Chapter 52

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Third Person's POV

Rajveer is waiting for Naina in his office in Ambala headquarter.

After his conversation with Ritu the previous day, he has been worried for Naina.

The motive behind Ritu joining KMA as a faculty member is to get the trigger, and her plan to get to those triggers was to trap him in her love as she had done with Naveen.

But now, she has realized she cannot trap him as she already knows about his engagement with Naina.

And the cold look she had given him before walking away from him, he feels like she already knows about him knowing the truth about her being a spy.

That is why he has sent Chaubey to the bus station to bring Naina safely to the headquarter.

He needs to talk with her and tell her to be careful.

He knows how dangerous Ritu Mishra is, as she has already tried to kill Naina twice.

He snaps out of his thoughts when he hears his office's door open, and sees Naina enter.

He immediately walks to her and hugs her tightly. "Are you alright, Naina? Did you have a safe journey? And where is Chaubey? I had told him not to leave you until he brings you to my office."

"Calm down, Rajveer. I am absolutely fine. The journey was uneventful, and Lt. Chaubey was with me all the way from the bus station to the headquarter.

"He was about to bring me inside your office, but one of the officers here called him due to one important work. So, he left me just outside this office," Naina tells Rajveer and moves back a bit after breaking the hug.

She frowns, seeing concern marring his face. "What happened, Rajveer? Why do you look so worried? And why did you send Lt. Chaubey to accompany me from bus station to here? Has something happened?" She asks.

"Dr. Ritu Mishra knows about our engagement, Naina. I do not know how she found out, but last night when I met her, she congratulated me and told me to give her best wishes to you too. And the way she was talking and looking at me, I know she is up to something," Rajveer replies.

Naina also gets worried after hearing him. "Do you think she will try to harm us?"

"I am not sure, Naina. Knowing her, I think she will try to do something dangerous. But she will also keep in mind not to get exposed until she gets what she wants. That is why I told Chaubey to bring you here first.

"I want you to be careful once you return to the academy, Naina. I have no idea if Ritu already knows about us knowing her truth about being a spy. If she has somehow found out about it too, then she will definitely try to harm us," Rajveer says.

"Do not worry, Rajveer. I will be careful. She has already done so much damage by taking Naveen away from us. I will not let her cause any more damage."

Rajveer nods at Naina.

"We will not let her win this time. She will have to pay for all the crime she has committed.

"And Naina, there is one other thing that I wanted to talk with you about before I let you go to the academy with Chaubey," he tells her.

"What is it about, Rajveer?" Naina asks.

"Do you remember me telling you about that red box which Naveen had mailed to someone from the academy under the name Veer?"

"I do remember it, Rajveer," Naina replies. "You had told me Naveen had somehow arranged to get that box mailed from KMA to some other place eight months after his arrest. Are you talking about that red box?"

"Yes. I have found who Naveen had mailed that red box to," Rajveer says, and when she hears him, she feels her heart beat rapidly against her chest.

They are now one step closer to prove her brother's innocence.

"Who had he sent it to, Rajveer?"

"He sent it to Barmer. To Captain Abhimanyu Rai Chauhan's palace," Rajveer answers.

"Barmer? Palace? And why does this Captain Abhimanyu Rai Chauhan live in a palace?" Naina is confused.

"Because Abhimanyu is a prince of Barmer, Naina," Rajveer informs her.

"And how did Naveen know this prince of Barmer?" Naina questions.

"Well, Naveen, Abhimanyu, and I were batchmates and best friends, Naina," he replies.

"Oh! It means you can call Captain Abhimanyu and know his whereabouts. And if he is in Barmer now, you can ask him to mail that red box to you. Once he does that, we can prove Naveen's innocence." Naina beams at Rajveer, thinking Abhimanyu will help them since he is Rajveer's best friend.

Rajveer shakes his head at her, deeply sighing before starting to speak.

"It is not so easy, Naina. Abhi and I are not on good terms. I am not sure if he would want to talk with me."

"But why, Rajveer? You told me that you, Naveen, and Captain Abhimanyu were best friends. So, why would he not want to talk with you?"

"My friendship with Abhimanyu has always been complicated, Naina. Even when Naveen was with us, Abhi felt as if Naveen favored me more than him. I do not know why but he always felt like he was left out by Naveen and me when we never did that. Once, he even pointed that Naveen liked me more as a friend than him.

"Abhi has this competitive streak, and he always wanted to compete with me for everything, even for Naveen's friendship," Rajveer says, recalling that one incident that made them drift further apart.

"I still remember the one day when things got much worse between us. I guess that was the day when a crack was formed in our friendship, and that crack has not filled until now."

"Why? What had happened that day?" Naina is curious to know.

"There was a girl in our batch. Her name was Malini. Abhi liked her, but he could never gather the courage to confess his love for her. And one day, when he was finally ready to tell Malini about his feelings for her, she rejected him and told him that she liked me, not him.

"Abhi was furious when Malini told him that. And that day, he fought with me and accused me of charming Malini even after knowing that he liked her. I tried to reason with him. I tried to tell him I did not like Malini that way and had never even talked properly with her, let alone charm her. But he stubbornly refused to believe me. He told me I always snatched everyone dear to him. First Naveen and then Malini," Rajveer says.

He recalls how messy things had gotten that day. There had been loud voices, accusations, punches, and tears.

"What happened to Captain Abhimanyu and Malini after that? Did Captain Abhimanyu move on from her?"

"No, Naina. Abhi kept trying, and Malini eventually gave in. They got married about two years back," Rajveer replies.

"So, that is good then. Captain Abhimanyu eventually got the girl he loved. He has already married her. He cannot be keeping a grudge against you after all these years," Naina tries to reason with him, but Rajveer looks at her with uncertainty marring his face.

"I am not sure, Naina. Our friendship has always been kind of bittersweet. I have always considered Abhi as my friend and have always wished him the best. I know he also considers me as his friend, but there is also some deep-rooted resentment toward me inside him, and it comes out time and again," he tells her.

"Then what do we do, Rajveer? How do we ask him about that red box?"

Rajveer is about to reply to Naina when there is a knock at his door.

Opening the door, he sees one of the lieutenants standing there who informs him about Colonel Chandra wanting to see him in his office.

After sending the lieutenant, Rajveer turns to Naina.

"Colonel Chandra has called me to his office. Please wait for a while here, Naina. I will come soon, and after we finish talking about this, I will send you back to the academy with Lt. Chaubey."


"Captain, I want to talk with you about something crucial," Colonel says to Rajveer once he enters his office.

"Is this about the trigger, Sir?" Rajveer asks.

"Yes. It is, Captain," Colonel replies. "When you informed me earlier about your doubt regarding Ritu Mishra knowing about us knowing her truth of being a spy, I decided to increase the trigger's security in the academy.

"But after the meeting with my seniors, we have decided to transfer the trigger to a safe place near the headquarter. That way, we can keep close eye on the trigger and that place will also have a top-notch security. We think it is not safe to keep the trigger in the academy anymore," Colonel says, and Rajveer nods at him, knowing it is indeed unsafe now to keep the trigger there anymore.

"How are we going to execute the transfer, Sir?" Rajveer asks his commanding officer.

"We have decided to bring another undercover officer in KMA. So that there will be added security for the trigger, and we can also plan a decoy drill with that officer for transferring the trigger from the academy," Colonel Chandra replies.

"What kind of decoy drill, Sir?"

"There will be a decoy drill in the academy for the first-year cadets in a few days, Captain. For that drill, the first-year cadets will be divided into two groups, and they will be told they will have to travel to an unknown location for that drill.

"There will be two jeeps to drive the two groups of cadets to an unknown location. You will be in one jeep with one group of cadets, and another officer will be in another jeep with another group of cadets.

"The jeep with you in it will contain the original trigger, whereas the jeep with another officer will contain the fake trigger.

"As we have now succeeded in tracing Ritu Mishra's informer, we will somehow let this news leak in front of that informer. We will make him believe that the jeep with another officer in it contains the original trigger and the jeep with you in it contains the fake trigger.

"That way, we will be able to mislead Ritu, and we will also succeed in getting the original trigger to the safe place," Colonel Chandra explains the plan to Rajveer.

"This is a good plan, Sir," Rajveer says, agreeing with the plan. "If we succeed in it, we will definitely be able to get the trigger into the security of that new place."

"That's right, Captain. But we need to be careful. From what we have gathered until now, Ritu and whoever she is working for, is not going to rest until they get the trigger.

"We need to be more alert and strategize our each step. We will discuss this plan in detail once another officer arrives here, so we can be fully prepared for anything that might go wrong during the transfer," Colonel Chandra says.

"May I know the name of this another officer, Sir? Also, when and how will he be joining KMA?" Rajveer asks.

"He is Captain Abhimanyu Rai Chauhan, and he will join KMA as a music teacher in a few days," Colonel Chandra replies.

Rajveer is surprised, hearing that. 'Naina and I won't have to think about how to contact Abhi anymore. We will be meeting him soon.'


Rajveer returns to his office after finishing his talk with Colonel Chandra.

"I am sorry, Naina. It took me longer than expected to come back," he apologizes, as soon as he enters his office.

"That is ok, Rajveer." Naina smiles at him. "While you were gone, I was thinking I should call Captain Abhimanyu and ask him about the red box. If I tell him I am Naveen's sister, he might agree to help us."

"It will not be necessary, Naina. Abhi will be arriving at Ambala headquarter soon, and he will also be joining KMA as a music teacher," Rajveer tells her.

"Really? But why is he coming here suddenly?" Naina asked Rajveer.

"I told Colonel Chandra about Ritu's change of behavior and my doubt about her being upto something. That's why he decided it will be better to have two undercover officers in the academy to keep an eye on her. Coincidentally, he chose Abhi for this job," Rajveer replies.

"When will he--" Naina begins asking, but is interrupted by Rajveer.

"Naina, I think you should return to KMA now," he tells her. "I still have some paperwork to complete here, and I think I will be late in returning to the academy tonight. Lt. Chaubey will accompany to KMA now, and we will continue our conversation about this tomorrow."

Naina nods at him.

Looking at her watch, she realizes she needs to get going because she must report to Subedar Lolita Sen to inform her about her return by 1700 hours, and it was already 1430 hours.

As it takes about two hours to reach KMA from Ambala headquarter, she will have to leave now if she wants to get to the academy in time.

"Ok, Rajveer, I will see you tomorrow morning then," she says.

"Remember to be careful in the academy, Naina. I have told Chaubey to stay in the academy and keep an eye on things until I return, but you must be vigilant, too. I have an intuition that Ritu Mishra is planning to do something dangerous," Rajveer tells Naina, his voice coated with concern for her.

"Do not worry, Rajveer. I promise I will be careful."

Saying that, Naina walks closer to him and places a kiss on his right cheek.

"What was that for?" Rajveer asks with a surprised expression on his face.

"For being such a caring fiancé," Naina replies, and walks out of his office, leaving a smiling Rajveer behind.

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