Chapter 36

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Naina enters her room, tired from the whole day's events and the evening party.

She is about to walk to her cupboard to take out the change of clothes for the night when she hears her phone vibrate.

She has kept the phone hidden inside the drawer of her bedside table, so no one in the academy would know about her having a phone.

She quickly takes out the phone to check who is trying to contact her this late at night, and smiles when she reads the message.

It was from Rajveer telling her to save his number.

Saving his number in her contact list, she takes a change of clothes and goes inside the bathroom to take a shower and change for the night.


Lying on his bed, Rajveer is thinking about Naina, about how each moment he spends with her feels like a pure bliss to him.

He so wants to meet her now, but knows that it is not possible.

Subedar Lolita and Subedar Suri usually patrol the corridors after the lights out, and he cannot risk getting caught by them.

His and Naina's relationship is against the academy rules, and if someone in KMA even got a whiff about it, both of them would have to face dire consequences.

'Even though I can't meet her, I can definitely talk with her,' he thinks, remembering he has her number saved in his phone.

Smiling at that thought, he quickly takes out his phone and sends her a message.


Naina is lying in her bed, thinking about the way she kissed Rajveer before walking out of the party, when she hears her mobile vibrate.

She smiles, seeing Rajveer's name on the screen, and opens the message.

'Is he also missing me as I am mssing him?' She wonders, typing the reply to send him.


Rajveer smiles when he reads Naina's reply.

This is all so new to him. This feeling of always wanting to be around Naina, wanting to talk with her and see that dazzling smile she gives him, wanting to feel her closer to him--he has never felt this way for anyone else before.

He does not know what to say to her, but he wants to keep talking.

So, he types the first thing that comes to his mind, and taps on the send button.


Naina rolls her eyes, seeing his message.

She had thought he would send her romantic messages, and here he is turning on his teacher mode.

Huffing, she quickly types a fitting reply.


Rajveer reads Naina's reasons for having the mobile phone with her and its advantages.

They seemed like the valid reasons to him.

And he also is extremely glad that she has that phone. Otherwise, how would he have talked with her this late at night?

He knows he can call her too, but this messaging is also giving him a pleasurable thrill.

So, he decides to continue it and sends her another message.


Reading Rajveer's message, Naina smiles at the fitting name he gave her.

She too types a witty reply and sends it quickly.


Rajveer chuckles, reading Naina's cheeky reply.

She is quirky and smart with many layers in her personality, and he has fallen in love with all her shades and layers.

He so wants to spend some time alone with her.

But how?

'Well, tomorrow is Saturday. I can ask her to go out with me,' he thinks, and sends her the message.


Naina smiles at Rajveer's hesitant message.

Even after confessing his love, he is still so shy and conscious around her.

Well, she is shy too, but it is because this is the first time she has ever been with someone. She never went on dates, and she never had a boyfriend before. So, she does not know how to act around him.

The only thing that she knows is she loves him so much, so very much that sometimes she feels that her heart will explode, unable to hold so much love that she has for him.

And she never wants this feelings to stop. She always wants to be by his side, come what may.


Reading Naina's reply, Rajveer realizes she must be impatiently waiting for his question.

He has decided to ask her out, but where can he take her?

Going to a movie or going to a café or restaurant will be a bad idea because tomorrow is Saturday. Most of the cadets go out of the academy on Saturdays because it is the only day in a week they can go out of KMA.

He cannot risk taking Naina to any public place because if any cadet saw them together, it would cause a huge scandal.

He suddenly remembers the place he used to go to when he was a cadet here at KMA. The place where he still goes to get some peace when life gets chaotic.

'That will be the perfect place to take her because not many people know about that place, and usually, no one goes there,' he decides.


Naina stares at her phone, wondering why Rajveer is taking so long to reply when her phone suddenly vibrates.

Sitting up straight on the bed, she quickly opens the massage.

Her heart flutters, reading the message. After all, this is the first time he is asking her out.


Rajveer feels happy reading Naina's answer.

He is glad she too wants to spend some time alone with him.


Naina rolls her eyes at his reply.

Looking at his message, she feels like her teacher is ordering her to report to his room tomorrow.

Shaking her head but still smiling, she sends her reply.


Rajveer sighs, reading Naina's message.

'Naina and her questions,' he thinks, shaking his head.

Not that he minds her questions. In fact, he loves to answer all her questions and queries.

But this time she will have to wait.


Naina narrows her eyes when she reads Rajveer's reply.

'Why is it a surprise? How will I wait till tomorrow?' She groans and almost starts writing the message to make him tell her about the place.

But she stops herself the very next moment, not wanting to ruin his surprise.

She then types her reply, smiling, seeing the hearts he has placed after his 'I love you so much.'


Rajveer feels surprised when he reads Naina's message.

He had thought she would keep on nagging him until he gives in and tells her about the place, but she is ready to wait for the surprise.

He then sees the heart eyes she has given him after her 'I love you too so much' and smiles.

He cannot describe the feeling that he has in his heart right now.

Loving someone and getting his love reciprocated--he did not know it would be so wonderful.

Naina has given him everything which even he did not know he wanted from life.

Finally, he has someone in his life. Someone to share his memories and moments with, someone to share his happiness and sadness with, someone to share his whole life with.

And he is glad that someone is Naina because she is so special and different.

He feels having her in his life will chase away all the darkness of his life, giving him a bright existence filled with joy and laughter.

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