Chapter Five

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Well hello! Another chapter of Falling to Rise is out, enjoy! :D
Next week is LOST.

Hope you like my drawing of Sky, I'm to lazy to do the whole set up I did with Seto's and Ty's drawings.

Sorry no color, I don't have any currently.

Falling to Rise

Chapter 5

"For me, family always comes first; I would do anything to protect them."

2503; Jiren 11th

Dear Father,

It has been well over 3 months since I've come to stay here. Of course things aren't getting any easier, but I have a feeling when a year comes to pass, everything will work out.

Tell Ma I especially miss her home-cooked meals and desserts, and look forward to them in 6 months when I will finally be able to return home.

I know in the past letters Ma has been concerned about how I'm getting along. Tell her she shouldn't worry, Ty is a very good friend and kind to me.

I've learned so much about him and his home, things I would never have learned at home. Did you know that today, the 11th of Jiren, is the end of their first year sacrifice.

I've decided when the year is over, I will travel the realm and visit every kingdom before settling down in Emedo. I think as a future teacher it would be good to have seen every kingdom.

And I know it will be dangerous, but i won't forget to write. And of course I will visit home as my first destination!

I love you both, I will write again next week, I look forward to your reply.

Your son,
Seto J. Magi

Seto signed off his letter to his parents and pulled out another sheet of paper. He internally thanked Adam for giving him the paper he uses every week for letters. He unfortunately forgot to pack paper, but did bring an ink and quill.

The low light of his torch flickered in the bright, afternoon light. He tapped his quill to the paper, leaving a few messy blotches of ink. He frowned then shrugged it off and continued with the rest of the letter.

*For your eyes only*

Father, I can't stress enough the number of questions I have going on through my head. About your history, your magic, how you've kept it from me and Ma for so long.

Promise me this.

When I come home, you will tell me everything. No more secrets. Like you once said, "Secrets are the sweets of man, but the poison of humankind."

-Seto J. Magi

Seto sat back in his chair and wiped the excess ink on his pants. Normally he'd use a napkin, but he'd adapted to the lack of such luxuries. He sealed the top of his ink bottle with its cork and placed it and the quill back into his bag.

After he folded his letters he blew out the torch and walked outside. First he dropped them off at the gates then quickly left to join the new exercise.


"Took you long enough," Ty teased him as soon as he arrived at the front of the lines with Ty. In a way you could say Seto had inadvertently grew close to the general over the past few months. Or more accurately described as Adam always seemed to be around when Seto nearly messed up anything.

He knew Adam was leading this exercise, and he knew that today would be, as Ian described, a real test of life and death, and how easily it can be lost. Adam had said to Seto that he was just scaring him, but he wasn't so sure.

"Sorry Ty, I was just delivering a letter."

"Another one to your family?"

"Yea, who else?"

"I don't know, what about that friend of yours you once talked about."

"I don't know where he lives, he left the kingdom illegally."

"You never told me that."

"There's nothing to tell..." Seto didn't want to talk about it. He knew that if he did, he'd only get upset.

Seto felt himself come to an abrupt stop as Adam held out his arm to his side signaling for a stop.

"Adam what's going--" Seto started but Adam held up a hand, Seto tried to catch a glimpse over him. He only caught the top of a structure.

"A carriage. Its a carriage." Ty whispered, Seto's question was answered, but now he wanted to know why it was here.

"Stay here! Nothing to worry about!" Adam shouted to calm the group of recruits. Not all 600 of new recruits were here for this exercise with the general. Only about 50, so it was a small group to yell too. Immediately the commotion died down.

Adam turned to a recruit near by, "Head back to the main camp, I need you to fetch Ian fore me." The recruit saluted and ran off, Seto watched as Adam turned back and walked towards the carriage leaving everyone behind.

With a little bit of a better view, Seto could see two people exit the carriage and and swiftly walk towards Adam.

The met, shook hands, and though their conversation was inaudible from this distance, Seto could instantly tell it wouldn't be good.

"This doesn't look good," Ty commented.

Seto nodded in agreement.


Adam was in a conversation with the people from the carriage for what Seto was sure more than thirty minutes. Tired of standing Seto resorted to sitting along with the majority of the other people here, but that was over ten minutes ago. Ty continued to stand the entire time.

Seto perked up when he noticed Adam heading back to them with the other two trailing behind. As he arrived in front of them the steady sound of hoofbeats behind them could be heard arriving.

"Adam! What's going on?!" Ian's voice rang out as the horse slowed to a trot.

"Ian, just in time!" A look of relief crossed over Adam as he let out a little laugh.

Ian's horse came to a stop in front of them, as soon as he had hopped down the two people from the carriage walked up to Ian and shook his hand.

"Lieutenant Ian, pleasure." One of them said.

"Likewise, but what are two officials from the Magic Investigation Agency doing here? A visit isn't due til 6 months from now."

Magic Investigation Agency? The MIA, this isn't good! Seto felt his fist clench, he knew he had to stay calm. Stay calm or the seal wouldn't work. He was sure it couldn't be him, he was sure the seal on his headband still worked.

"Yes, well we've received urgent information that there may be a traitor lurking here. Signs of a magical aura have been very high here lately."

Now Seto was even more worried, "They've requested to do a special check up, we'll have to head back to camp where all the new recruits will be inspected." Adam informed Ian.
"How do they do that?" Ty asked, Seto looked up at Ty.

"With Eflido technology. They've developed special devices for Emedo that picks up on the special waved that radiate off of magic users." Ian said Ty nodded as if amazed. Seto supposed if he came from Vragan then he wouldn't know much about how Emedo did things.

"Alright! Listen up, an emergency line up will be enacted as soon as we arrive back at camp. I expect all of you to line up ASAP!" Ian's voice boomed, he hoisted himself onto his horse. He reached down and grabbed Adam's hand, he pulled Adam up.

"Alright, everyone let's get going, afterwards we'll continue with our exercise.

Seto pushed himself up and glanced up at the MIA officials. They passed by him without a glance, and everyone began to head back with tired feet.

Quick but important note. If you guys really like the story LOST, I'm here to say it is halfway done.

I'm also here to say please go check out this link:

It's very important concerning LOST.


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