First Title Win In NXT, Part 2

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Alexa Bliss's Personal Observation: 

I had just gotten back to the hotel that I was staying at during Wrestlemania weekend. Although I wasn't currently thinking about that. I mean, yes, going to Wrestlemania is a big thing, but honestly I was sad that I didn't have a match this year for Wrestlemania because of my concussion issues still playing up. 

I had been given the okay to wrestle at the Royal Rumble in the Women's Royal Rumble match back in January, but that apparently turned out to be a one-time thing because my concussion problems were still playing up, and the docs wanted to run more tests on me. Still...I guess I am grateful that I'm at Wrestlemania at all than not. I would have been crushed if I couldn't go this year.

On the plus side: this weekend would have a bit of a "blissful" addition to it (I know, bad pun), because Jack was going to come to the Hall of Fame with me tomorrow...well, at least I hope he can, if he can make I did have a little surprise for him, his sisters and his cutie of a daughter: I had tickets for them for Wrestlemania, and trust me it was not easy to get them. I was just lucky that Hunter had agreed to it.

I lay on my bed and put on the telly, flicking through the channels...and then I remembered that Jack had a match tonight at the current NXT Takeover: New York event, so I brought up the paper-view and watched it. It was during the NXT Tag Team Championship match still, so I still had to wait a bit for the match, though thankfully not too long...I know who my money is on for his match....

Caitlin's Personal Observation:

Myself, Barbara and Angel were getting ready to see Jack's match. Winter and Max were awake, but they weren't as interested in watching wrestling shows unless they heard Jack's music playing...or unless they heard the music of Alexa, since she had become their new favourite outside of Jack, or Becky and Bayley. 

Angel was arguably the most excited out of everyone, and to be honest neither me nor Barb could blame her, I mean he is Angel's dad and all. I had wanted to come and be ringside with Jackie boy (and yes, that is his nickname, dubbed by his ever loving sisters, me and Barbara!), but Angel and the pets needed looking after, and he had insisted on going on his own tonight.

Honestly, that kind of made me and Barbara a bit worried when he said that, and not just because of how he normally is. Don't get me wrong, he's a lot more confident on NXT now than when he debuted, and not just because of Austin's (Adam Cole's) and the rest of the Undisputed Era. He's managed to make quite a few friends in such a short amount of time. Even Trevor (Ricochet) and Tom (Aleister Black) have become friends with him even though they've been between the Main Roster and NXT since post Royal Rumble now.

But the thing that was worrying us the most was his...condition, for lack of better and kinder words right this minute. We were worried that something would happen whilst we weren't there and we wouldn't be able to stop it. It won't be a problem when he's in the ring, but backstage anything could happen...especially if it happens just before his match starts...

Soon enough though, our fears were silenced when the combatants began to enter the ring one-by-one. First Matt Riddle came out, though his music confused me a bit, even if Matt himself is one of the nicest and humblest guys your likely to meet...then again that goes the same for most wrestlers back stage...then Velveteen Dream came out. 

Honestly "The Dream" was worth watching on Takeover paper-views to see what kind of entrance he would have, if anything, but he's still a pretty good wrestler. Vince would have no idea on how to use him if he came to the main roster, I can tell you that.

Then, after about 30 seconds of silence, the lights went out, creating the pitch-darkness that was now known with Jack's entrances, red lights began to cover the arena in a blood red kind of way...and then he began to make his way to the entrance as his music began to play, and the crowd popped loudly at both him appearing, and his appearance itself. It made him certainly look like someone you shouldn't mess with.

[Author's Note: His appearance is shown in Part 1, but I'll show it again if you don't want to go back to look at it]

As soon as he entered the ring, he pointed the bat he had in his hand directly at both Riddle and Dream, and then towards the NXT North American Championship that Dream was holding. Oh, and in case you're wondering, Winter and Max were now watching as soon as they heard the music play and Jack's name mentioned.

The match soon began as soon as the bell rang and the introductions between the champion and challengers was made...and it began with Jack running at both Matt and Dream and hitting them both with a Clothesline, then jumping off the second rope and somehow managing to hit a Moonsault on both of them before they could recover, somehow managing to twist his body mid-jump in quick fashion before connecting with the move! That certainly got the crowd pumping for this match!

The match was close to 18 minutes of pure brutality, show-boating from Velveteen Dream, and skill that never ceased to amaze us and the crowd every minute that it went on, and nobody felt left out or out-of-place in this match. 

At one point during the match: Jack managed to hit his Suicide Swantom Bomb from over the top rope onto both Matt and Velveteen on the outside near the announcers table, but when he went back into the ring and attempted to go for a Moonsault on the top turnbuckle: Velveteen managed to somehow hit a Superkick on him mid-move, taking down Jack whilst Jack's Moonsault hit Riddle!

There was even a spot or two involving weapons like Jack's bat at times, mostly to help remind or explain to fans why our brother was dubbed "The Dark Assassin". Jack even hit his "Moonsault Cross-Face" onto Riddle at one time, and made the Cross-Face part even more painful by locking it with his bat pulling back into Riddle's face for extra leverage!

Of course, Velveteen Dream managed to break up the Cross-Face part of the move by hitting his "Purple Rainmaker" onto Jack, even if only got "The Dream" a 2 count. Another cool spot was when Jack lifted both Riddle and Dream on top of his shoulders, which shocked the fans and no doubt a lot of the guys and girls backstage, walked to the center of the ring with them on his shoulders, and then he hit them with his version of the "F-5": "The Nightmare Driver"!

Soon the closing minutes of the match came around: Jack and Matt were both in the ring slugging it out, when Jack shoved Matt backwards with enough force to cause Riddle to rebound off the ropes and right into bros "Destruction Kick", which he hit picture perfectly! But before he could go for the pin: "The Dream" hit him with a Superkick of his own and threw Jack out the ring before ascending the turnbuckles.

Velveteen then hit Riddle with the "Purple Rainmaker" halfway across the ring...but just as he was going for the cover: we all saw Jack quickly getting on the apron and then jumping off the top rope and hitting an "Angel Bomb", his version of the Swantom Bomb, from the ropes onto both guys despite being halfway across the ring, breaking the pinfall up at 2 and a half, but only barely!

He then pulled them apart to prevent either pinning the other, and ran onto the top turnbuckle, before leaping from it and hitting another "Angel Bomb" onto both of them from halfway across the ring, before going for a cover on Velveteen Dream!

1 - 2 - 3!

As soon as the 3 was said and the bell rang: me, Barbara and Angel were all cheering like mad people, Angel especially at seeing her daddy winning a title on his first NXT paper-view match, and both Winter and Max were...well, I'm not even sure what they were doing, but they seemed really cheerful about Jack winning the match.

Jack though had the best reaction to his own win, as soon as the 3 was announced and his music began to play: he sat up with a look of shock and surprise on his face, looking towards the ref with a look of disbelief as he was handed the North American Championship.

I looked to my phone and saw that fans on social media was already blowing up on the win, and even Lexi sent me a message about it: showing her looking exciting about the win and even doing a mini-celebration too, which was kind of cute. I'll never say anything to the two of them, at least not yet anyway, but I am SO shipping those two right now.

Tonight was certainly a good night....

Alexa's Personal Observation:

YES!!! He won! He won the title on his first NXT paper-view match! And just by the look on Jack's face alone, I can tell he definitely wasn't expecting it as well! I wonder if Caity and Barb knew about it?

I don't know why, but I ended up recording my reaction to the win and sending it to Caitlin and Barbara. Oh my lord, they aren't going to let me hear the last of that, I just know it, but I regret nothing! 

I sent a more calmed down and less crazy congratulations for Jack later on, and I smiled as I saw him slowly holding the title above his head as he stood on top of the turnbuckle before heading up the ramp with both his mask and newly one title in his hands, raising both before the lights faded, and he seemingly vanished from the arena in pitch-darkness.

Jack's Personal Observation: 

What the hell!? I won the match!?! But...why!?!

All I recall was that, after having to improvise on the finish of the match since it wasn't going to end the way it was originally planned by hitting the "Angel Bomb" from the bouncing off the ropes, then hitting it again on top of the turnbuckles, I assumed that either Matt or Velveteen were going to do something to pick up the win, or they were going to get out of the way for me to crash and burn...but no, the opposite happened, and I was left confused and shocked.

I was even more confused when I got backstage and saw others backstage clapping me on, what I thought was, my botched win and seeing both Velveteen and Matt clapping with smirks on their faces.

Of course they were in on it, and no doubt Hunter was as well. Well, as surprises come: this was definitely a unique one, but not an unpleasant one. As I got to my locker room, I looked at my phone and saw that my sisters had sent me a picture of them, Angel, Winter and Max all celebrating my win, with a message underneath the video saying "Congratulations bro, from your adoring family and fans!"

I couldn't help but smile a little bit, and despite what little sanity I had left telling me not to: I ended up taking a selfie of me holding the NXT North American Championship on my right shoulder. One of the extremely rare times, and hopefully last times, that I'll ever have to use a selfie for a picture when nobody is around.

I packed my things, including my new championship, and quickly did a photo shoot for my new championship, before sitting back to watch the rest of the show before the journey. Tonight was a good night, I'll admit...hopefully tomorrow will be have a better evening...

Author's Side-Note: And part 2 is now done! I hope you all like this chapter, as it was a fair bit tricky to do, especially given that I've done this whilst being on my holiday. There won't be any further work or updates on the story yet until after the 30th, as I want to enjoy my holiday, but I hope that you'll stick around and, hopefully, enjoy the next chapter when I come around to doing it.

Apart from that, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, I hope you enjoyed Part 1 and Part 2 as a whole, and I hope you all have an amazing day! 

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