Chapter 53

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Third Person's POV

Rajveer is making a cup of coffee for himself when he hears his quarter's door being flung open.

He shakes his head, realizing this one thing will never change. His Naina will never learn to knock on the door.

"Naina, what is it with you and not knocking on the door? I wonder if it is only with me that you do this or you do not knock on other people's door too," he says, walking to the living room with a cup of coffee in his hand.

"Rajveer, we have not been able to meet for the last three days after I returned to KMA, and when I finally got the time to come here to meet you, you are talking about my knocking habit," Naina huffs and sits on the couch.

Rajveer smiles, seeing her pouty face. "I am sorry, Naina. The work has been crazy in the headquarters. Especially with Abhi's impending arrival and our plan to trap Ritu, we are working overtime to make sure everything works out smoothly."

"When is Captain Abhimanyu arriving?" Naina asks him.

"He will be arriving the day after tomorrow, Naina," Rajveer answers, forwarding his cup of coffee to her. "Coffee?"

Naina takes the cup, smiling at him. "Do you have something to eat too? I am hungry."

"Hmm, I do not have anything to cook as I did not have time to go to market and buy the groceries, but I did bring some fruits while returning from the headquarter today. I will bring them for you," Rajveer says, and walks to the kitchen to bring the fruits for her.

When he returns, Naina scrunches her nose seeing strawberries and grapes in the bowl that he brought.

"I want to eat something spicy. Not these plain fruits," she says.

"Hmm, I know how to make these fruits spicy. Do you want to eat it my way?" Rajveer asks, winking at her.

Naina narrows her eyes at him. The way he was looking at her, she knew he was up to something.

"May I ask what your way is, Captain Shekhawat?"

"You may not ask, Cadet Singh. But if you say yes, I can show it to you," Rajveer replies, sitting on the couch and scooting closer to her.

"Let's see your way then," Naina says, feeling her heart beat rapidly against her chest due to his proximity.

Getting her permission, Rajveer takes one strawberry from the bowl and brings it to her lips.

He traces her bottom lip with that strawberry.

"Open your mouth, Naina."

Naina slightly opens her mouth, gett8ng flustered due to his deep, commanding voice.

"Wider, Naina," he demands, and she obliges.

Rajveer keeps the strawberry in the space between her teeth.

"Bite on it, Naina," he says, and she closes her mouth to bite and chew the strawberry.

While doing it, some of the juices flow out of the corner of her lips, and Rajveer leans forward to lick the juice from her mouth.

Naina gulps down the fruit, gasping when she feels Rajveer's tongue at the corner of her mouth.

She opens her eyes to look at him and feels a shiver run through her when she peers into the hooded look in his eyes.

She leans toward him to place a quick peck on his lips, but a surprised gasp escapes her mouth, when he keeps his hand on the back of her head to keep her close to him and presses his lips firmly on hers to deepen the kiss.

Rajveer forgets everything else, his world zeroing in on Naina and her intoxicating lips when he continues kissing her, exploring her mouth, feeling his passion increase with each passing second.

His one hand was on the back of her head, which he slid down to roam up and down her back, and he raised his other hand up her side, first moving it up to her neck and then bringing it down to press her soft breast.

He notices her take a shuddering breath in as he roams his hand from one breast to another and hears her moan softly as he presses on them.

Naina willingly goes to him when Rajveer picks her up and makes her sit on his lap, and she lets out a whimper as he holds her hair and pulls it back to make her arch and kisses on her neck.

As Rajveer is kissing her, he feels something on her neck that was pricking on his lips.

Frowning at it, he traces her neck to take out a chain from there, and is surprised to see the engagement ring that he had slid on her finger linked to that chain.

"Naina, this ring?" He looks questioningly at her.

"You told me that I should not wear my engagement ring while on the academy because it could make others suspicious if they saw it on my hand.

"That is why I took it off my finger, but I wanted to keep it close to me. So, I linked it to this chain and wore it on my neck, so it would always remain close to my heart," Naina replies, and starting to feel shy at her position of sitting on his lap, she climbs off his lap to sit beside him.

Hearing her, Rajveer feels the warmth engulf him.

Sometimes, when he thinks about them, he is still unable to believe he now has Naina in his life who loves him as much as he loves her.

After so many years of loneliness, he has found someone, and now that he has found her, he never wants to part from her, no matter what.

"I love you so much, Naina," Rajveer tells her, placing a soft kiss right above where the chain was lying on her chest.

"I love you too, Rajveer," Naina says, after calming her heartbeat that had spiked up due to that kiss.

"Shall I continue to feed you these fruits in my spicy way?" Rajveer asks her teasingly, and she shakes her head.

"No, thank you, Captain Shekhawat. As much as I liked your way, I think it will be better for me to eat these fruits in a simple plain way.

"It is already time for the lights out, and I will have to leave your quarter soon. And if I let you feed me in your way, I guess I would be here till the morning," she tells him, and he chuckles, hearing her.


Later, after Naina leaves his quarter, Rajveer is about to walk to his bedroom to retire for the night when he hears his phone ping, alerting him of a message.

Frowning at who sent him the message this late at night, he opens it to see a recording attached to the message.

He taps the play button on the recording to hear it, and is shocked when he listens to its content.

It was the recording of him confessing to Naina's parents about killing Naveen.

'Who could send this to me?' He wonders, but he does not have to ponder on it long because Ritu's face flashes in his mind.

"Yes. It must be Ritu's doing. That is why she talked with me in a cold manner that day when I returned to the academy," Rajveer says to himself, finally understanding the reason behind Ritu's changed demeanor toward him.

Ritu also knows about his engagement with Naina, and now she has this recording of his confession with her.

'She must be planning to use the recording against me and Naina.'

With that realization, Rajveer feels an overwhelming fear grip him, due to which his phone slips from his shivering hand, and he slumps on the ground.

"Naina," he whispers, wondering how her reaction to this truth is going to be.

He is guilty of hiding this significant truth of her life from her, and he does not know if she will be able to forgive him when this truth will finally be revealed to her.


"What the hell is this, Dr. Ritu Mishra?" Rajveer fumes at Ritu as soon as he enters her quarter and plays the recording that he knows was sent to him by her.

"My my, Captain Rajveer. What happened to your manners? Entering  a female faculty member's quarter without even knocking? Does your fiancé know you are in my quarter this late at night?" Ritu smirks at Rajveer, not at all affected by his anger.

"Don't you dare drag Naina into all this, Dr. Mishra. Don't you dare use her for your ugly motives," Rajveer warns her, but Ritu chuckles, shaking her head.

"I can use anyone for my motives, Captain Rajveer. I used Captain Naveen last time, and I will not hesitate in using his sister this time.

"Poor Naina. She does not even know that she is engaged to a man who killed her brother. How do you think she will react when she gets to know this truth?" Ritu asks, smirking when she notices the color drain out of his face.

"But you can prevent this all, Captain Rajveer," she continues to speak. "You can stop me from telling your Naina the truth about her brother's death. You can prevent yourself from the heartbreak which you will definitely face once your fiancé gets to know you betrayed her trust.

"Give me those triggers, and I will destroy that recording. Naina will never learn about your betrayal," Ritu proposes her offer to Rajveer.

Rajveer feels only despair when he hears Ritu.

She has asked him to choose between his country and his Naina.

And he already knows what his choice is going to be.

Yes, he loves Naina. He loves her more than anyone or anything in this world. He can do anything for her. He can even give his life for her if need be.

But there is one thing he can never do. He cannot ever betray his country. Not for anyone. Not even for Naina.

He has sworn to protect his nation with his life, and he will never break his oath even if he has to lose the love of that one girl who he loves more than himself.

"A little bird told me there is going to be a decoy drill after Captain Abhimanyu Rai Chauhan arrives in the academy. He is coming the day after tomorrow, and the drill is going to happen a day after he arrives.

"I know you are going to transfer the trigger in that decoy drill, Captain. And I want that trigger.

"So, you now have two choices, Captain. Give the trigger to me and save yourself from heartbreak, or be a good soldier to your country and lose the love of your life forever," Ritu tells him.

"I need some time to think about this," Rajveer says, trying his best to keep his expression neutral, no matter how much angst he felt from within.

Of course, he does not need any time to think because he has already made his decision.

He will never betray his country.

He just needs to buy some time with Ritu, so he can tell the truth to Naina himself before Ritu gets to her.

'I will tell her the whole truth. I will tell her why I had to pull the trigger at Naveen. I will explain to her how I have been burning in guilt and despair ever since that moment.' He decides, desperately hoping that Naina's love and trust in him will not waver after listening to his truth.

"Ok, Captain Rajveer. I will give you until tomorrow evening. If you do not give me your decision by tomorrow evening, I will make sure this recording reaches Naina, so she can know how her would-be husband has been betraying her to date," Ritu tells Rajveer, feeling ecstatic with the way everything is working out in her favor.

She knows Rajveer will choose Naina over his country.

After all, each people in this world are as selfish as her.

'Everyone chooses their happiness over their duty. Captain Rajveer will also do the same and will give me the trigger. After that, I will send him behind the prison and kill his fiancé. This is such a win-win situation for me.' She smirks, feeling giddy due to that thought.

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