Day Out At Disney, And...

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Date: May 17th 2019 - Location: Disneyland, Florida.

Alexa Bliss's Personal Observation:

Jeez, it's been a while...So, you're probably wondering when and where I am? Or should I say "where we are"? That's right; me, Jack, Caitlin, Barbara, and Angel are all out today. And where are we? Well, that one's a little obvious - Disneyland of course! 

Basically, it's the week of Money In The Bank, and in the time since then both me and Jack have been rather busy with our respective schedules on the Main Roster and on NXT. Sadly, I've not been booked for a match at Money In The Bank, and Jack's first paper-view title match isn't until June 1st. It also meant that we didn't get to spend time with each other as much either, sadly.

So, me and the girls decided to arrange this day out for not only ourselves, but also for Jack and his daughter Angel, since Jack apparently hasn't been able to have a day out in quite some time too outside of the gym. What's more, we picked this date and day specifically because it's also Angel's birthday, so a win-win!

I arrived around about 10, and soon found out that I didn't need to wait long for the others to arrive either, as they soon arrived not too long afterwards. When they came out, I couldn't help but laugh a little when I saw both Caitlin and Barbara come out wearing Disney-based clothing like I was, and the same for Angel when she came out, including a pair of Minnie Mouse ears on her head.

Jack soon came out, but to my disappointment he didn't have any Disney-based items on. In fact, his whole clothing get-up was mostly darker clothing as he wore a pair of black jeans, a black t-shirt with an "N7" logo on, and a grey jacket with red lines going down the arm sleeves and another "N7" logo on the back of the jacket. He also had black boots on as well.

""Hey Lexi!"" both Caitlin and Barbara said to catch my attention, succeeding in the process before the three of us hugged. Jack soon came over with Angel, and Jack smiled softly at me whilst Angel hugged my legs instantly. 

"Hey you guys!" I responded, kneeling down and hugging Angel, saying to her as I did so "And a happy birthday to you Angel!" I said, to which Angel giggled and hugged me some more. She was so cute! "Thank you Lexi!" she responded. 

Eventually we parted from the hug, and I soon looked to Jack and asked him "If you don't mind me asking, Jack: how come you don't have anything Disney related on?" He rubbed the back of his head a little, slowly responding after a moment. "I uh...didn't have any Disney stuff that fit me...and I didn't plan on putting on a Minnie Mouse dress either." 

That made us laugh a bit...even more so when I found out he was being serious as well...and that Angel had almost asked him to wear one too!

"Well, we'll have to change that, won't we?" I asked the girls, who nodded in agreement. Jack rolls his eyes a bit in amusement. "Come on!" I then said eagerly, and we all headed into Disneyland after paying for the tickets - Jack paying for his, Cait's and Barbara's, because I offered to buy mine and Angels.

I don't know why, but I had a feeling that today was going to be a really good day.

End of pov.

As the day went on, Alexa's words seemed to ring true: they were all having a really good day, and really fun one. Even Jack was able to crack a smile and looked like he was having fun. Caitlin even commented to Alexa that Jack was being like his old self again in Disney...even though the one they had gone too when they were younger was a different one to the one they were currently in.

Even Angel noticed the surprising difference in her Dad: he was more cheery on the rides they did go on, he gladly got involved in pictures with either fans and/or with those who were dressed as Disney characters like Goofy, Micky and Minnie Mouse, or Donald Duck...who, coincidentally, seemed to be his favourite Disney characters...besides the Star Wars characters, since they were Disney characters now...

He even agreed to get something Disney related for himself to blend in with the other 4: which he did by getting a Disney style t-shirt, which he put on after putting his N7 shirt into his bag. He also got Angel a Disney cuddly toy that she really wanted as well when she asked...which to be honest, even the others found adorable too.

[Note: Don't judge me! A guy can like what he wants, just as the characters can! *chuckles*]

Presently, all 5 of them were currently sitting at one of the Disney-style cafe's in the area...mostly because Angel was rather hungry, which in turn seemed to make her dad, Jack, get hungry mere moments after she had said that she was.

Alexa continued to smile at this, as well as Caitlin and Barbara, both at the time out they were having at a place that, more-or-less, could possibly bring out an inner childish sense of excitement and joy, and also because they'd managed to get smiles out of Jack throughout the entirety of their time here. 

That was, however, until some time later when Jack went off to find the nearest convenience... 

It was coming up to between 20 to 25 minutes when they began to wonder where he was, so Alexa went to go and find out where Jack was.

She did not have to search for long either...

She found him sitting in a chair not too far from where they had been, talking on his phone with a look that was far from the cheerful and fun-filled one that he had nearly half an hour ago. Whatever it was he was talking about to on the other end - it seemed to have taken the joy out of him.

He soon finished his call and brushed his hands across his entire face a bit - breathing deeply, seemingly in irritation, from whatever he'd just been on the phone about. Concerned, Alexa soon began to walk over towards Jack and asked in concern when she reached him. "Hey Jack? Are you...are you alright?"

He looked up and over towards where Lexi's voice had come from at hearing that, and soon he saw her, sighing a little.

"I...I've been better..." he said slowly, moving his head away from her line-of-sight afterwards in an attempt to prevent Alexa from seeing his mood. Facial wise anyway. It did not work however, and soon "Little Miss Bliss" sat down next to him and placed a hand on his slowly.

"You want to talk about it?"

It took him a bit of time to be able to form any words after that question by Alexa, but eventually he managed to do so - and he soon began to slowly talk about everything that went down in the conversation without so much as a missed detail. And all throughout this talk, WWE's 'Five Feet of Fury' simply listened as he explained everything that had been discussed for lord knows how long.

Eventually, there was only silence between the two.

Alexa looked at Jack, who looked like he was more buried down in whatever burdens he was going through - mentally, physically and emotionally - and she gently placed a hand on the back of his head as she laid her head gently onto the side of Jack's, her eyes closed as he held her over hand in one of his own in response to what she was doing.

"You don't have to take everything on all by yourself, Jack...It's not healthy for you...And you've got people who will help you, if you let them..." she said slowly, then surprising 'The Dark Assassin' when she trailed soft kisses along his head to calm him a little, and to try and help.

"I don't know how to stop..." he slowly said, and it was the truth as well. He'd spent so many years helping others or, rather reluctantly, letting people help him when he really needed it, but when he didn't know how to ask for it...or he couldn't...but never once had he ever tried to help himself or knew how to. 

In his mind: why should he worry about his own well-being when there are others he can help and cheer up more. So that's what he always did - he put everybody else before himself, and it was something he had always been quite content to live by.

Alexa gently laid her head against his, a hand gently holding the back of his head. "Then let me help you find a way to..."

He turned his head slowly to look at "Five Feet of Fury", neither noticing Caitlin, Barbara or Angel looking at them not that far away...and then Alexa did something the Ryan's did not expect, or that "Little Miss Bliss" even thought through at the time...she kissed "The Dark Assassin" on the lips!

The two sisters and Angel all had to try and keep themselves from squealing at this or cheering. Even a few passerby's smiled at the romantic scene as they went about their day in Disneyland. Jack was taken aback at this action - but only for the briefest of moments - but soon...he found himself kissing Lexi back as he gently placed a hand on the back of her head.

The kiss between one-another was short and sweet, yet sent their hearts soaring and felt like fireworks going off between them. 

When they did part, both were blushing a shade of crimson - Alexa biting her lower lip in embarrassment at what took place whilst Jack brushed the back of his head and hair as he tried to think of words to say. 

It took them a bit to fully compose themselves, but soon both ended up saying in sync - a bit like The IIconic's in some regard - ""We'll go as fast as you...want...""

They both ended up laughing a bit after saying that, and Jack gently gave Alexa a side-hug as he said whilst they laughed "I'd like that." 

It was then that he spotted his sisters and daughter, and "The Dark Assassin" soon wagged his finger at them to tell them to 'Come here.', which they did - Angel jumping up onto Alexa's and Jack's laps when she came over. 

"Daddy dating Lexi!?" she asked very excitedly, to which Alexa giggled a bit at that question. "In a way, Angel, in a way." she said in response - which the little one took it as a 'Yes' and celebrated by hugging both of them. "Best birthday pressie ever!" she said, and Jack ruffled her hair a bit as they chuckled.

The rest of the day went by really well after that, and the overall mood was very cheerful to say the least - with Jack and Alexa occasionally holding each others hands when they weren't on rides or holding Angel's hand(s). 

Even if, in their minds, they weren't quite official yet - a new relationship had been created that day, and it was one that would help change their lives for the better. But their journey on this new path together...was only just beginning....

Author's Note: I'm sorry for the lack of chapter updates in a while. I've been working on a few new projects since I last did a proper chapter on this story, and I started up a new story called "Healing A Broken Souls Spirit" as well, whilst also working on my "Iconic Bond" story too.

I hope you are all doing well though and staying safe, and I hope you do like this chapter. It is a bit silly, I admit, and probably isn't my best work in terms of a chapter - but I'm still hoping that you like it. As ever, I can't promise when the next update(s) will be, so I do ask for you to be patient. 

Anyway, I hope you all have an amazing day, and please stay safe!

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