Side-Chapter: Girls Reunion, Worrying About Jack

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Alexa Bliss's Personal Observation:

As I got ready to see Caity and Barbara after they'd called me not too long ago, I was feeling a mix on many emotions. Most were good, but unfortunately there was some bad...and they related to the what Caity and Barb said about Jack...or what they were going to say anyway...

From what I could remember, which was a fair amount, they told me that something was up with Jackie...and yes, I did give him a pet name, don't him that it's embarrassing and he doesn't know yet!

Anyway, moving swiftly on: I had gotten myself ready for when the girls arrive a little while ago, my dress for the Hall of Fame Ceremony tonight already sorted out for later when I go with Jack, something I was REALLY looking forward to, and I waited outside the hotel for the girls to arrive.

Fortunately, I didn't have to wait for long as they arrived soon after I exited the lift. We ran over to one another and hugged, and I smiled even more when I saw the girls had brought Angel with them. 

"It's so good to see you girls!" I said to Caitlin and Barbara, before we went off to go get something to eat and drink to catch up. We eventually arrived at a place to get some coffee and something to eat, so that I could catch up with Barb and Caity, and I was blushing a bit when Angel sat on my lap and cuddled me. It was so cute and adorable, just like Angel herself!

Barbara and Caitlin both smiled at the scene, and I could understand why. I hugged Angel and held her on my lap with my arms, only occasionally removing one arm from her to get my drink or to eat. 

"She really likes you!" Cait said with a smile, ruffling Angel's hair as she said that, and I couldn't help but laugh a bit in embarrassment at my friends teasing us. Mind you, it's nothing new now, since they are always teasing me about my crush on Jack.

I soon adopted a slightly serious, yet also worried look on my face as I asked the girls about the what they meant on the phone earlier regarding Jack...needless to say, once they had both explained it to me, I was left with more worries than anything else.

It hadn't been that long ago that Jack had told me about his violent streak, and from what he showed me on the video recording he had on his phone, it wasn't pretty or something that I wished on anyone, not even my worst enemies. 

And, although I was by no means even close to being an expert on the matter, especially with what Jack went through...I could already tell that his violent streak would no doubt trigger from his all night driving.

"What if...I stick around your place tonight? Maybe having someone there with him will help, and he trusts me...right...?" I asked that because I had become extremely less confident in what I said as soon as I spoke those words...then the girls grew a smirk on their faces, almost like they knew something that I didn't.

"What?" I asked, but they continued to smirk. "Oh, he DEFINITELY trusts you Lexi." Barbara said, though the way she said it was as if she was trying to tease me over something, and I already had a clue as to what it was. 

"To be honest, Lexi, it's quite honestly more than a "trust" thing with him regarding you now. And I don't mean that in a bad way." Caity continued, adding to the teasing that Barbara had already started, and making me blush in embarrassment. "Wh-What do you mean...?" I asked nervously, and they giggled at my response.

""He's in love with you!"" they both said, creepily in sync, yet surprising me as well and making me speechless. They didn't even give me time to respond as Caitlin continued. "Lex, I've known my brother pretty much all my life, and I can easily tell him when he's in love with something. He's completely in love with you, but is afraid of telling you."

"And you two are absolutely adorable together whenever you're near one another too. It's actually kind of infectious at how adorable it is. Even Angel told us she wanted you two together." I was completely speechless at that, and was blushing like mad.

Eventually, Barbara offered to help take some of my stuff to their little home on wheels, as apparently she had to go back to get her phone anyway. Mainly because she was the photographer out of the girls and would often take pictures of their adventures, even if she never posted them online. I think she once said it was for a scrap book, which I liked the idea of.

Of course, I had to help her get into my room and give her some of my stuff, but that was fine. What worried me though was that, after she left, she was gone for quite a long time. Far longer than she said she would take. Even Cait was worried too, as we got Angel some ice cream. 

"I hope she's okay..." Caity said, to which I nodded slowly. Fortunately, we got a call from her minutes after that was said...though when we asked what had happened...well, it made us concerned.

"He...He had an outburst whilst we were out...his room is completely wrecked. He should be okay for tonight, because I helped to calm him down just minutes ago and help return him to his...calming place...but, if he insists on coming out with you tonight Lexi: you might need to keep an eye on him tonight and be there for him in case he takes a turn for the worse again." Barbara explained to us, though mostly to me. 

Barbara offered to stay with Jack, just so she can make sure that he would be okay for tonight, and insisted that we continue to try and enjoy our day if we could. 

I'll say this: despite my quite obvious worries regarding, who Caity and Barb teased me with at least, my hopeful future boyfriend, I was having a great time as we spent it going to shops, or doing whatever we could think of. 

Soon we got back to their home-on-wheels, where we were immediately greeted by Winter and Max, both of which seemed really excited to see me. To be fair, I was happy to see the Wolf cub and Husky pup as well, because they were just adorable! 

Barbara saw us and came over. Before Caity could ask, I asked immediately rather quickly in a bit of a worried tone "Is Jack doing okay!?" Barbara nodded to that slowly with a small smile. "He's doing okay. He calmed down a bit after, and I stayed with him when I tried to help him sleep again. He's been asleep for a couple of hours." 

I sighed relieved at that, much to the teasing smirks of the sisters I believe, and soon Caity looked over to Barbara. "Barb, why don't you help Lexi get ready for tonight? I'll take watch on Jackie." Barbara nodded, and took me to one of the spare rooms to help me get ready. 

As we were getting me sorted out, which included some makeup that Barbara insisted on me trying, Barbara soon spoke a little serious to me, in a good way. "Jack is really smitten with you Lex, even if he doesn't know it yet...or even if he does but is too afraid to do anything about it. Me and Cait haven't seen him be the way he is when he's around you since Amy."

I knew who she meant by that, or at least I had a feeling of who she meant: Angel's mum, Jack's former love. Being compared made me have mixed feelings honestly: I in no way dislike her, and never could, but I felt a little insecure when Barbara compared me to her...though I also felt rather honored in a way as well.

"You really believe that?" I asked, even if I didn't quite believe it, to which she nodded in response with a smile of confidence. "No doubt about it." I felt my cheeks flushing at that. I just hope that she is right...either way, this night is going to be one to remember. And I just know I'm going to have a great time.

Author's Side-Note: I apologise for the long delay in this chapter, but I've been going through a major case of writer's block in the last few months, hence why all my stories haven't been updating lately. 

I hope you did like the chapter though. I'm not too confident in it myself, but it's an idea I had for a while, and I just hope you like it. I can't promise when the next chapter will be, but I'll try and get the chapter out as soon as possible. I hope you all have a great day. 

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