7- Late night apologies

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Carlos called me as soon as rehearsals finished, and I told him everything; about what Ricky said to me, the plan we'd formed, and how I could no longer help with the musical.

He was understandably upset, but more about what happened with Ricky than me quitting the musical; it took me forever to reassure him I was okay and convince him to get some sleep; it was almost 11 'o clock by the time we finished our call.

I'd been sitting on my bed, homework sprawled across my bed and Laurie at my side when dad called me downstairs, "Ellie, there's someone at the door for you."

I sighed; I should have known he would show up eventually, even after the long phone call, "Coming," I yell, I don't bother changing out of my PJ's or fixing the bun that was messily twisted on my head; it was just Carlos.

"Carlos, I told you, I'm-"I pause as soon as I see who's actually standing at my door. Ricky nods at me awkwardly, his hands stuffed into the pockets of his denim jacket, "What are you doing here?" I ask, how'd he even get my address? I think to myself.

Ricky clears his throat before replying, "Uh, can we talk?"

Dad glances between the two of us, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "I'll give you two some space," Dad says, shooting me a questioning glance on his way up the stairs. He was definitely going to ask me a million questions about this later.

I wait for Ricky to talk, but all he does is glance around the house awkwardly, "so, here to yell at me some more?" I ask, walking into the kitchen.

Ricky follows behind me, "Look, I'm really sorry," He says, I don't turn around, and he takes in a breath, continuing his apology, "I'm sorry I yelled at you and said you were pretending to care," He continues, "and, I never meant to make fun of your anxiety, or how nervous you get around EJ; I was annoyed and frustrated, and I took it out on you, I feel terrible."

I want to stay mad at him, but Ricky is practically pleading at this point, and I'm pretty sure he's not going to leave unless I talk to him. "you weren't fully wrong." I turn around; he looks shocked by my words, "I am an anxious, awkward coward; I don't know where to even start with EJ; I did need your help."

Ricky opens his mouth to argue that that's not true, but I continue, "and maybe I didn't care at the beginning, but I do want you and Nini to be happy, even if nothing happens between me and EJ in the end."

"Just because you have anxiety doesn't mean you're a coward," he finally says; I shake my head; I'm pretty sure that's precisely what it means, "it just means your different," He continues, he steps closer, "and that's not always a bad thing."

"Not everyone sees it that way," I remind him, "They think my anxiety makes me dull, or that at any minute I can break down; no one wants that, so no one ever sticks around long enough to get past it." I don't think I'd ever been so open with someone I barely know before, but something about Ricky's hazel eyes made me feel safe and comfortable enough to share how I was feeling.

"Those people are idiots," He says without an ounce of hesitation.

I furrow my brows at him, "how do you know that?" I ask, "you barely know me."

Ricky shrugs, leaning against the counter, "I see how you are when it's just you and Carlos, or how you look when you play the piano," I didn't even notice Ricky was watching me? why was he watching me? "I may not know that Eloise just yet, but I want to."

I stay silent, stunning by Ricky's word, "and I get it if you can't forgive me, what I said was really harsh," He continues, when I don't reply, "I just don't want you to think less of yourself because of some dumb thing I said."

It felt weird to have someone I hardly know care so much, "I do forgive you," I finally say; Ricky lets out a relieved breath, "I'm just not really good at this whole friendship thing; it's a miracle Carlos has stuck around for as long as he has," Ricky laughs at that, "but, I'm willing to try if you are."

"I'd like that," He nods, "speaking of, I have a plan," I furrow my brows, gesturing for him to explain, "I want to prove to Nini I'm not a quitter at us, but I need your help proving I'm serious about this musical."

"I don't think I'll be much help," I say, awkwardly tugging on my hoodie sleeves, "I kind of quit."

Ricky's expression drops, "Because of me."

I duck my head at his statement, "it wasn't just you; it was the whole thing. I just realized how out of my comfort zone it is," I shrug; it was a lot for me, but I didn't hate it as much as I thought I would if I'm honest, I met Ricky and Big Red, and maybe some other friends, "but," Ricky's eyes light up, "I also kind of liked it."

"Does that mean your gonna come back," He asked hopefully; I nodded, "good, cause I need all the help I can get at this."

I laugh, so did I, "I'm no expert like Carlos, but I'll do my best, by the end of the musical; I promise you and Nini will be back together."

"Wait," He quirked his head at me, "you still wanna help me with Nini?"

"Of course, I do; we made a deal," I remind him, "now, you need to go home and get to work," I shoo him out of my kitchen, "those dance routines aren't gonna learn themselves."

"You're right," He nods; walking out of the kitchen, I follow behind him, "See you tomorrow?"

His hazel eyes bore into mine once again, "Yeah, I'll be there." I nod, "wait, I never asked how you got my address?"

"Carlos called and yelled at me," He laughed, "I was already planning on phoning to apologize, but he told me it'd be better in person, so..." He gestures to himself and then to my house.

"Of course," I nod, it all made sense now, "Well, I'm glad you came."

He smiles, opening my front door, "me too," he says, grabbing the skateboard he'd left on my porch, "Bye Eloise," He stops one last time before skating away, "I'm still here to help with EJ by the way; not that you'll need it."

Ricky skates away, and I shut the door; I would need his help, but I appreciated the optimism.

^^ Eloise's PJs

Not really sure how I feel about this chapter but here it is anyway 🤷🏻‍♀️
Ricky and Eloise's friendship is also so pure I can't🥺

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