~ Part 14 ~

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A/N: Thank you for your patience while I was gone, you guys are seriously the best ever! So without further ado, hope you enjoy the chapter! (Literally had to force this one, nothing was coming to mind) 

~ Rachie <3

[ Normal POV ]

Sans stood still, breathing heavily through his non-existent lungs while looking directly at Frisk and Mettaton. He'd been looking ever since metal scrap-yard took her away, and the skeleton wasn't sure how far that show-boater would take it. And their current position wasn't helping any. 

The robot was standing insanely close to the girl with his metal hand resting on her shoulder while Frisk's face was a deep crimson. 

Anyone would've gotten the wrong idea. 

An unknown anger boiled in Sans as he looked at the two... was this...jealousy? To see someone you care so deeply about in another's arms? Either way, he didn't like it. 

As conflicting emotions stirred within him, Sans raised his left arm, causing a blue aura to surround Mettaton. The skeleton wasn't sure if he was mad at the robot, or his thoughts of raging jealousy. Either way, he intended to take it out on Mettaton; and Papyrus wouldn't be able to save him this time, but Frisk could. 

Completely forgetting the nerves that gathered in her stomach, Frisk rushed at Sans as Mettaton began to be lifted into the air. 

The girl wrapped her arms tightly around the skeleton, cancelling his magic. Mettaton was slowly lowered to safety, allowing Frisk to sigh in relief. Sans just looked ahead in disbelief, trying to process what happened. One minute Frisk was blushing in the arms of another, the next she was by his side and holding him in her arms. 

"Sans, it's okay, I'm fine. Mettaton didn't do anything." Frisk explained, clutching tighter to his blue jacket.

He wanted so badly to wrap his arms around her, but after what he just did, he didn't deserve to. He could've hurt one of his friends out of jealousy for a girl who now was probably disgusted by him. 

But Frisk didn't move... she didn't care. She didn't back away from fear of him, she didn't yell at him for his actions, she didn't even think any less of him. The girl was unsure of why he did what he did, but knew it was probably a mistake or just out of protection. 

"sorry kiddo... i guess i got kind of carried away there." He apologized.

Frisk pulled away from their embrace and gave Sans the brightest smile she could muster. He didn't deserve to be at fault for some trouble she created herself. 

Whether she really liked him or not, Sans was always there, and always would be.

"It's fine Sans!"

. . .

Mettaton watched from afar as Sans and Frisk had their little moment. Although the skeleton himself didn't know it yet, it was obvious to Mettaton that he'd fallen head over heels for his 'little buddy'. 

And while the robot sat on the floor, he couldn't help but think to himself, 'I've got to tell Papyrus.'

. . .

[ Frisk's POV ] 

After our little dilemma solved itself, Sans and I began to walk back to Snowdin. The conversation was minimal. I knew that Sans felt guilty over what he'd done, but he didn't deserve to feel that way over my mistakes. 

After all, how are you supposed to like a guy that you cause so much trouble for? The fact remains that my presence will only cause problems for Sans. And if others are troubled because of me.... that's unacceptable. I don't want to get in the way.

. . . <---- Laziest. Time skip. Ever. 

It felt like an eternity until we finally got back to Snowdin. The silence was killing me and the tension was so thick I could've cut it with a knife. Worst of all, I could feel the symptoms of my cold slowly coming back. I just wanted to go home

Back where Toriel was and Sans wasn't. Back where I didn't have to worry about these feelings of mine that just continue to grow. Back where I won't cause him anymore trouble. 

I've never experienced such a powerful emotion. Toriel never taught me about these kind of complex feelings. Whenever she referred to love (the good stuff, not the bad stuff) there were always warnings and new rules. Maybe she was right. 

Ever since I'd discovered these feelings for Sans, I've had to lie to myself and worst of all, him. It's like having the biggest secret of all time that I can't tell him about. I won't tell him. Even though he makes my heart race and my chest ache with such a pain that tears fill my eyes, I'm filled with happiness just by having him near me. He's the only person who's ever made me so confused. But I won't tell him... such frustrating things.

Just as I had finally settled my feelings, I was snapped out of the trance as I saw someone running towards us. It took my eyes a minute to adjust, but I soon realized that it was Papyrus.

He stopped right in front of me and Sans, bouncing up and down as if eager to tell us something. Surprisingly, for the guy who was easier to read than an open book, I couldn't tell if he was happy or concerned.

"w-what is it bro?" Sans asked, nearly as confused as I was.


Seeing as how anxious he was acting, Sans grabbed my hand and teleported us back to their home. When we arrived at the front door, his hand was still holding tightly on mine. 

I slowly opened the door, unsure of what to expect; but sighed with relief when I was that there was nothing to be afraid of.

"What are you doing here, brother?"

Successfully locking away your feelings for Sans fills you with determination.

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