The Highest Stakes Cause The Biggest Tragedies...

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Warning In Advance: This match does involve Velveteen Dream in this, and the reason for it is because he was in the original North American Championship match at NXT TakeOver: Toronto last year (at the time of posting this), and him being in this chapter is required in this case. 

I know he is far from the most popular person nowadays because of the allegations that occurred this year, and I can understand if you have a problem(s) with me not altering the match and sticking (sort of) with having the original 3 of the North American title match into this match.

However please understand that I was always going to include him in this chapter anyway when I came up with this idea last year, and if anything you can just hope that he loses in the match or just ignore his existence in the chapter if it helps

Regardless, I do hope you enjoy this chapter...and the shock ending I had for it and the match...

Date: August 10th 2019 - Location: NXT TakeOver: Toronto.

Jack's Personal Observation:

Well...things have been rather...interesting, since last time. Since what happened with my sister sisters told me that they couldn't keep doing what we were doing wrestling wise. Basically, they've told me they are retiring from being involved in wrestling, and I respected their choice.

Hunter was too when I explained everything, within reason. I'm not sure what they have planned as a backup, but they know I'm here to help if they need it. Lexi has also offered her help as well - because she heard about everything within a day or two of the fight. Hell, so did most of the NXT roster as well, and some of my friends on the main roster. 

But that's not been the only thing that has been going on, though in this case it's more in my professional life than my personal life. Not long after defeating Breeze at TakeOver 25, I got challenged on NXT by 3 separate people, all of whom are after my North American Championship. 

In case you're curious as to who they are: it was Velveteen Dream - the former champ - as well as Roderick Strong of "The Undisputed Era", and the former WWE United Kingdom Champion, "The Bruiserweight" Pete Dunne.

So, what did NXT do about it? Well, General Manager William Regal declared that at TakeOver Toronto, I would be defending the North American Championship against all 3 of them in a Fatal 4-Way Match. 

Unfortunately, as I would later find out, that would be to my detriment...

Let's start from the top, or at least in this case "the top" being code for what happened backstage at the TakeOver Tornoto before the title match:

At first, it felt pretty much like any other paper-view event I'd been to in the past for every promotion I've had the pleasure to work at. Though I did manage to combat my rising nervousness with a few good laughs from the likes of Undisputed Era, Gargano and Candice LeRae, and also Io Shirai - someone whom I'm very familiar with and good friends with when my sisters worked for World Wonder Ring Stardom, and from when I used to hang out with Los Ingobernables de Japon's Evil and Hiromu Takahashi in New Japan.

The NXT North American Championship title match was third on the main card, right after Io's and Candice's match, so I got to enjoy the matches that took place on the pre-show and the two matches beforehand on the main card too. 

[Note: The entrances may not be accurate in terms of who came out first, as I have yet to see the event itself]

When it came time for our match, we knew the plan and fist-bumped each other whilst Triple H patted our backs in his own way of saying 'Good luck!' as we made our entrances. Velveteen was the first one to make his entrance as his music began to play in the background, dressed in his TakeOver getup of choice for this TakeOver.

Once "The Dream" had made his entrance, the all too familiar theme song of "The Undisputed Era" began to play in the background; and soon "The Messiah of the Backbreaker" himself, Roderick Strong, began to make his way to the ring as well.

Not too long after Strong had gotten settled in the ring: "The Bruiserweight's" theme song began to play in the background as said "Bruiserweight" made his way out to the arena and to the ring - posing after exiting as usual when he got out into a venue.

And then, not too long after...I made my entrance as my music played in the background - sporting a new mask to come out to, despite wearing my normal getup on the way to the ring.

End of pov.

As Jack made his way into the ring, he glanced briefly at each and every one of his opponents for a short time, before moving his free hand towards his mask and removing it in quick fashion as he lifted up the North American Championship above his head with a confident smirk on his face. 

He soon handed the referee the North American Championship and began both handing the mask to someone at ringside, as well as his coat as he took that off not too long afterwards as the ringside announcer made the introductions for each of the 4 combatants.

When the match began though: that's when all hell broke loose! 

Immediately after the bell rang, all 3 of the challengers started charging at Jack, and before he could respond to it: they were immediately beating fifty shades of pain on him as they beat tried to take him down - trying to take down the champ first I assume before focusing on tearing each other a new one.

It worked for a time, but soon Jack began to fight them off with fists and elbows, and by dropping one of them with a knee to the gut one time, before throwing Dunne and Dream out of the ring as they were recovering from the retaliation...only for Strong to start attacking Jack from behind when his back was turned for a split second. A rookie mistake.

As the match continued to progress, the pace constantly switched from a quick pace to a slightly slower - but never dull - pace, and it surprisingly worked to perfection. The crowd even popped massively when "The Dark Assassin" and "The Bruiserweight" had a stare down with each other. Two fellow Brits and two of the best...and soon they began going at each other like a couple of alphas trying to beat the living hell out of each other!

And yes, before any of you ask, "The Dark Assassin" did get his fingers snapped at one point by "The Bruiserweight". Did you worry that he wouldn't? 

There was a number of highlights in this match: one such moment was Dream hitting the 'Dream Valley Driver' onto Strong to the outside of the ring, only for Dunne to nearly kick his jaw off from the apron after Dream got back to his feet and turned to look back in the ring at the wrong moment, which in turn allowed me to 'Spear' Dunne off the apron through the ropes. 

Another surprising moment - or possibly 'moments' - came when, at one point, "The Dark Assassin" hit a 'Super Chokeslam' on Roderick Strong from one of the top turnbuckles, only for Velveteen Dream to hit both with a 'Purple Rainmaker' whilst Jack was attempting to pin Strong...only for the attempted pin by Dream on Strong to be interrupted by Pete Dunne who hit a 'Double Foot Stomp' onto Dream to break up on the pin seconds before the 3 count! 

And on another slightly surprising moment: at one point all 4 of them managed to knock each other down into a big pile-up on the mat when everyone hit someone with a 'Superkick' at the same time. wasn't all sunshine and brutality...and soon enough, something went wrong...or I should say 'more than one thing'...

The first of the problems came about when he was given a pretty much ordinary Irish Whip into some Steel Steps outside of the ring. On the surface, you'd never assume something was wrong - and to be fair, Jack hid it as best as he could - but when he hit the steps shoulder first: he felt a strange numbing sensation for the briefest of moments in his right arm. 

The second problem - which was one that most wouldn't have known about unless they looked closely...or unless they were seeing it from the right angle...but was still rather scary when looked back upon - was when "The Dark Assassin" tried to take down all 3 of his foes at once with a Moonsault from the top turnbuckle to the outside. 

Although he did hit the move onto two of his foes - Roderick Strong and Velveteen Dream to be precise - Dunne had managed to barely get out of the way in time before the move hit, and Jack landed awkwardly from the connected move and landed awkwardly and in a scary way: hitting his head and neck on the ground - something he immediately held his neck for and that he wasn't able to hide too much!

And then came the worst part...

Despite the damage done to his neck during the Moonsault to the outside earlier: Jack had managed to fight back as best as he could, and was seemingly not hampered outside of the speed he worked at during the match and the occasional gripping of his neck after every move.

But - near the 15 minute mark of the match - when Jack went up to the top ropes to go for his "Angel Bomb" - after taking Roderick Strong down with the "Hellish Twist" (his version of the "Twist of Fate/Hate") - Velveteen Dream put a stop to "The Dark Assassins" attempts by hitting the ropes...however, that's when things go downhill in a major Jack ended up losing his balance, and fell off of the turnbuckle in a scary moment...before his head and neck collided hard with the same Steel Steps that he crashed into earlier in the match! 

The bump looked and was really scary - not just for those in attendance watching the match, or for those watching at commentary, but also those watching away from the event too like his family and those watching in the back - and the referee immediately threw up the 'X' symbol with his arms before more referees and medical staff came to check Jack, who was completely out at this point and not moving much.

Even Hunter and William Regal came running out to check on Jack as a stretcher was brought out. 

Nobody dared do anything after what they saw. Dunne, who had barely seen it from the other side of the ring - as he'd been down at the time and recovering - walked over to see if he could help, and both Velveteen and Roderick didn't know how to react to this situation either. 

Jack was carefully moved onto a stretcher after his neck was placed into a neck brace, and Jack himself was taken out of the arena on a stretcher...Leaving behind him a worried audience, a worried locker room as he got into the Ambulance...and leaving many questions as to what will happen to him, or if he'll be okay...

Will he be okay? Only time will tell....

Author's Note: I know this chapter is rather darker than normal, and probably doesn't help given that the chapter prior is rather dark as well, but given the direction I want to go with the story, I felt like I needed to have either this chapter take place or something occur later on. 

Besides that, I hope you enjoyed this chapter - regardless of how it is - and I really do apologise for the long wait. It is explained in the extra chapter or on my timeline as for the wait. I hope you all, though, have an amazing day, and I'll see you in the next chapter!

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