First Title Win In NXT, Part 1

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To say that the following 2 months after Alexa had first met Jack on his debut night on the last NXT Takeover event had not been eventually would be completely incorrect. In the short time since he had debuted for NXT: he had quickly gained popularity among the NXT roster and the fans as well that were either not as much in the know about him from his days on the indie scene or who didn't know about him at all. 

And throughout this, he continued to astound his fans who had known about him more with how he was able to evolve into the NXT scene with relative ease whilst still maintaining how he did things in the ring, his level of violence, and his level of unpredictability as well. It did help that he had Caitlin as his manager too, since he rarely if ever spoke on screen.

Things only went upwards for him on the NXT roster as weeks went by, in part due to his continuously rising popularity among fans and also because of the great matches he put on with anyone he faced in the ring: be it in singles matches, handicap matches or tag matches, even if the latter was a rare thing; and there were rumors that he was going to be originally pushed for a shot at Tommaso Ciampa's NXT Championship at the following Takeover event.

However, after Ciampa had to vacate the title due to his surgery: Triple H, Garganno and even Adam Cole were surprised and humbled, in a good way, to learn that Jack turned down a chance to win the NXT Championship against Garganno and Cole in a Triple Threat due in no small part because he felt they deserved the main event spot light over him at the next Takeover Event.

Word spread throughout the locker room after others heard about this, and needless to say Jack gained a lot of new fans and a few new friends backstage, even if the latter took him time to adjust to, and Triple H promised him that he would find a way to repay Jack back for his selflessness.

But it wasn't just things in NXT that were going well in his life as well: his friendship with Alexa Bliss was something that also seemed to grow and evolve as time went on too. Although she wasn't able to see the Ryan's as often as she wanted to, mostly due to them being on separate brands, whenever she was able to make time for them: they always had the best of times wherever they were able to meet up. 

People began to take a notice of how close Alexa was getting with Jack and his daughter Angel though, including Jack's sisters and their friends like Finn, Rollins and the Undisputed Era, and more specifically how Angel was like a kid at Christmas whenever Alexa was around and tried to even portray her at times, something that the little ones family found cute, and in terms of Jack alone: Jack and Alexa was slowly starting to overcome Jack's initial nervousness and shyness around her, and whenever he needed someone to talk to that wasn't his sisters, he would give her a call and they would just talk it through.

It was certainly progress needless to say, albeit slow progress but progress nevertheless. 

What Jack was not aware of though was that, back in the land that was NXT, Triple H and William Regal had thought of something for him already for the next Takeover paperview. As the paperview, NXT Takeover: New York, came closer: it was announced that there was to be a triple threat match for the NXT North American Championship between the champion, Velveteen Dream, Matt Riddle, and Jack Ryan.

When Jack had heard about this, he was initially confused as to why he was in the title picture, but later on thought that it was to help push either Dream or Riddle to winning the match whilst making himself seem strong than anything...but boy, if only he knew the truth...

Jack's Personal Observation:

Presently: I was getting ready to head to a nearby gym I'd seen not too far from where we'd parked to get some much needed training in for the title match at Takeover: New York on Friday, which was only a day away. Cait and Barb had taken Angel out for the day for some sight seeing whilst I trained...and to treat her to McDonald's as well...

You'd think every kid would want to leave their old man behind most of the time, myself excluded when I was her age. But no, Angel didn't want to. Though I did promise her I would catch up to them when I was done, so it wasn't all bad news for my little bundle of joy. And yes, I did just say that.

As I was getting ready to go, I soon got a call from Alexa on my phone, which was odd. Odd in a good way, but still a bit odd. With Wrestlemania being around the corner, I thought she would be preparing for the event or resting. Deciding to see what was up, I answered the call. "Hey Lexi."

Alexa's Personal Observation:

As I called Jack, I began to feel a little nervous, which was a little strange considering we were just friends...or at least that's how it felt most of the time. If the last few months have taught me anything: he normally goes to train by now, or is out with his daughter Angel. 

I didn't want to admit it but...well, ever since the night we sat down and spoke after his debut back in January: my crush over him has only developed and grown as the weeks have gone by...which unfortunately means I've also given the girls in the Locker Room something to tease me over, as well as Cait and Barbara something to tease me about too.

I waited patiently yet nervously as I heard the phone ringing. I had a reason why I was calling him, but you'll just have to read to figure out why. Soon, though, he answered, and I heard his voice. "Hey Lexi."

I smiled as I heard his voice. "Hey Jack. Is now a bad time?" I asked, as I sat up on my hotel bed. "No, I was just getting ready. What's up?" I heard him respond on the other end, and I felt myself biting my lower lip a little nervously. "Well...I have something I need to ask you. A favour if you will." 

He remained silent, but I could hear him sitting down, which meant he was listening to what I was about to ask. 

"See, the Hall of Fame is tomorrow, and I don't have anyone to go with...and it's something I both need to attend, because I'm going to Wrestlemania on Sunday to host it, and something I want to attend as I was wondering...if you are able to that is...would you go with me to the Hall of Fame tomorrow? Please?" 

He was silent for a bit, but soon replied, and I was surprised when he did. "Sure. I'd love to." That shocked me, and made me stand up instantly with a surprised look on my face. "You will!? You mean it!?" Gosh I sounded like a giddy school girl! But he seemed to not notice. 

"Yep. We'll get there as soon as we can." he responded, and I felt myself smiling at that. "Well...great! I'll see you then! Good luck tonight." I said beaming, and although I couldn't see it, because we weren't face-timing right now, I could somehow sense his smile on the other end. "Thanks Lexi. See you later.

With that the call ended, and I swear I was pretty much acting like a fangirl right now. But I knew I had a bit of a busy day today, so I had to get ready for the day ahead...but all I could think of at times was my evening tomorrow with Jack...

End of pov.:

Hours Later at NXT Takeover: New York:

The evening was soon upon New York, and Jack was preparing for the evening ahead. The North American Championship match was the second match on the card, as well as the second championship defended that night, since "The War Raiders" were defending the NXT Tag Team Championships against Aleister Black and Ricochet in their last NXT match before Wrestlemania.

Jack had a feeling that Hanson and Raymond Rowe were going to retain the titles, but he had heard rumors that Vince was planning on bringing them to the main roster too. "That guy's an idiot..." he muttered to himself whilst he was getting into his ring gear. 

Neither Caitlin or Barbara was going to be with me tonight, as they were watching from the tour bus home of theirs to watch the paperview, because somehow they had managed to get it on the telly. How they did that Jack didn't know and didn't want to know.

Jack had a mask specially designed for his entrance tonight, to try and fit the entrance that he normally had...that and to fit his "Dark Assassin" persona. He was in the same gear he had debuted in, but this time he put on a sleeve-less trench coat of sorts on before putting his new mask on. 

[Author's Side-Note: The first picture is what he looks like on his way to the ring, the second picture is the mask he is wearing to the ring]

He also picked up a bat he had started taking down to the ring years ago. Call it a little extra insurance in case someone tried anything funny. He soon heard a knock on the door and was told that his match was soon. 

Jack knew what he had to do the match, but what he didn't know was that Triple H had told Velveteen Dream and Matt Riddle what the end result of the match was. As far as Jack knew, he was to wait for one of the two to give the signal and hit his "Angel Bomb" finisher during the final moments of the match.

He headed to the gorilla, a name which he still never fully understood, and began to mentally prepare himself for what he was about to go through. The Dream and Riddle both whistled impressed by the mask and the get-up. 

"Nice. Suits the gimmick dude." Matt said, which Jack nodded at in appreciation. "Thanks." he said, shaking their hands briefly as a sign of "good luck", which they returned without hesitation. Triple H soon came over to the three and patted their shoulders for "good luck" as well. 

"Go out there and kill it tonight you three! This is your time to shine." The Game said to give them further motivation, and it worked too, especially in "The Dark Assassin's" case. Triple H went to go and watch the match with the rest of the crew, and soon it was time for the match...It's show time!

Author's Side-Note: I wasn't originally going to make this a 2 part chapter, but I wasn't sure if you would want to read it as one massive chapter or as 2 parts, so I went with the latter of the two. I hope you don't mind that. I am going to be away for the next 2 weeks from the 17th onward, but I will still try to get Part 2 done either before I go away or, failing that, as soon as possible when I'm away or after.

Apart from that, I hope you enjoyed part 1, and I hope you'll enjoy part 2 when I get to it, even if I can't promise if it will be shorter or not. Anyway, see you in the next chapter and I hope you all have an amazing day!

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