Chapter 44

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Third Person's POV

The next morning, Brigadier Chandok calls on an urgent faculty meeting.

"As you all know, today is Republic Day. So, I have called you all to decide on an important matter," Brigadier speaks, addressing all the faculty members present in the meeting.

Rajveer is curious to know what Brigadier has to say. And he also wonders why Ritu Mishra is not present in the meeting.

"You all must also be thinking why I did not call Dr. Mishra for this meeting. Well, because I have been thinking that Dr. Mishra should be given the opportunity to do the flag hoisting today.

"The way she has been handling all the cadets and their problems, trying her best to help them adjust to the harsh training environment here, I think she deserves this chance.

"But prior to deciding that, I want to get all your opinions and give you an opportunity to vote on the matter before finalizing anything," Brigadier tells all the faculty members his purpose of calling them for the meeting.

While everyone else murmur their agreement on the matter, Rajveer wants to vehemently oppose Brigadier's decision.

After all, how can he let a spy who has been planning and plotting to destroy his nation get the honor of flag hoisting on Republic Day?

But what can he do to stop that from happening? Even if he opposed the decision now, what will he tell Brigadier Chandok and the others when they will ask the reason behind his opposition?

He cannot reveal to them that Ritu is a spy. He still needs to collect evidence against her and hopefully get to her boss.

And for that to happen, he will have to hide the fact that she is a spy from everyone in the academy and let her stay inside KMA so he can keep an eye on her and track all her activities.

That is why, when his turn comes to give the verdict, he says yes to Brigadier's decision through gritted teeth.


Ritu paces in her room, excited about everything being ready as per her plan for the Republic Day today.

"We have a golden opportunity to remove Naina Singh Ahluwalia out of the way. Do exactly what I have told you to do. I will handle the rest," Ritu tells the person on the phone before hanging up the call.

'Today will be your last day in this world, Naina. After you are gone forever, my coast to make Captain Rajveer fall in love with me will be clear, and along with that, I will be also be successful in my mission to get that trigger.' That thought makes her lips curve into an evil smirk.


All the KMA's cadets and faculty members are assembled in the academy hall, ready for the flag hoisting ceremony.

Brigadier Chandok also arrives there and starts speaking, addressing everyone present there.

He first honors the soldiers who gave up their life for their country and its people, giving them all the praises and respect, that they deserve.

After finishing his speech, Brigadier turns to Ritu.

"This year, I have decided to give you the honor of hoisting the flag, Dr. Mishra. So, please come forward and do the honors," he tells her.

Ritu is surprised to hear that she has been chosen to hoist the flag this year.

Of course, she won't be doing it. After all, she is not a fool to place herself in danger after knowing very well what will happen to the person hoisting the flag today.

According to her plan, her men have already placed the explosive inside the stand where the flag's pole is placed. The explosives have been planted in such a way that when someone hoists the flag, that explosive will blast to injure and even kill that person.

She had thought she would somehow convince Brigadier to let Naina hoist the flag so the cadet will be killed, clearing her road to get closer to Rajveer would be.

But unfortunately, she was not able to meet Brigadier in the morning and persuade him in letting Naina hoist the flag.

'Well, it is not too late yet. I can still convince the Brigadier,' she thinks.

"Sir, although I am honored that you thought of me for flag hoisting, but there is someone else who is more deserving than me for this," she says.

"Who are you talking about, Dr. Mishra?" Brigadier asks her.

"I am talking about Cadet Naina Singh Ahluwalia, Sir. Her brother was declared a traitor by this system, post which she and her family must have faced worse taunts by the people.

"Still, she is here, training to be an army officer to serve this country and it's people. This is a sign of her bravery and resilience.

"That is why, I think Cadet Naina should be given this honor this year, Sir," Ritu tells Brigadier.

Although her insides churned, speaking such wonderful things about her enemy, she knew she had to do it for her mission.

'Anyway, Cadet Naina Singh has only a few minutes of her life left to live now. So, it is fine if she hears some good things about herself before dying.' She imwardly smirks at the thought.

Standing with her batchmates in the assembly hall, Naina is pleasantly surprised, hearing Ritu.

She had never imagined Dr. Mishra would say all these wonderful things about her. She also felt a bit guilty about playing that horrible prank on Ritu all those days ago.

'Well, she was trying to flirt with Rajveer then. And you also did not know then that she thinks all these good things about you,' Naina's mind tries to justify her action.

'But still, don't you think you should go and apologize to Dr. Mishra after the ceremony? You should at least own your mistake and try to correct it,' her heart reasons.

"You are right, Dr. Mishra. I too think Cadet Naina Singh deserves this honor," Brigadier agrees with Ritu.

Rajveer was stunned by the way Ritu praised Naina and even told Brigadier to give Naina the honor to hoist the flag.

He knows Ritu does not think that way about Naina at all. If anything, she hates Naina and wants to remove her out of the way.

'What is she playing at here? Why does she want Naina to hoist the flag?' He wonders, getting concerned about Naina.

He is still thinking about Ritu's motive when his phone pings, alerting him of a message. Seeing the message was frim Lieutenant Chaubey, he opens it, but immediately panics after reading it.


Before Rajveer can fully process about what to do in that situation, he hears Brigadier call Naina to hoist the flag and also sees Naina going forward and holding the flag's rope.

When she is about to pull the rope, he runs to her, wanting to stop her and move her away from the danger.

But it was already too late. Before Rajveer could reach Naina, she had already pulled the rope.

The blast is heard, and everyone panics when they see Rajveer and Naina lying on the floor.


Naina opens her eyes, trying to process what happened in the last few seconds.

She had pulled on the rope to hoist the flag, but in that very moment, she had heard a blast, and Rajveer had pushed her on the floor, protecting her from getting injured.

She feels Rajveer's weight on her body and is horrified, seeing blood oozing out of many wounds on his arms and chest.

Before she can say anything, all the other cadets and faculty members come there and help her and Rajveer stand up from the ground.

"Naina, are you ok?" Rajveer asks her as soon as he stands up with others' help.

Naina's eyes tear up, hearing his question. He has all those injuries on his body, and he is still worried if she is fine or not.

Too emotional to say anything, she just nods her head and notices Rajveer close his eyes in relief.

Huda, Ali, and Aalekh help Rajveer walk to the infirmary while Brigadier Chandok, Pooja, Yudi, and Naina accompany them.

Subedar Suri and Subedar Lolita are instructed by the Brigadier to clear up the mess in the assembly hall.

Major Nair goes to his office to inquire and investigate about the incident.

Amidst this all, no one noticed that Dr. Ritu Mishra was nowhere to be seen.


Once inside the infirmary, Naina tries to help Shalini, but with her hands shaking and her tears blurring her vision, she could not do anything except delay in getting Rajveer's wound treated.

Frustrated with herself, she finally gives up and stands at the side, watching Dr. Shalini dress Rajveer's wound.

Rajveer tries hard not to show any pain from his injury because he can see fresh tears leaking out of Naina's eyes every time she hears him hiss due to pain.

He so wanted to hug her and reassure her, but he knew it was impossible with everyone present there.

He feels a pinch in his heart when she looks at him with heart-wrenching sadness on her face. He subtly blinks his eyes to reassure her, silently telling her he is fine.

Seeing him blink his eyes to reassure her, Naina wants to hug him. She desperately wants to touch him to reassure herself that he is fine, but she knows it is impossible to do here. So, she keeps looking at him trying not to show his pain, for her sake.

"Captain, I have dressed all your wounds. Some are small, so they will heal quickly, but some are big, which will take time to heal. So, you are not allowed to do any vigorous exercise or drill for at least two weeks.

"And I have injected you with a painkiller now, but I will also give you some tablets for the pain. Take the tablet only when the pain becomes unbearable. Okay?" Shalini instructs Rajveer, and he nods at her.

Shalini then turns to Aalekh and Huda. "Cadets, you two take Captain Rajveer to his quarter," Shalini tells them and looks at Naina.

"Cadet Singh, please wait here for a while. I will get those painkillers for Captain. Take them to his room and stay with your mentor for a while. He might need your help," she says, knowing very well that Rajveer and Naina would want to spend some time together with each other after this incident.


Opening the door, Naina enters Rajveer's quarter.

Once inside, she keeps staring at him.

He was resting with his eyes closed on the couch in his living room.

She could see a few scratches on both his arms and a big wound covered with dressing on his right shoulder.

Silent tears flowed from her eyes, seeing his condition.

Rajveer had been resting on his couch, exhausted due to the day's event and his injury.

He smiles when he hears his door being opened because he knew she would be coming soon.

"Naina," he whispers her name, not opening his eyes yet.

Hearing him so lovingly take her name, Naina quickly runs to him and kneels in front of him.

Placing her left hand on his knee and cupping his cheek with her right hand, she starts speaking.

"Rajveer, are you okay?" she asks him, her voice teary.

Rajveer opens his eyes and sits up properly on the couch when he hears her wobbly voice.

"Please don't cry, Naina," he says, gently wiping his tears.

"What if something had happened to you? What if I had lost you? I have already lost my brother, and now I cannot lose you too. I just cannot," Naina tells him, and keeping her head on his lap, she starts sobbing.

Rajveer's eyes well up seeing her sob. He lovingly keeps his hand on her head, and stroking her hair softly, he starts speaking.

"You will never lose me, Naina. I will always be by your side. As long as you will want me," he says.

Naina raises her head to look at Rajveer. She could see his honesty shining in those grey orbs.

"I will always want you, Rajveer. Always," she says, keeping her hand on his chest.

Looking at his wounds, Naina feels a sudden fear in her heart.

'What if something had happened to him?' That thought causes more tears to pour out of her eyes.

'Stop thinking negatively, Naina. Rajveer is fine. He is fine, and he will always remain fine. Nothing will happen to him,' Naina reassures herself, looking deeply at Rajveer.

She cups his face with one hand and moves the other hand down to his chest to feel his heartbeat. To reassure herself that he really is fine.

Sensing her fear, Rajveer cradles her face and leans forward to press his lips against hers.

His kiss is soft, and Naina can feel his promise of forever in that kiss.

She moves closer to him, seeking peace and solace in that kiss.

She focuses on how gentle his lips are against hers and how her entire body is being engulfed in the warmth of his love due to his touch.

They break apart after a while, and after kissing her forehead, Rajveer leans back to look at her.

Silent tears were still pouring out of her eyes.

He wipes those tears, shaking his head, silently requesting her not to cry.­­­­­

"I will always be with you, Naina. Forever and always," he promises, leaning forward to kiss her again.

They are so engrossed in their love for each other that, for the first time, they did not notice Naina had left the door open when she had walked inside the quarter.

Ritu stands rooted on her spot outside Rajveer's quarter when she sees Rajveer and Naina kissing each other.

She had come here to show her fake concern regarding Rajveer's wound, but seeing them in this compromising position, she felt giddy with excitement.

'So, I was right. Captain Rajveer and Cadet Naina are indeed more than just mentor and protégé. Well, they are much more than mentor and protégé,' Ritu thinks, an evil smirk appearing on her face.

For a moment, she is tempted to call everyone there right now and show them this display of affection of Rajveer and Naina, but she stops herself.

"Nah! Where is the fun in ending this by getting Captain court-martialed and Cadet Naina expelled?" She sneers.

These two have thwarted her many plans, and because of these two, she has been scolded by her boss many times.

So, now, it is time to balance everything.

'These two will not even know what hit them when I will be done with them.' With that thought in her mind, she walks away from there.

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