Naina were looking at each other and was relieved to know that both of them decided to listen to their hearts.

"Naina, stop looking at him like that. Otherwise, not only me, but the whole academy will come to know about you and Rajveer Sir," he whispers to Naina.

Naina is stunned hearing Aalekh.

"How did you know?" She asks, surprise evident on her face.

"Well, the way your whole face glowed when he entered inside the room and the way his eyes twinkled after seeing you, it was not that hard for me to guess what was going on," Aalekh replies.

Naina gets apprehensive, feeling slightly worried about Aalekh's reaction to her and Rajveer's relationship. After all, he is like a brother to her and his opinion matters to her.

Looking at Naina's face, Aalekh gets an inkling about what might be troubling her, so he starts speaking again.

"Naina, I have told you before, and I will tell you now too. All that matters to me is your happiness. And if your happiness is with Rajveer Sir, then so be it. Always remember that your brother will stand by your side in every decision you take," he tells her.

Naina feels emotional hearing him.

"You know, Aalekh. There has been a void in my heart after Naveen passed away, and no one can fill that void. But today, after hearing you, the pain due to that void has somewhat lessened. Thank you," she says, her voice teary.

Aalekh feels his eyes prick with unshed tears as he loosely hugs Naina.

"Why are you thanking your brother?" He says, breaking the hug after a few seconds. "You did it this time, but mind you, if you ever thank me again, you will have to face my wrath."

Naina chuckles, wiping her tears.

"Ok. I will never thank you from now on. Now, let's join our friends and enjoy the party," she says, and both walk toward where everyone is seated.


Rajveer smiles as Naina sits beside him.

He had been wanting to talk with her ever since he joined this party, but he seeing her talk with Aalekh--the way they were talking with each other and getting emotional--he decided to let them bond.

He knows Aalekh considers Naina as his sister, and she also considers him as her brother. Although no one can replace Naveen, he is content, knowing that Naina has someone now who she can call her brother.

Looking at her face now, he realizes she is still emotional after talking with Aalekh, so he decides to distract her.

He looks around to see if anyone is watching them, and when he sees everyone engrossed in their talks, he quickly leans toward her and starts speaking.

"Naina, this is not fair. You called me to party with you, and when I came, you became busy talking with your brother," he complains.

"Well, my brother has returned after seven long days, and I missed him so much during those days. So, you see, it was important for me to talk to him.

"And about spending time with you. Well, we just met earlier in the afternoon and talked then too. What is the need to talk again now?" Naina teases him.

Rajveer narrows his eyes at her.

"Oh, is that so? Hmm, then I think I will go to my room now. I came to spend time with you, but if you are not interested in talking with me, then what is the use of me being here?" He says, about to stand up, but Naina holds his had to stop him.

"I was just teasing you, Rajveer. Of course, I want to be with you. I have been missing you ever since I came out of your quarter after inviting you.

"You should not take everything so seriously. And why would I not want to spend time with you? You keep dominating my thoughts all day long and even at night. I miss--" Naina stops speaking abruptly, seeing a teasing smile on Rajveer's face.

"Oh, so you were teasing me? Here I was, feeling bad for upsetting you, and you were enjoying it?" She huffs, turning away from him, and Rajveer smiles at her antics.

"I love you," he whispers in her ear, taking care no one else hears him.

Naina immediately smiles, hearing those three words, and turns to Rajveer.

Although she does not reply back, not wanting anyone else to know about them yet, Rajveer can see the love that her eyes hold for him, and that is enough to make him smile.


At 0000 hours, Rajveer and Shalini told everyone to wrap up the party.

The cadets were reluctant to leave, but both the teachers were firm in their decision. So, not having any other choice, all of them started tidying the place, and when everything was done, they walked out of there to their rooms to retire for the night.

Naina, too, is about to go out when she sees Rajveer signaling her to stop.

Curious, she nods her head and waits until everyone goes out of the room.

Rajveer approaches her after everyone leaves. "I just realized that you can come to my room whenever you have something to tell me, but how do I contact you when I have something to tell you? I cannot come to the girls' hostel to meet you."

Naina smiles, thinking of the perfect way they can communicate with each other.

Taking a napkin and pen from th3 table, from a table, she writes her mobile number in it and hands him the napkin.

"It is my mobile number. You can call or message me whenever you want."

"Naina, cadets are not allowed to have a mobile phone. This is against the academy rules," Rajveer is confused about whether to reprimand her for breaking the rule or be happy that he can now talk with her anytime he wants.

"If I have broken the rule, then, Sir, you can punish me anytime," Naina says, surprised with how husky her voice sounded.

But she does not dwell on it much because rising on her toes, she places a kiss his left cheek before turning away and walking out of the room.

Rajveer caresses his cheek where Naina just kissed him and keeps staring ahead even after she leaves the room.

'This girl is a walking and talking siren,' he thinks.

Sometimes she is so shy that she is unwilling to even look at his face when he gets romantic, and sometimes she acts so boldly that even he is left speechless due to her antics.

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