Night at the Hall of Fame

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Alexa Bliss's Personal Observation:

The night of the Hall of Fame. Gotta say, I've been looking forward to this night for a while now. And honestly, why wouldn't I? The Hall of Fame is one of those nights were the legends who helped make WWE get immortalised, and we get to listen to their wrestling life stories from their friends and family alike.

There was another reason that I was looking forward to tonight as well: I was spending it with the man I was, admittedly, falling for in a major way...and I'm not sure if it's just as a crush anymore...

Tonight, I was spending my night at the Hall of Fame with "The Dark Assassin" Jack Ryan himself. And, if I do say so myself, he did look rather dashing in his own way and in a suit.

[Note: Just imagine him wearing this, though without the title and either with a different coloured tie or none at all. Your choice]. 

Although I'd say that he looks nice out of a suit, and I can definitely tell that he's not a suit person, apart from the fact that he once told me: I've got to say that he does look nice regardless with a suit.

Though I did notice every-so-often that he would try to sneak a glance towards me shyly, and with good reason. Let's just say that when he saw me with my dress on, his jaw dropped a bit, and I swear for about a full 2 minutes he was just frozen in place with that look of surprise. Some would find that creepy, but me, Caitlin and Barbara found it rather sweet and cute.

As we arrived at the place where the Hall of Fame Ceremony was being held, I could see that Jack was rather nervous a bit, and I got an idea why. 

I gently placed my hand on top of his, causing him to momentarily glance at this and then at me before I spoke to said to him to try to comfort him "Jack, it's going to be fine, trust me. If it helps, just try and block out all of the people and focus on me whilst we're here, okay?"

Jack looked in thought for a bit, before he nodded his head once slowly.

"Okay...I'll try. Thanks Lex." he said, and I blushed a little at him using my 'Lex' name. I preferred it when he called me 'Lexi', but I was fine with the 'Lex' name as well. "Now, let's go and enjoy our night, okay?" I said after regaining my composure. Jackie nodded his head a bit before we got out of the car and headed inside.

A lot of the fans did scream a bit as we went past and went inside, some were even calling our names as well, and I've no doubt that there was more than a few fans that were making assumptions on me and Jack, seeing as how we were here together.

Even a few of the superstars that were here as well were surprised when they saw me and Jack enter the place, and I could even see others like Fergal and Allen (Finn Balor and AJ Styles) holding their thumbs up at Jack. The latter just rolled his eyes a bit at their attention.

Though, I will admit, there was one person that I was hoping to avoid...Murphy...

He has a match on the pre-show tomorrow at Wrestlemania, so I would assume that he's here tonight somewhere...but I really don't want to run into him right now. He'd probably make assumptions that me and Jack were dating, and then I don't even want to imagine what would happen after that...

Jack had enough going on in his life as it is without needing to add Murphy to the list of problems. 

We did run into one or two people who were doing interviews for the event, both for WWE's Youtube channel, or for other podcasts that were wrestling related like Notsam Wrestling. Jack, understandably, tried not to say too much since he seemed rather uncomfortable, even if he hid it well, but he answered a few questions here and there when asked as best as he could.

Then came a question I know we were both dreading to hear.

"So, are you two dating, what's the story here then?" I can't recall who asked that, but it left us both a little flustered and embarrassed a bit...but at least it brought a little smile on our faces.

"No, no. We're just friends." Jack began, before I continued afterwards. "I wanted to have a night out with him, and I asked Jack to come with me, and he said yes." I didn't realise it yet, but my answer had started up a number of assumptions amongst fans. 

We did manage to get away from the interviewers, and soon I ran into some of the girls and went to go and talk with them, something that Jack was fine with as well. Though I did notice that AJ and Finn did drag him away to have a talk with him...though I wish I knew what...

Jack's Personal Observation:

As nights outs go: this night was one of the best nights I had in...well, a very long time. And I have Alexa to thank for that. I was having fun with her despite my nervousness, and damn she looked rather nice in that dress of hers. 

Now, I'm sure some of the fans would make assumptions of us after tonight, but to be honest that wasn't something I was worried about. Fans can assume what they want to, that's fine, as long as they aren't creepy about it or start making jabs at us. I love the fans, no doubting that, but I've seen and heard of some fans that take things too far, and...well, it's just not right.

Granted, it makes for some interesting and good fanfictions....

At one point though, when Alexis went with a few of her girl friends to go do...whatever it is that they do (not my business to know)...AJ and Finn pulled me to one side with teasing smirks on their faces.

Oh boy...I had a feeling I knew what they were going to talk about...

"You lucky devil. Finally asked 'Little Miss Bliss' out did you?" Finn began, but I rolled my eyes in response. "No. She asked me if I wanted to come here with her, and I accepted. It's not that weird for friends to hand out." I tried to counter, but oh did they continue to tease me.

"'Friends' huh?" AJ say with a smirk, before continuing by saying "You two look like more than just 'friends' Jack." "Doesn't take a genius to see that ya like her mate." Finn added in agreement, causing me to sigh a bit. I like these guys, I really do, but damn it if they aren't persistent in annoying me when they had the chance.

"Look, guys, no offense or anything, but's really none of your business on this matter..." I said, as respectfully as I could without showing my embarrassment at their teasing. I think they got the message though, as they did adopt fairly serious expressions before nodding their heads a bit.

"Ah, we're only joking with ya Jack, nothing bad meant by it mate." Balor said, patting my shoulder a little. "But seriously, Jack, we weren't lying when we said Alexa is a good fit for you." AJ said, no joking this time. "Just think about it, okay?" he said, and I sighed and nodded a bit.

"Fine, I'll think about it..." I responded...though mentally I thought with sadness 'Not that it would matter anyway...'

Eventually though, Lexi returned and came over to me, and I could feel myself smiling a bit when she came over.

Alexa's Personal Observation:

As I came back from speaking to the girls, I saw Jack speaking with AJ and Finn. It brought a small smile to my face, seeing that he had somebody to talk to in the locker rooms, even despite the three of them being on separate brands to each other.

He saw me approaching him, and I saw him smiling when I did approach him. "Hey Jack. Having fun?" I asked when I did come over, and he nodded a bit. "Yeah. Finn and AJ were just having a bit of a laugh." I saw him giving them a cross between a glare and a smirk in the process.

I rolled my eyes a bit and soon looked to both AJ and Finn. "Is it okay if I take him away now boys?" I asked, and both nodding at that. 

"Sure. Make sure he behaves himself." AJ said, and I could tell he was teasing poor Jackie, to which Jack rolled his eyes a bit. "Ha, ha, ha. Funny Styles." Jack said before he, Finn and AJ did the "Too Sweet" thing, and then me and Jack went to find our seats. 

"Jokes aside, you must get on with those two." I commented, soon sitting down on my seat with Jack on the chair next to me as he nodded his head. "They're as close as I've got to brothers and, in AJ's case, a father figure. Same with some of the others like Joe." he said, and I was surprised by how close of a bond he had with the guys.

"Sounds really nice." I said softly with a small smile, which caused him to smile as well before saying "Yeah. Apart from their constant teasing, but even I know it's all in good taste, and they aren't doing it to be mean. Plus, they are there for me if I need someone other than my sisters or you to talk offense..."

I shrugged a bit, not minding. "None taken."

As the evening went by, we really did have a nice time, and it was nice to see Jack enjoying himself and smiling during the evening. The only thing that did cause problems was when some idiot tried to attack Bret 'The Hitman' Hart whilst he and Natalya were doing the Hall of Fame speech for Natalya's dad, Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart. 

Fortunately though, the attention grabbing idiot didn't succeed in attacking Bret, or even disrupting the speech that much: as some of the wrestlers there restrained the attacker and kicked him out of the building.

Even Jack had wanted to go up and stop him, but AJ and me stopped him, if only because we didn't want Caity, Barbara and Angel to be worried if he came back with any injuries. 

What was better was that we didn't encounter Murphy once as well, so either he was here but was somewhere else in the building and we were lucky enough not to run into him, or he hadn't turned up tonight. Either would be fine with me.

When the evening came to an end, we walked out to the car park along with Styles and his wife, Wendy Styles, as we all spoke about the evening...though I was trying to not blush when I noticed that mine and Jack's arms were linked...

Both Styles's noticed though and AJ smirked a bit, patting Jack on the shoulder before saying "Well, we'll catch you around Jack. Safe journey okay?" Jack nodded to that, fist bumping AJ before AJ and Wendy headed off...and it was only then that Jack finally noticed mine and his linked arms, causing him to look away with a massive blush as well.

"Well...I uh, hope you had a good evening...Lexi..." he said, looking incredibly embarrassed. 

I found the whole thing rather cute, and what was better was that I knew that I was sticking around with him and his family for a while. I soon, hopefully, pulled him out of the embarrassed stupor he was in when I did something even I didn't think I would do: pulling him down gently and kissed him softly on the cheek.

"Come on. Let's go." I said, and he nodded with a small smile before we headed to the rental car, driving back to his place. As we drove, there was a more-or-less comfortable silence as we headed back. 

I'm sure the kiss played in his head for quite a while, as it did with me...but honestly, for me it was the perfect ending to a really good evening...

Author's Side-Note: Sorry if this chapter isn't that great, and it has been quite a while since I last updated. But the reason I didn't update for quite a long time was because from September through to the end of December I was going through a very bit mental block in terms of my stories, something I've only really slightly come out of this month with this story, my "Iconic Bond" story, and one of my other stories.

I'm hoping to update a bit more now, but I can't promise that anything, so I'm asking for your patience for now. I promise I will continue to update this story, regardless of how long it takes me to do so. 

Also, the next chapter will have wrestling involved in it. Anyway, I hope you did like the chapter, even if it's only a little, and I'll see you in the next chapter!

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