Chapter 45

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Third Person's POV

Rajveer and Naina are seated on the couch in Rajveer's living room, with Naina still fretting about his injury.

"Why did you have to jump to save me? See, you have gotten so many wounds now. Is it paining a lot?" She asks, her voice laced with worry for him.

Rajveer feels warmth in his heart, hearing her concern for him.

All his life, he had been so alone that he had forgotten how it felt like when someone cared for you and worried about you.

"It's ok, Naina. Believe me when I say I have suffered worse injuries than this in my missions. I can handle it, and it is not paining that much too.

"And about me jumping to save you, well, I will do this again if ever that moment came in the future. Because the pain of the wounds is nothing compared to letting you get harmed or losing you. I cannot lose you, Naina. I just cannot," Rajveer tells her, and Naina's eyes well up hearing him.

"I love you, Rajveer," she says, not knowing what else to say to let him know what his words meant to her.

"I love you too, Naina." Rajveer smiles at her.

Suddenly, Naina launches herself at Rajveer, hugging him tightly.

"Owww, Naina." Rajveer hisses in pain when Naina accidentally presses his wounds while hugging him.

"Oh, no. I am so sorry, Rajveer. I am sorry," Naina apologizes, wanting to smack herself for hurting him.

"It's ok. I know it will be difficult to resist an irresistible person like me, but I guess you will have to refrain yourself from hugging me for a few days," Rajveer teases her.

"Oh, I will so get back at you for this, Captain Shekhawat. Just wait until your wounds are healed. Then I will show you how irresistible you are." Naina glares at him while Rajveer laughs out loud.


"Cadet Naina got out unscathed from the explosion, Sir, but I will soon get her thrown out of the academy," Ritu says to her boss on the phone, and closes her eyes in frustration when he shouts at her for her incompetence.

"I am sorry that things didn't go as planned this time, Sir. But please trust me. Soon, both Captain Rajveer and his protégé will be out of KMA, clearing my path to get to the trigger."

After she hangs up the call, she thinks about what to do with her newfound discovery.

'Well, I will have to make a new plan soon. Now that I know what is going on between those two, it will be impossible to make Captain Rajveer fall in love with me.' Ritu is irked about having to change her original plan.

"If only that Naina had been killed in that explosion today. It would have been so easy for me to fake sympathy and get closer to Captain Rajveer," she says to herself, but her eyes suddenly widens when a new thought enters her mind.

'Captain Rajveer jumped to save Naina right on time. But how? How did he know that explosives were planted there?' She wonders.

She had made this plan to kill Naina last noght, and had given orders to her men to do that on the phone in the morning only.

"How did Captain Rajveer know about it? That too right on time."

When a doubt entered her mind, she takes out her toolbox a quickly dismantles her phone.

She checks all the nooks and corners of the phone and soon finds a bug attached to it.

She is shocked, seeing that bug.

"So, this is how Captain Rajveer knew about the explosives. He must have planted this bug on my phone and must have been keeping an eye on my conversations.

"This also means he knows about me being a spy. Interesting. Very interesting," Ritu thinks aloud, wondering about what to do about this situation.


After making Rajveer drink the soup which Subedar Suri had sent for him, Naina gives him his medicines.

Rajveer frowns, seeing her somewhat lost and thoughtful demeanor.

"What happened, Naina? What are you thinking about?" He asks.

"I was thinking about what happened earlier, Rajveer," she replies. "Who could do this? Who could plant explosives in the flag's pole? Do you think it is the work of that spy who had tried to kill me the night I had sneaked out of the academy to rescue you?"

Hearing Naina's questions, Rajveer gets into a dilemma about how to answer her.

He had hidden Ritu's truth from Naina because he did not want her to do something or say something to Ritu in her impulsiveness.

But Ritu is getting dangerous day by day.

Today too, she targeted Naina, and if he had not known about the explosives in time, he could have lost Naina today.

'I cannot keep Naina in dark anymore. I need to tell her about Ritu, so she can remain alert around her.' Rajveer decides and is about to tell Naina about Ritu, but before he can say anything, Naina starts speaking again.

"I was so happy when I was given the opportunity to hoist the flag today. I was also pleasantly surprised by the way Ritu Ma'am requested Brigadier Chandok to let me hoist the flag. Maybe I was wrong about her. Maybe she is not that bad. I think I should go to her and thank he--"

"Ritu Mishra is the spy, Naina. The spy who had a hand in getting Naveen arrested four years ago. The spy who has been trying to kill you ever since she entered the academy," Rajveer tells her, and Naina is stunned hearing him.

"What are you saying, Rajveer? Ritu is the one who had a hand in getting my brother arrested? Why did you hide such a big thing from me?" She is hurt knowing he hid such big truth from her.

"I am sorry, Naina. But please try to understand. I did it to protect you," Rajveer tries to explain to her.

"Protect me? What do you mean by that, Rajveer?"

"I know how impulsive you are, Naina. And if I had told you the truth about Ritu, you would have gone to her and confronted her. I didn't want you to--" Rajveer is unable to complete the sentence because Naina cuts him off.

"Of course, I am going to go to her and demand answers from her. In fact, I am going to her room now," she tells him and turns to walk out of his quarter.

But Rajveer quickly runs toward the door and locks it before Naina could go out.

"No. You are not going to ask Ritu anything. She should not know that we know about her. Do you understand?" Rajveer says to Naina a bit sternly.

"But why? We already know she is the culprit. Why can't we go to her and demand answers from her?

"And why haven't you taken any action against her till now? You can arrest her and interrogate her about Naveen's case, can't you?" Naina is confused as to why Rajveer has not doing anything yet regarding Ritu.

"I haven't taken any action against Ritu yet because I can't, Naina," he tells her. "Yes, I have known she is a spy ever since she entered the academy, but I do not have any evidence to prove it. And until I get the proof, I cannot arrest her.

"Also, only arresting her will not be enough. We need to find out about her boss too. Then only we can prove Naveen's innocence.

"That is why we need to be careful, Naina. We cannot let her know that we know about her being a spy.

"I am telling you the truth about her now because she is getting dangerous day by day, planning something bigger with each passing day to kill you.

"You need to be careful around her, but please, also try to act normal around her. Do not let her get suspicious about anything," Rajveer finishes speaking, but Naina still has many questions on her mind.

"How and when did you find out about Ritu being a spy?" She asks.

"After Naveen was arrested, I was searching for evidence to prove his innocence. During my search, I found his and Ritu's picture of the alumni night.

"I then started investigating about Ritu, but she was not in the country then, and I also did not find anything suspicious in her background. So, I let it go during that time.

"But when she joined the academy as a psychiatrist a few months back, I immediately recognized her. And when she lied to me about that day being the first time she came to the academy, my suspicions about her were confirmed.

"After that, I started keeping an eye on her to get any evidence against her or her boss, but till now, I have not been able to find anything solid," Rajveer tells her everything, and Naina is stunned hearing him.

"So, she is the girl who Naveen wanted to introduce me to," she says, recalling how excited Naveen had been to introduce his girlfriend to her.

"Naveen wanted to introduce you to Ritu? How come you did not meet her then?" Rajveer asks.

"Because Ritu kept making excuses to avoid the meeting. Whenever I told Naveen to bring Ritu home to introduce her to our parents and me, Naveen would agree, and we would make a plan.

"But at the last moment, Ritu would cancel, making excuses like attending a conference, or last-minute meeting, etc.

"Now I understand she was doing it deliberately because she didn't want anyone else to know about her being Naveen's girlfriend. Because she was betraying my brother." Naina feels her anger rising as she remembers her brother telling her how deeply he has fallen in love.

"How dare she? How dare she play with my Naveen's feelings like that? I need to get my answers from her. I need to confront Ritu now," she says, starting walking toward the door to go to Ritu, but Rajveer holds her hand, stopping her from leaving his quarter.

"No, Naina. You will not confront her. Ritu should not know about us knowing about her. Please, Naina. It is important for your safety as well as for our mission," Rajveer tries to convince her.

But Naina is in no mood to understand anything.

She is also angry with Rajveer for hiding such big truth from her. So, freeing her hand from his hold, she starts speaking.

"Why should I listen to you, Rajveer? Tell me. Why should I?

"Did you not think even once that I had the right to know about Ritu? Did it not once occur to you that I had the right to know Ritu had betrayed my brother? Why did you not tell me? Why?" Naina asks, her heart feeling heavy with the thought that Rajveer hid something this big from her.

"I am sorry, Naina. Please forgive me. I knew you had the right to know, but I did not tell you because I wanted to protect you and safeguard our mission. Please, Naina, believe me," Rajveer replies, desperately hoping she would understand his reasons.

Naina calms down a bit, seeing his honest face and hearing his distressed voice.

Of course, she believed every word he said, but still, there was a nagging doubt in the back of her mind.

"Are you hiding something else from me, Rajveer? If you are, please tell me now because if I got to know later that you have hidden another big thing from me, I would not forgive you then," Naina tells him, and hearing her, Rajveer feels a sudden fear in his heart, because he has hidden another big truth from her.

The biggest truth about her brother's death.

"Yes, Naina. I have hidden another big truth from you. The truth about Naveen's death," he says.

"I know that, Rajveer. You had said you would tell me about it when the time is right. So, is this the right time then?" Naina asks.

Rajveer takes a deep breath, wanting to tell Naina the truth, but he feels scared. He fears she will leave him after knowing the truth.

'You need to tell her the truth, Rajveer. You cannot keep her in the dark anymore,' his mind tries to reason.

'But what will you do if she didn't understand your reason. Will you be able to live without her? Will you be able to see hatred for you in her eyes?' His heart counters.

Helpless with his heart's reasoning, Rajveer decides not to tell her the truth for now, wanting to get some more time with her.

He hopes that, with time, when she gets to know him more, she will understand him when he finally tells her the truth.

"No, Naina. The time is not right now. But I promise you I will tell you everything soon. Please, believe me?" Rajveer looks at her hesitantly.

He does not know if she will continue to trust him after learning that he hid Ritu's truth from her.

Seeing Rajveer's reticent demeanor, Naina feels a pinch in her heart.

She immediately starts speaking to ease his worry.

"Of course, I believe you, Rajveer. If you say I should not confront Ritu now, I will not. If you say I need to wait a bit more to know the truth about Naveen's death, I will wait. I trust you, Rajveer," Naina tells him, and Rajveer feels as if a heavyweight has been lifted from his chest.

Looking at her eyes gleaming with trust on him, he hopes she will keep trusting him and keep loving him even after knowing the whole truth.

He desperately hopes that because he does not know what he will do if someday she looked at him with mistrust and hatred in her eyes for him instead of love and trust.

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