Chapter Six

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OMG, what is this? A wild Surprise Chapter has appeared! This isn't supposed to be here until next week, this week is supposed to be LOST. O:

Well, this week is still LOST, just thought I'd spring this surprise chapter here. Originally Chapter Five and Chapter Six were supposed to be one, but I was like nah.

Anyways be prepared for crazy stuff.


Falling to Rise

Chapter 6

"It's amazing how a person who was once just a stranger! Can suddenly mean the world to you."

He knew it would take a long time, a long time for two men to scan over 600 people, but that fact alone couldn't quell the hundreds of feelings running through his veins. He was standing, shoulder to shoulder with the people beside him, one of which was Ty.

Seto glanced up to his right and looked at Ty. Though he couldn't see his eyes because of the hair that hid them, Seto felt as if Ty was as calm as humanly possible. Oh how he envied Ty for just these things, being able to keep his cool no matter the situation.

Seto could see, after 3 hours, the two officials were finally reaching this side of the line, the really long line might he add. Seto gulped, stay calm. Stay calm. The officials were now just a few steps away, sweat was dripping down his face. The steady beeping of the small device in their hands started to get louder as they neared.

"The frequency is getting higher," one whispered to the other. As the neared the beeping grew louder and faster. Seto trembled and held his breath, they looked at him. "You four, please step away from the line and spread out."

"What?" Seto blurted.

His question remained unanswered, "We will ask for your name and kingdom of origin, then proceed with a more thorough scan." Seto was pulled out of the line, along with Ty and two others. He glanced behind him to see everyone was staring.

This is it, he thought, they're going to find me out, I'm going to be hanged! They started with the one on Seto's left, they asked for his name, kingdom, then scanned them. The whole time Seto was forcing himself to breath, to stay calm, or the seal would break. He tried to comfort himself with the fact that there was no way they could've found him out, he had a seal that was supposedly made to suppress magic. It would work, right? Of course, it had to, his father said it would.

Seto gripped the fabric of his pants, the officials walked to him, "Name?" One asked without looking up from his clipboard.

"S-Seto, Seto Magi."

"Magi?" He looked up, "You're free to go, no need to scan you."

"What?" Seto gasped, his eyes wide. Not scan him? That didn't make sense, "Why?"

"You're a Vesuvius, former royal, royals are pure of blood, it be a waste of time." He shooed Seto off, then both of them moved to Ty. Seto still couldn't wrap his head around the matter, they decided not to scan him just because of who he was from 16 years ago.

"Name?" Seto looked up as they questioned Ty, now all that was left was for Ty to pass, Seto was sure things would be fine.

"Tyler Lox." Ty answered as he looked down at the two, he was only slightly taller, but that was a Vragan trait that Seto knew of.

"Kingdom?" The man asked as he recorded the previous answer.


"Vragan?" He looked up at Ty then to his partner, Seto watched as they nodded to each other. "Alright boy, you're coming with us. We'll be on our way now."

The man's partner stored the scanning device back in a container and grabbed onto one of Ty's arm, the other grabbed Ty's other arm, only momentarily placing the clipboard in a bag. Seto watched at the unseemly way they acted.

"H-hey wait!" Seto called.

"Stand down recruit!" Seto heard Ian call to him. Seto ignored him as he ran after the two, there's no way, they hadn't even bothered to scan him. Just assumed. Was it because he was from Vragan?

Seto grabbed on to the shoulder of one of them and pulled them to a stop, "Wait, you can't do that. You didn't even bother scanning him! You can't do that, that's unfair!" Seto shouted, he couldn't make sense of why he was so riled up. Was it because of how unfair this was, no.

Seto knew it wasn't because of that. He remembered the day he left home to come here, a very good friend of the family was hanged. Trader Johnson, Seto had turned a blind eye that day, even though he knew him very well. Even though that man had taught him many things as a child, watched him grow up, get hurt, and cry, Seto had pretended like he didn't care anymore. It wasn't the fact that they treated Ty badly, but that fact that if he didn't do anything, he'd lose another person. Like Johnson, like Tyler from a year ago.

"He's from Vragan, of course filth like him is the cause of the problem. He's nothing but scum, forget about him." He shrugged Seto's hand off his shoulder.

"Don't talk to Ty that way!" Seto screamed, Seto raised a fist, he slammed it as hard as he could against the man's back. Seto cried out, it hurt, it hurt!

"Seto!" Ty shouted.

"Royal or not, it's against the law to lay hands on king appointed officials!" Seto clutched his hand as the man hissed in his face and grabbed the fabric of his clothes pulling Seto closer.

"Keep your hands off of my recruit!" Seto heard Adam shout from behind him.

Seto felt the grip on his shirt loosen.

But the man didn't move, "Hey! What the h*ll are you--" Seto's eyes widened, the official behind Ty was cut off. The man collapsed, red pooled to the ground from a gash in the neck.

Seto stumbled back as he watched the scene in front of him unfold. The man that had grabbed at him spun to see Ty holding a small knife. "What the!" He pulled out a sword, swung at Ty, but Ty was to quick.

"No! Ty w-what are you doing!" Seto screamed, Ty ducked the man's swing. He moved into the unguarded stomach area, the knife glinted in the sun before a flash of red erupted. Ty plunged the knife deep into the man's stomach, he gurgled, coughed then slumped forward. Ty held the man then stepped aside and dropped him to the ground.

Seto felt the color drain from his face, Ty's eyes seemed to glow under the shadow that enveloped his face. A look of disappointment was on Ty's face.


Chaos erupted behind him, screaming, shouting.

"Ty! Ty!" Seto screamed, he clutched his chest, his heart beating rapidly, "W-what did you do!" He looked to the ground where the two man lay dead, then at the knife in Ty's hand. It was drenched in blood, Ty's clothes were soiled in blood.

"Seto, get away from there!" Adam shouted and ran to him.

"Adam, stop!" Ian yelled.

Seto felt tears run down his face, "Ty? Ty, a-are you ok?" This wasn't happening, Ty didn't just kill them, n-no of course not! Seto took small unsteady steps as he walked closer, Ty looked up momentarily into Seto's eyes.

Seto felt a glimmer of hope, but is vanished as quickly as it came.

"What a load of bull..." he heard Ty hiss.

"Wha--" Seto was yanked back and thrown to the ground. Adam took a stance in front of him and pulled out his sword.

"Stand down, you are under arrest under the jurisdiction of the Emedo Army, and resistance will only be seen as an attempt of aggression!"

"No! Ty didn't do it, it's not his fault!" Seto screamed and jumped onto Adam's back, "Stop it! You'll hurt him!"

"S-Seto, stop it!"

"Adam, look out!" Ian shouted. Both Seto and Adam looked up at Ty, an unearthly glow surrounded him.

Purple surrounded Ty, Ty looked up, his eyes met Seto's. The once brilliant red eyes were now a royal purple, as dark as night, but as light as day. They glowed and stared deep into Seto. The whites of Ty's eyes seemed to vanish and were replaced with a deep black, and empty void.

"I suppose there's no way out, I had hoped to stick around a little longer..."

"Wha--" Seto was cut short as the light surrounding Ty exploded and threw back he and Adam. Seto felt himself go flying and crashed into the ground. He heard a ringing in his ear and groaned. Blinking he saw the camp in a panic. The once orderly line of recruits were now in a panic, they screamed and ran around. Some stood their ground and pulled out weapons staring at the sky angrily.

Seto confused, turned to look at the sky. His eyes widened, no!

In the sky was Ty, no some creature with wings. Wings, black like the night, and scales covered his arms, Ty's hand were replaced with black claws that glowed a sickly purple. The air around Ty seemed to be violent and uncontrollable, his hair flew around uncovering both eyes, scales dotted the corners of his face, and a contorted grin sat there. Ty's once beautiful valta hung on around his neck in shreds revealing his shoulders. A mark Seto had never seen was there, it looked like an eye.

"HA HA HA HA!" Ty screamed as he watched the panic below, "Keep running like ants, this time, you spoiled Emedo freaks will know how I feel!"

Seto pushed himself unsteadily to his feet, he couldn't believe it, there was no way, no way this was Ty. No way at all, he was just living one big nightmare.

Seto saw arrows launched at the sky, "Come on, bring him down!" A group of recruits screamed. The arrows sail, but never met its mark. Seto watched Ty swat them away like toys, he yawned and swooped down. A tail as long as Ty swung around as Ty spun and sent the group flying.

"Out of my way, you're not who I'm here for."

Seto glanced around frantically, where was Adam! He had to find the general, his eyes landed on the figure sprawled across the ground just a few feet from him. Seto ran and stumbled, kneeling by Adam's side.

"Wake up," he shook Adam, "Please help, you need to do something!" Adam coughed and groaned placing a hand on his head. He sat up and blinked, Adam's eyes widened. Seto pushed himself back and Adam jumped to his feet.

"What in Notch's name!"

"Somethings wrong with Ty, you have to help him!" Seto begged.

"That boy is long gone, more importantly Adam, we need to figure out how to deal with him," Ian ran over and spoke with Adam. Adam glanced down at Seto sadly and nodded, the two of them ran off with each other leaving Seto on the ground.

The camp was absolutely destroyed, Seto scrambled out of the way as a stampede of people came running through.

"Keep running! Now you know how my people felt! People dying all around you! No hope! No escape!" Ty flew by Seto, his wing just barely grazing Seto's face. A small stream of blood ran down his face, Seto flinched and ran away. He had to do something!

"Listen up! We need to take up arms, grab your weapons, this is not a drill. Remain calm and wait for my signal!" There! Adam was over there. Seto felt hope again, but he watched Adam yell fire, arrow after arrow was shot into the sky.

"Is that all you got! You Emedians are supposed to be better than that!"

Adam couldn't help, no, he had to do something himself. He always relied on others, but Ty was his friend, he had to do something himself!

He screamed at the top of his lungs, "TYYYYY!" his fist clenched, he forced all his power into being heard.

Ty turned to look at him.

"Stop Ty! Stop this, don't do this, there's no reason to!" He pleaded.

"No reason! You don't understand, this corrupt kingdom is the source of all our problems!" Corrupt, that word again. The same words his friend said to him a year ago. Was he doomed to lose one friend after the other.

"This kingdom is filled with filthy people! Their royals, are even filthier!"


"Fire!" Another volley of arrows were launched. They all missed as Ty, swatted them again.

"I swore to my home I'd bring destruction to this kingdom! By the powers given to me from the Nyx, I swore revenge!" The purple aura surrounding Ty grew brighter, "I swore to take from the king what he took from me! His family!"

"Hold fire!" Adam shouted, "Is that all you wanted? Why didn't you say so!"

"Adam no! Don't!" Ian yelled.

"If you want to kill the king's family, then you can start with me!"

"What?!" Ty hissed, what was Adam saying?

Adam reached down into his chestplate, and by the strings pulled out a necklace. Not just any necklace! A royal necklace, a gold necklace with a large purple gem in the center. The gem would always be the color that represented the kingdom. Adam was the prince of Emedo! He should've figured, him being the general, but Seto could hardly believe it!

"T-the prince! It was you! It was you all along! HA HA HA HA! The prince of Emedo is really just some foolish general!" Ty laughed from up in the air.

"Well come on! Come get me, but leave my recruits out of it!"

"Fine," Ty hissed, "But your confidence will be short lived." Ty launched himself forward in the air claws outstretched, immediately Seto noticed something wrong.

Adam brought his sword in front of him in a defense position. No! Ty isn't going to attack head on!

Seto ran.

He ran as fast as he could, he ran begging, pleading, that he'd make it in time. Ty stopped mid-flight causing Adam to let down his guard a little. Ty saw his moment, "Checkmate!" Ty, with arms outstretched slashed with one arm then the next, in the air two sets of glowing purple claw marks appeared. The floated then flew with speed towards Adam.

Time seemed to slow down, Adam surprised at the attack, Seto still running, Ian trying to reach Adam from much farther away, Ty laughing from in the air. The onlookers watching, horrified.

Seto knew he would die, knew that he would sacrifice his life to save Adam's, anything to get Ty to realize his mistake.

At the last minute he jumped in front of Adam, spreading his arms out to his side he squeezed his eyes tight. He heard a pop, and few moments after felt the wind in his hair. His hood had flown off.

When he realized he wasn't torn to shreds, he opened one eye, then the other, he gasped.

A shimmering purple wall floated in front of him, but not the same purple as Ty's, a different, lighter purple.

"I..." Seto was at a loss of words, he could only stare, then he glanced back at Adam who had the same shocked expression, but look unharmed. He sighed in relief and let his arms down. The wall collapsed and vanished He looked down at the ground to see his band, ripped and broken on the ground, "Wha--" he felt his head, and sure enough it was no longer there, the seal was broken. Nothing could change that now.

"Magic! You, you can use magic!" Ty shouted, "Why are you helping them! They kill people like you!"

Seto looked back at Ty, he had no way to answer.

"Seto! Get away from them, they're only going to kill you, come with me, we can get rid of them together!"

"I can't," he cried. This isn't what he wanted, he wanted Ty to stop.

"I thought we were friends! I was going to let you live, you're the only one here who was nice, no matter who I was, or where I came from!"


"Don't you care, don't I matter!"

"Stop it! Please Ty, please stop!"

"We can stop the cruelty together--" Ty screamed in agony, Seto saw an arrow pierced into his wing. "Dammit!" Ty flapped his wings and flew higher, the arrow making his flight more unstable.

"No wait! Come back, please Ty!"

Tears flowed down Seto's face, he watched Ty give him one last glance and soar off.


Seto's legs shook, he fell to his knees watching the sky as he cried.

He stopped crying when he felt a cold sharp feeling to the side of his neck.

"Don't move filthy sorcerer." Seto trembled, he didn't look back, he didn't need to, he knew it was Ian's voice right away, "Who knew there were two of them here."

"Wait," he pleaded.

"Last words before I send your soul to the Nether?" Seto couldn't speak, his voice was lost. He was going to die! After all this he was going to die!

"Ian! Stop! I pardon him of any charges!"

"What!" The sword left the side of his neck, "Adam this is insane! What are you saying, we are talking about a sorcerer here!"

"A sorcerer that saved my life, you can't go around waving swords at their neck as a form of gratitude," Adam walked up to Ian pulled the sword from his hands and tossed it a few feet away.

"Your father won't like this," Ian said.

"My father will understand," Adam walked past Ian and stood in front of Seto. Seto looked up, his face was filthy and puffy from the day's events.

Adam reached out his hand and smiled, "Come on, I promise to you, nothing will happen. For saving my life, I will grant you anything."

Seto looked from his hand to Adam, shakily he grabbed Adam's hand and he pulled Seto up.


Well things quickly got out of hand. Bet you guys weren't expecting that. Honestly though I really like this chapter, but I don't know if I wrote it in the best way. What do you guys think?

Oh man! Whatever will happen to our little Seto, he lost another person dear to him, he's been found out. Things just aren't looking up.

Oooo, share your theories of what you think will happen next, I'd love to hear them! :)

Stay tunned for Chapter Seven next week!


Also, quick but important note. If you guys really like the story LOST, I'm here to say it is halfway done.

I'm also here to say please go check out this link:

It's very important concerning LOST.


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