First TakeOver Title Defense!

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Author's Note: This took me a while to complete, as I've not got the biggest knowledge on Tyler Breeze, and even when I did get some information, it was still rather tricky to do the match. 

So before I continue with the story, I want to give a shout out and my thanks to a good friend of mine on quotev, 16vxriot, for assisting me with getting to know Breeze in terms of his move-set and helping me work with that and what he gave me as examples, and I hope you all have a great day and an enjoyable read!

Date: June 1st 2019 - Location: NXT TakeOver: XXV (25)

Alexa Bliss's Personal Observation:

I know, I know. You're probably wondering 'Hey Alexa, why are you here?'. Well, I've got a couple of answers to that question, if any of you are wondering that: First of all, and quite honestly - possibly the simplest answer - me and the girls, Caitlin and Barbara that is, made plans to meet up today alongside Nikki and Pamela, which led Caity and Barbara to offering us 3 to stay over the night.

Second: We all decided to watch the NXT TakeOver paper-view together since it was on tonight, and because it'll be a break from the normal that is the main roster paper-views...or anything to do with the main roster in general...

And Third: Why not? I get to hang out with the girls, and we get to have a girls night in as well until Jack gets back. So, a win-win-win in my opinion.

Oh, and in case you're wondering, me and Jack are taking it slow still, and that's because it's more for both of our benefits than just any one person in particular. We do message each other 'goodnight' though, and check on each other after a show via texts or face-timing each other when we're not know, because of our travel schedules and what-not...

Still...I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't happy that me and him have gotten to how are in such a short time, even if it's not exactly much to begin with arguably.

The one drawback to...whatever it is that me and Jack have, though, is that both Pam and Nikki - as well as some of our other friends who have heard about it - often tease me a bit about it, even if their teasing is in good nature. It's kind of embarrassing to be honest...

We were currently all sitting in...well, I guess you could call it "the living room", or whatever passes for it...waiting for the paper-view to begin. We had the pre-show at least to keep us entertained until the main show starts, and we also chatted as well during and before the pre-show and main show began as well. 

Angel just seemed to love being around us all. Whether it was the hugs that Pam gave Angel or the craziness that Nikki occasionally did to entertain Angel, which the latter laughed at a lot, or just genuinely laying back and enjoying the company of us all, it was just really nice spending time with everyone.

And then, of course...

"Sooo Angel? Is Lexi and Jackie boy as lovey dovey as the rumors say?" Nikki began teasing a bit, which I rolled my eyes at...whilst trying to hide a growing crimson blush that was threatening to appear on my cheeks...Angel just giggled a bit before responding.

"Daddy and Lexi are cute!" was all she responded with, which I assume was answer enough for Nikki and Pamela as they both ended up going 'awww' for a fair while before Angel ended up hugging me, which has become quite the habit for Angel now since she, Caitlin and Barbara all caught me and Jack kissing. 

"Can we please stop teasing me and watch the show?" I asked in embarrassment, which, I hope anyway, seemed to send the message to them. 

Of course, we were in for an exciting more ways than one!

Jack's Personal Observation:

I was currently backstage preparing myself mentally whilst hanging out with Undisputed Era and Gargano, and honestly I appreciated the company they gave me. Nerves were natural, I get that, but even I have to admit that I was a little more nervous than normal. Maybe because it was my first title defense on a paper-view or something, I don't know...Well, first paper-view title defense on a WWE/NXT show anyway...

At least I wasn't alone in this case: Johnny had some nerves as well, since he was defending the NXT Championship in the main event against Adam, and, if their rather awesome match at TakeOver New York was anything to go by, they had set the bar for their rematch here tonight incredibly high.

My match was at the middle of the card, and given that the NXT Tag Team Championship Ladder Match was just before my match? Yeah...I was not looking forward to this...

Don't get me wrong, I was looking forward to working with Tyler, and I'm sure we'll pull off a good match...but I felt like I'd have to pull out a miracle just to try to even get the match in contention for "something to see"...and that's me being critical on myself, not Tyler!

"Nervous mate?" I heard Adam say, and I looked over to him, my face hidden behind my hair a bit. 

"A little, yeah. First paper-view defense and all, you know?" I replied, speaking out of honesty, to which Cole chuckled a bit. "Yeah, I know man. I was the same when I had that title last year." he said, pointing at my North American Championship. 

"You'll be fine, trust us." Gargano added in agreement, chuckling a bit as he pointed between himself, Cole, and the NXT Championship. "Besides, we've got an arguably harder job tonight." he stated, causing us three, Roderick, Kyle and Bobby to laugh at that.

Eventually, I soon got up and picked my title up. "I'd better get myself sorted out before the show starts. See you in a bit." I said simply as I went to get myself ready, hearing the others saying "See ya." to me as I headed off.

When I was done changing into my attire for the evening: I arrived at where the make-up people were, and they were friendly when I came over, and even more so when they started helping me with what I had planned for this evening. 

At one point I looked to my phone and saw a picture with a message attached to it: in the picture was Caity, Barb, Angel, Nikki, Pamela and Lexi, and the message attached to the picture simply said "Good luck tonight, Jack!" I couldn't help but smile briefly at that.

"Having fun?" I heard, and I glanced over briefly and saw Hunter coming in with a smile, I smiled back briefly before responding. "Hey Hunter. Just getting some support." I responded, before showing him on the phone. Hunter had a look and chuckled a bit.

"Glad to hear it. Shame they didn't come to watch." he responded as he handed me my phone back. "Yeah...but sadly, I doubt Angel would have been able to stay awake long enough. Besides, they deserve a night to themselves." I said, and Hunter nodded his head in understanding.

"Fair enough. Good luck out there tonight, by the way. I'm looking forward to the match." he said, patting my shoulder before heading off to do whatever he had to do, leaving Jack to continue with what he was doing in the make up area.

End of pov.

As the paper-view got underway, and the evening took off: both the fans themselves and the superstars watching both in the back and/or wherever they were watching the paper-view from were having a blast watching TakeOver 25.

Alexa, Nikki, Bayley, Caitlin and Barbara were having just as much fun watching the paper-view from where they were as the fans were having. The matches that were already shown certainly didn't disappoint, even if there was one match they were looking forward to a lot outside of the Women's Championship match, and the NXT Championship main event.

Matt Riddle had defeated "The Undisputed Era's" Roderick Strong in the opening match, and "The Street Profits" defeated "Undisputed Era's" Bobby Fish and Kyle O'Reilly, "The Forgotten Sons's" Wesley Blake and Steve Cutler, and the team of Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch in a brutal yet amazing Ladder Match to win the vacant NXT Tag Team Championships...and match that could have been match of the evening! 

Granted, most Ladder Matches often turn out to be matches of the evening and really amazing anyway.

Now, though, it was time for the NXT North American Championship match...

"The following for the NXT North American CHAMPIONSHIP!!!" the ring announcer said as the crowd cheered loudly for this, and soon "Prince Pretties" music soon began to play in the background, the crowd popping as he began to make his way to the ring and into his first NXT TakeOver event in...however long it has been.

Tyler was given a bit to soak in the moment, even if he remained in character whilst he absorbed the moment...but then....

The crowd popped massively as soon as they heard Jack's music begin to play: the lights then dimmed down briefly as his music began to play, and then he began to appear slowly - holding his North American Championship over his shoulder, dressed in something different than what he's normally worn...but fans still thought it looked rather bad ass. He also had a rather creepy skull mask on as well.

As he got into the ring, he first removed his hood...and then when he removed the mask, the crowd and Tyler were both surprised when Jack revealed his face was painted in a rather spooky design, almost Vampiro or Sting like.

This made a lot of hardcore fans that had followed his career pop massively, since Jack in the past - both in New Japan, and in times before he became "The Dark Assassin" - used to completely paint his face with different styles of face-paint, often inspired by some of his favourite wrestlers like Sting and Jeff Hardy. 

After becoming "The Dark Assassin" in New Japan, though, he only brought the face-paint out on the odd occasion, or against opponents he respected, or in high-stake matches such as against Kazuchika Okada, Hiroshi Tanahashi, Pentagon Jr., or Will Ospreay.

Jack soon held his title above his head as he stood face-to-face with Tyler Breeze, moving his fingers across his throat in the finger-gun-blade like manner, before pointing his fingers at Tyler in a motion like he was aiming a gun at him before "firing" at him.

Now things were getting interesting!

Alexa's Personal Observation:

Oh my god! That face-paint looks so cool! It makes him look a lot more menacing, at least in design, and...well...a lot more hot. What? It's not that weird.

Annnnd I think the girls noticed this as well, because I turned to see their reactions and noticed that they were looking at my blushing face with knowing smirks. I knew what they were all thinking and what they were possibly going to say.

"Shut up..." was all I said, to which they gave innocent looks. "We weren't going to say a word." Barb told me, which I didn't believe for a second. "Sure..." I said, before looking back at the screen. The only one who didn't give me the reaction that Caity and Barbara gave me was Angel and the pets. The former of the 3 because she was clapping in anticipation.

"Daddy's serious tonight!" I heard her say, and I giggled a bit as I cuddled her on my lap whilst we watched. Oh how right she was about her daddy. This match was going to be fun for us, no doubt about that. I just hope that Jack will be okay.

End of pov.

After all of the introductions were done, and Jack handed his North American Championship to the ref, he leaned against the nearest Turnbuckle like someone in a deep trance - his eyes closed to sell it. When the bell did ring, his eyes opened and pushed himself off of the Turnbuckle as he looked towards Tyler - both standing in front of one-another face-to-face for a time...and it soon ended with Tyler slapping Jack round the face!

Jack barely reacted to the slap - but he did respond in force by smashing his elbow into Breeze's face in response and then attempting to hit a Destruction Kick. Breeze, however, ducked out of the way and ran across the ring - bouncing off the ropes and hitting a Jumping Back Elbow onto "The Dark Assassin" moments after the latter turned to face him!

Breeze then followed it up by hitting a Standing Moonsault onto Jack and going for an early pin - not even getting a 1 before "The Dark Assassin" kicked out and smashed his elbow once, twice, three times into the back of Breeze's head, followed by a knee to the face when he began to make his way up to his feet!

Whenever "The Dark Assassin" did have face-paint on, fans knew that they would see a mix of normal Jack's moves, as well as stiff shots and submission moves at times, with the odd power move that Jack wouldn't often use. And it appeared that he was already using the stiff shots to his advantage!

Jack attempted to run off the ropes to hit another move similar to Breeze, only for Breeze to counter by hitting a Release German Suplex right out of nowhere. 

'The Dark Assassin' attempted to seek temporary escape and refuge outside the ring as he rolled out of the ring briefly - brushing a hand along his neck briefly from a slight twinge that he'd received from the Release German, which he brushed off - but was caught off-guard when Tyler Breeze hit him with a Suicide Dive out of nowhere, sending 'The Dark Assassin' into the nearby announce table!

He then ran back into the ring and attempted to go all Seth Rollins or Daniel Bryan by attempting to hit another Suicide Dive onto Jack - only for the face-painted 'Dark Assassin' to completely counter him by hitting a picture-perfect Cutter onto Breeze as he left the safety of the ropes!

He managed to lift him up and throw him back in the ring, before jumping onto the apron and attempting to hit a Springboard Shooting Star Press onto Breeze from the ropes, on for Breeze to roll out of the way quick as a flash before the move could connect - causing Jack to land on his front, which he sold like hell - before delivering both a Superkick to the side of Jack's painted face, and then locking him in a Single-Leg Boston Crab whilst Jack was dazed!

Jack attempted to crawl to reach for the nearby bottom rope - but Tyler managed to notice this, just, before transitioning the Single-Leg Boston Crab into a Fujiwara Armbar surprisingly smoothly - all whilst occasionally 'cheating' to do so with the help of the ropes when the ref wasn't paying attention.

However, this could have been considered as rather careless as well, as 'The Dark Assassin' was able to put a stop to 'Prince Pretty's' attempt to submit Jack - as he managed to arch his leg enough to get one of his feet touching the bottom rope to cause a break.

Breeze was rather annoyed a little, but tried not to show it - waiting for 'The Dark Assassin' to get up before attempting another Superkick...only for Jack to respond to that by catching his feet and bringing him down to the mat with a very Kurt Angle-like Ankle Lock, locking his legs around the leg and, similar to Jake Hager, twisting the leg a bit as well in the process in a grimace-inducing way!

He saw Breeze trying and failing to crawl to the ropes despite his leg being wrenched and pulled back in violent fashion...and then 'The Dark Assassin' smirked as he swiftly transitioned the move into a Cross Face Submission - trapping the leg he had been working on with one of his knees as he almost did a lifting up variation of the Cross Face, or an arching version anyway.

Sadly, Tyler managed to cause a rope break when he managed to get a couple of fingers on a nearby turnbuckle rope. 

However Jack himself, surprisingly, didn't release the hold until the referee got to a 4 out of the allocated 5 count, and he didn't pay any attention at all to the ref when he tried admonishing Jack upon 'The Dark Assassin' releasing the hold - in fact he merely ignored him as he made his way to his feet, watching like a predator as Breeze made his way out of the ring upon being let go of the hold - limping on his worked on his leg as he sold the submission, and holding his jaw from the Cross Face.

'The Dark Assassin' though didn't let 'Prince Pretty' rest up and recover that easily - as he soon ran across the ring and rebounded off the ropes, before taking down Breeze with a Suicide Swantom Bomb over of the top ropes, taking down Breeze as he smirked with an almost crazed look on his face.

As soon as Jack made it to his feet, he lifted Breeze up and attempted to go for a Running Snake Eyes from where he was to one of the barricades, but Breeze managed to get free and jump off of Jack just before reaching the barricade - Jack himself barely managing to stop himself from colliding with the barricade, and Breeze selling his worked on leg as he landed on it awkwardly and appearing like he tweaked his leg, or further aggravated his injury, before managing to hit a Hurricanrana on Jack as he charged at Breeze!

This kind of set the tone for the match, and it only went more brutal as time went on. Though the fans still seemed to like the match regardless!

For close to 15 minutes, neither man held back! They both tried to take each other down with inventive maneuvers. Breeze himself definitely had to get creative on more than one occasion, due to him still selling his worked on leg from the Ankle Lock at the start of the match. He even had to work around not being able to use his "Unprettier", and limited on his options on if he used the Superkick or any other moves that involved using his leg.

Although 'The Dark Assassin' himself would come back to work on it on a number of occasions, and try to re-lock the Ankle Lock on a number of occasions - he still continued to rely on his hard-hitting/high-flying combo style to try to pick up a pinfall win during the match, before transitioning into a submission moments after failing with the pin! 

Jack hit Breeze with the "Destruction Kick", before 'The Dark Assassin' attempted to lock in the Ankle Lock once again to a downed Tyler Breeze - almost like he was trying to win the match via submission, instead of how he normally did with a pinfall like he normally did - but when he did so, Breeze was barely able to bounce up onto his good foot with his hands, and the managed to deal a variation of the Enziguri - dazing and temporarily stunning Jack, and causing him to release his hold on Breeze's damaged leg.

Breeze then used the ropes to get himself up, and when Jack charged at him in an attempt to Spear him out of the ring through the ropes - Tyler managed to duck out of the way just in time, causing 'The Dark Assassin' to fly through the rope and crash into the barricade shoulder first! 

Jack himself ignored the pain he had in his shoulder, and jumped onto the apron - knocking 'Prince Pretty' back a bit with a right elbow as he got up - before attempting to hit Breeze as he leaped off of the ropes in an attempt to hit a Springboard-like move, only for Breeze to catch him mid-move just in time with the "Beauty Shot"!

He crawled as best as he could over to a downed Jack, and attempted to go for the pin, but...

1 - 2 - Thr...!

Jack kicked out, causing Breeze to stumble a bit as 'The Dark Assassin rolled instinctively onto his front...and then Breeze attempted to lock in a Single Leg Boston Crab on Jack with the advantage he had for now! However, he wasn't fully able to utilize the submission move because of the leg that Jack had been working on throughout the match, and as such he felt his leg give way and Breeze hold onto his leg on instinct alone - release his submission hold on Jack!

As Tyler tried to put weight on his leg, or get it working again: 'The Dark Assassin' himself got back up to his feet - a predator-like snarl on his face, and most of his face paint having been faded off over the course of the match itself - and delivered not one, but two "Destruction Kicks" to the back of Breeze's head, before forcing him up and driving him into the middle of the mat with the "Doomsday Tombstone" - knocking out Breeze upon impact!

Jack noticed that Breeze was not getting up - and he soon brought the match to a quick end as he locked Tyler in the "Assassin's Kill-Switch". The ref checked on Breeze to see if he was taping out or if he passed out...and when Breeze didn't respond, and didn't stop the ref dropping hand, the ref rang the bell. 

After what had been a gruelling back-and-forth match - 'The Dark Assassin' had retained his NXT North American title in his first paper-view title defence by knocking out Tyler Breeze!

When the bell rang, and the music began to play in the background: Jack released his hold over Tyler Breeze, and let 'Prince Pretty' fall to the mat gently - brushing his hands across his sweaty face, and looking down at Breeze with both a serious look...and a look of respect.

He was handed his North American Championship, which he placed on his lap as he brushed his hands across his hair - asking for a microphone with his fingers before going up to his knees. When he was given the microphone, he placed his North American title over his shoulder, and then looked to Tyler as he spoke - seeing Tyler slowly beginning to stir.

"You're resilient, 'Prince Pretty'...Heal yourself up...and then, I promise...we will fight again!" And with that, he exited the ring as he dropped the mic down on the mat - slowly beginning to walk backstage as he glanced back at Breeze with a smirk on his face. The final shot before the paper-view faded to commercials being 'The Dark Assassin' holding up the North American title as the lights faded where he stood....

Author's Side-Note: I'm sorry that this took a lot longer than planned. To be honest, I have been working on this chapter for...maybe about the same amount of time as the previous chapter, and it's been a bit of a struggle to get out because I'm not as much in the know of Tyler Breeze's move-set or moves outside of the Superkick or The Unprettier without looking at a clip of his moves.

I hope you understand this, and regardless of that, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I hope you are all doing well, staying safe and healthy, and I hope you all have an amazing day!

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