Chapter Seven

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Bam! Another chapter out! I want to briefly thank you all for 1k reads already! I feel so touched you guys like the story this much.

Note: the drawing is kind of GRAPHIC if you don't like blood, then don't look. It's just my representation of Ty after he turned dark.

On with the chapter! I'm especially proud of this one, idk why though.


Falling to Rise

Chapter 7

"Never give up on someone you can't spend a day not thinking about"


Seto sat alone, in his tent he shared with Ty and two others. The other two haven't been here once since what happened. Maybe they know he's here and don't want to be anywhere near him. Seto didn't care, he sat on Ty's bed staring at the fabric of the tent, his back turned to the entrance. He hugged his knees close buried his tear-stained face in his legs.

He couldn't understand, Ty, a monster? Ty wasn't like that! No! Seto couldn't believe it, he didn't want to. He grew to close, created attachments, Seto knew the moment he came here how important it was to stay distant. To keep to himself. Seto was determined just before coming here to keep his secret, but he only blew his cover because he had a friend, no, more than one friend. More friends than Seto ever felt like he had.

The rumors were probably spreading like wild fire by now, about him, about Ty. He could only imagine how everyone would look at him.

"Hey," he heard a whisper outside his tent, Seto didn't move, "Isn't that that sorcerer guy the general spared."

"Yeah," another voice perked up.

"What the hell is that creep doing."

"Probably cursing the camp, I mean just look at him, curled up like that he's bound to be doing something crazy!" The second voice said a little louder than intended. Seto stiffened at their insults, he wasn't creepy. He was normal! Normal just like everyone else, he lived a normal life, acted like a normal person! Who are they to call him a creep.

Seto turned and glared at the two who's eyes widened as soon as they realized he had heard them, "Sh*t! Let's get out of here before he smites us!" They shrieked and ran off, kicking up dirt as the left.

Seto trembled, he didn't mean to scare them, he cried. He cried and cried some more, why was it so hard! Seto was a good guy, he followed the laws, his family's rules, even put up with his unbearable cousin. He was respectful to his elders, and kind to his peers, shy as he may be, he never once would ever wish anyone ill will, but everyone here thought otherwise. Thought he was some creep, someone dangerous. He could come up with a million scenarios they all wished he'd die in.

"Hey Seto..." Seto stopped crying and turned to the voice who called him. It was Adam, he stood in the entrance of his tent. He smiled and walked forward and sat beside him, even though Seto's back was still to the entrance of the tent he turned his head and stared at Adam.

"You're worried, I can tell. You're probably worried about your family..." His family! He hadn't even thought about them. What an idiot! Here he was sobbing about poor him, and he hadn't even considered the situation his family would be in! His father, who he promised he'd do everything to keep it a secret, and his mother, his kind and gentle mother. Seto began crying again, to think of her again, he missed his mother, the soft, warm touch of her hand against his forehead.

He remembered when he used to go outside in the late afternoons when the sun was hot and the wind was stifling. For some reason he enjoyed it like that, it would be warm while he sat under the shade of one of the very few trees that inhabited his home.

But that day was different. His only friend Tyler was there, waiting for him by his tree.

"Set! I knew you'd be here today!" Tyler waved to him excitedly and made a toothy grin. He had one large gap between his two front teeth, and his thick, black glasses sat crooked on his nose.

"Tyler?" Seto quietly said as he hugged one of his father's books to his chest.

"Come on!" Tyler jumped around excitedly and grabbed Seto by the arm, "I have something really awesome planned for today!" He yanked at Seto and dragged him away. The sudden pull startled Seto and he dropped his book.

"Ahhh! My book, Tyler I dropped it!" Seto panicked and tried to pull away.

"Come on, no time for that, you can grab it later, right now just follow me!"

Seto remembered that day. He and Tyler were only 6 years old. Tyler dragged him all through town that day to grab an assortment of odd objects, that he said he needed. Then he forced Seto to help him construct some strange contraption. He remembered Tyler described it as 'Get Well Box'.

It was for Tyler's mother who'd been sick the past week and was only getting worse. So Tyler devised invention to help his mother get better. He and Seto were working on it till the last lights of the day, when Seto walked home that day he completely forgotten all about his father's book.

He got home only to realize he left it at his tree.

"Oh no! I left the book outside!" Seto panicked and looked left and right before dashing back to the front door.

"Seto? Was that you? What have I told you about running in the house?"

"I-I'm sorry ma..." Seto turned to see his mother behind him, she carried in her arms a bowl of batter. Her apron was coated in flour.

"Seto? Were you thinking of leaving at this hour?"

Seto frowned sadly, "I left dad's book outside! I have to go find it!" Seto confessed and looked down at his socks and wool pajamas.

He heard his mother sigh and walk over to him. She crouched down to his level and set to bowl of batter down. She pulled Seto close and hugged him tight. "You can't go out right now, it's too dangerous."

"But...but what about dad's book! I have to find it!" Seto sniffed and began to cry.

"Seto honey, it's ok," she placed her warm, soft fingers against his forehead and brushed his messy curls back, she hummed quietly, a soft little tune she hummed to him when he was just a baby to calm him down. It always worked.

Almost immediately Seto began to calm down, "You'll find the book tomorrow," she said quietly in his ear as he rocked him back and forth.

After he had calmed down, Seto remembered his father coming home late that day. Luckily the book was in his father's care, his father had said he was given it by one of the kind shopkeepers earlier in the day. He told Seto to be careful next time, but when he saw Seto starting to get teary again. He smiled and said to Seto, "It's ok, it was an accident, and we all make mistakes. Just remember we have mistakes to learn from them."

Seto took that to heart that day. And his mother cheered him up later by teaching him to bake cookies. Though he wasn't a very good cook. He decided to give them to the kind shopkeeper as thanks. That shopkeeper became a long lasting friend to Seto who he still knows even today, Seto knew him by the name Barter.

Seto suddenly felt very warm and he was brought back to reality. He looked up to see Adam grinning back at him, "Sorry, you looked like you were have a nice thought. I didn't want to interrupt." Seto noticed Adam was lacking a cape and looked behind him to see Adam's cape wrapped around his shoulders.

"T-thank you." He said hoarsely. His felt like he hadn't used his voice all day.

"No problem! That's what friends are for!"

"Friends? still consider me your friend, even knowing what I am."

"Who or what you are doesn't matter to me," Adam smiled, "My father never believed that kind sorcerers existed, but you're all the proof needed. I know if I explained my father would understand."

His father. Seto forgot that Adam had revealed he was the prince of Emedo, and he was taking it so lightly. Probably do to the emotional shock.

"Oh, one last thing."

Seto looked up again, "Hmm?"

"Your name, Vesuvius, I knew I recognized it from somewhere. I just couldn't put my finger on it."

"What?" Seto could only imagine what Adam was talking about. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't something he talked about often.

"Sixteen years ago, Keuta was still ruling its own kingdom. They had a prince, technically the crown prince since the king himself had no heir, but his younger sister did. Their family name was Vesuvius, right?"


'I knew it!" Adam abruptly hugged Seto, causing him to squeak, "We're alike."

"But I'm not royalty anymore, I'm just a regular person."

"I know, but this can help, I promise. Just trust me, ok?" Adam let go of Seto gave him a thumbs up. Then he turned to leave.

"Wait, what about your cape."

"Keep it! It looks better on you, plus I have more," then Adam left, and Seto was alone again. He sighed and pulled the cape closer. He wasn't cold, just he found it comforting.


Seto had fallen asleep while holding Adam's cape close to him. He dreamed of Ty.

He saw Ty and him talking normally. On their way to go meet of up with the general. But something wasn't right, Seto couldn't hear a word either of them were saying, and when the both of them had found Adam, Ty began to act funny.

Suddenly Ty grew claws, and wings, and a tail, scales dotted his face and neck and his eyes were a dark purple. Ty wasn't Ty anymore and Seto was glued to the spot as he watched Ty lunge forward, thrusting his clawed hand through Adam. Blood spurted and oozed from the wound, Seto could neither scream nor shout as Adam collapsed in a gurgling mess. His accusing eyes looked up at Seto then glazed over.

Finally Seto could move his own body and stumbled back, Ty was laughing and shouting like everything was normal. Almost like Ty didn't just kill Adam, and when Seto looked down at his hands, it were his hands covered in blood. Adam's blood, all over. All over! Like a river of blood dripping from his hands.

Then the world was filled with silence and everything flooded white, the blood staining the ground. Seto felt a presence, something dangerous.

A sword was placed by his neck, "Last words sorcerer scum!" The last word was spat at, and he knew immediately it was Ian.

"I-I..." Seto couldn't speak, just like last time, but this time, Adam wouldn't be here to save him. No one would.

The sword was removed and Seto turned to face Ian just as the sword was swung at his neck. He screamed and the world blackened.

Seto sat up sweating, his hands were clutching the fabric of the cape. He must've fallen asleep.

What a horrible dream, to see Ty like that all over again, and then to see Adam's blood all over him. Seto didn't know what to do anymore. Chances are as soon as people in Emedo or Keuta knew what he was he'd be dead, but he had time, to get home before anyone knew. He could find his parents, and his uncle, even his annoying cousin, he'd get everyone and they'd move to where Emedo's laws can't hurt them. Like... Vragan! They'd accept him, he was a sorcerer--

No! He wasn't! Seto was human, not--not some sorcerer. He'd never be a sorcerer no matter what his family lineage said he was, that was a fact, a fact Seto is determined to keep true.

Seto couldn't leave, he untangled himself from the cape and pushed himself off of Ty's bed. He decided to clip Adam's cape to his little creeper clasp and wear it. Seto had something to do, and he would do it, for his mother and father, for Ty, Seto was determined, to prove to everyone just how human he was.

Seto quickly exited the tent, and noted the moon had risen almost to midnight. He hoped Adam would still be awake. Seto pulled his hood over his head and walked quickly past the recruit tents. Seto only passed by a few people, but they paid him no mind, he hoped it was because they didn't recognize him with the cape on and the dim light of the night.

He knew he was going to find Adam and hoped he would still be up.

Seto entered the area where the larger tents were set up, he noted a few damages from earlier in the day, and carried on.

There were less people out and about here, either they were sleeping, or doing something important. He hope it was the latter, that meant he might find Adam sooner.

He stopped a few meters away from Adam's tent. The bright light of a torch flickered from within. Two guards stood outside the tent, both carrying sharply pointed spears. They guarded the entrance, he knew this probably wouldn't end well.

Seto sucked in his breath and clenched his fists. He walked, he walked forward and moved to walk past the guard, but strong heavy arms grabbed him by the hood and yanked him back. They shoved him away and toppled to the ground.

"Ahh!" He shrieked.

"Where do you think you're going," one of the guards sneered and looked down at him.

Seto sighed, he called it. "I came to speak with the general."

"Well he's busy fixing your mess, come back like never." The guard hissed at him. Seto wanted to point out that he didn't cause any of this, but he wasn't the one armed and trained to use a giant stick with a blade at top.

"But I really need to--" Seto pushed himself up only to be shoved down again.

"Just because you saved the Prince's life doesn't mean you get special treatment. You should just leave, disgusting filth like you is only going to pollute the purity of this place. Be glad you're even alive, and just get out of here!" The guard slammed down his spear and the other guard pointed his straight at Seto. Both giving him hateful glares.

Seto stayed on the ground, "P-please, just let me--"

The first guard glared and raise his spear, pointing the tip at Seto, he screamed, "Don't you understand! You aren't welcom--"

"What's going on out here?" The flap of the tent was pushed aside and Adam's head poked out from behind, he looked from one guard to the next and then at Seto.

"This-this guy was trying to bother you and the other Captains, I-I was only trying to get him to leave..."

"With a spear?" Adam walked out of the tent and glanced at the guard quizzically, "That's no way to treat him."

"B-but sir, he's a... he's a--"

"A hero," Adam finished as the other guard continued to stutter on his words, "and a friend, he saved my life, and that's no way to treat someone like that," Adam frowned then walked over to Seto and held out his hand. Seto uncertainly grabbed it and Adam pulled him up. "Come on Seto, why don't you join me and the other Lieutenants and Captains, don't worry they won't bite." Adam smiled kindly at Seto, and he couldn't help but smile back.

He followed Adam as he walked past the guards, Seto felt uncomfortable as he felt the tense anger radiating off the two guards.

"General you're back... and with the sorcerer..." One of the lieutenants glanced at Seto warily, Seto recognized him as one of the many lieutenants that led recruit drills. He was kind, unlike most of the people here, he always encouraged Seto, but he supposed things were different now.

To them, he was the enemy.

"Seto, his name is Seto, and he's just joining us. You all don't mind do you?"

The men around the table shook their head no, but Seto could feel their wary glances. Adam grinned and took his place at the head of the table and beckoned Seto to come over.

Seto shifted uncomfortably in place, "Actually... I had something to ask you."

"Oh? Ok, go ahead."

Seto felt all eyes on him, it was so quiet we was sure he'd be able to hear a small explosion 1000 blocks away.

"It has to do with what you said earlier, if that is ok..." Seto wished that everyone would stop staring, he had hoped to speak with Adam privately, but that obviously wouldn't happen.

"Y-you said you would, well... there are only two things in the world that I want..." Seto took a deep breathe as he braced himself. "For one, I want to guarantee the safety of my family, and... and I want to stop--no save Ty."

"That Vragan boy!" Many of the Captains and Lieutenants stood up and shouted over each other in protest to Seto's statement.

"You save the Prince's life, and now you want to go and help the one that tried to kill him!"

"I knew it, sorcerers will always be up to know good."

"Filthy brat wants to save a demon from Vragan, those horrid dragon worshipers!"

"N-no, wait just listen please--" Seto's voice was drowned out under the 20 other voices speaking over him.

As Seto tried to to speak, no one notice Adam as he slammed his hand against the table. This caused silence to fall upon everyone at once. No dared breathe as the general stood and cleared his throat.

"Thank you, now, I'd be glad to make sure your family remain safe from Emedo law. That I can do easily. The matter about helping your friend Ty..."

Seto waited for Adam's definite no, "I'd be glad to help you rescue your friend...our friend."


It took Seto several moments to take that statement in. At first he had assumed Adam had said no and frowned sadly, but he quickly shook his head as reality sunk in and his eyes widened.

"General! Are you insane! Help the one who tried to kill you?! This is obviously some plot allocated by these two sorcerers to lure you away and kill you!"

"No! That's not what I'm trying to do, I just want to--"

"Need I remind you General, Lieutenant Ian would find this very displeasing and would not agree."

"Of course he would agree!" Adam brushed it off, "Ty was as good as a friend to Ian as he was to me!" That, Seto was sure, was untrue. He knew very well that Ian, didn't really like anyone and that he disliked Ty most of all.

"Plus, look, I already have a plan underway. Come over here Seto so you can see." Adam beckoned Seto for a second time and Seto walked uncertainly towards Adam at the head of the table. Adam reached down, from a box resting underneath the table, he pulled out a large, old, rolled up parchment, and set it on the table. He took the paper, and pinning two corners with small gold paperweights he walked to the other side and unfurled the paper. Then he proceeded to pin the last two corners down.

Seto could see Adam had brought out a map. A map of the whole realm, each kingdom colored their kingdom color, their capital labeled, and many other towns, cities, and ports.

He could see the purple, desert kingdom of Keuta, the bright green, plains kingdom of Emedo, the cold, blue, snowy kingdom of Vragan, and the other three kingdoms, Neim, Duhita, and Eflido. He knew Neim was represented by brown, red for Duhita, and dark green for Eflido.

"I already have a good plan to help us stop Ty and save him all at once." Adam began, he pointed at Emedo in the part labeled Hyrrka. "We're here, and right now, we don't know where Ty is, but I can assume with the injury he has we wouldn't make it very far by flight. Now if he really is a sorcerer than his healing capabilities are probably very high, but there is a chance he is actually a morvic, most likely a different, unknown kind."

A morvic! Why didn't Seto think of that? Morvics were native to Duhita, where most of them reside, though they are found in other kingdoms. Contrary to popular belief that morvics are some weird cross between human and animals, that is entirely false. From the limited research Seto possessed, he knew that morvics were really animals that had human like qualities while not being human, they were bipedal, had opposable thumbs, etc. And much like sorcerers they were hated. But unlike sorcerers they weren't hanged just for being alive, instead they just lived poorer lives.

At least, that is how Seto saw it.

"A morvic? Morvics can't transform, it has to be some sort of sorcery." One Captain spoke up.

"Who ever heard of a sorcerer transforming into a beast! He's definitely some new type of morvic." A Lieutenant countered.

"That's beside the point, the point is, one way or the other his ability to heal is probably faster than us humans, if we want to help him then we need to do it quick." Adam said.

"Well what do you propose General?"

Seto watched as Adam tapped his finger to his chin and contemplated deeply. When at last he figured an idea, he placed his finger on the map and pointed at a location, "We'll go here, for assistance."


Theories? Eh? Yea?
): ok

Next chapter the week after this! Stay tuned for Seto's grand adventure is just about to get started.

What will happen to our young budding sorcerer? Who are the real foes, and who are the real friends?

Also, the word MORVIC is made up as far as I know. It is derived from the word anthromorphic, which relates to the word anthromorphism. Anthromorphism just means the attribution of human characteristics or behavior to a god, animal, or object.

Don't forget to tell me if you want a sequel to LOST. Check here for more information .


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