Chapter Twenty-Five

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Another chapter, things are starting to spice up now as Part 2 gets close to the end!

I hope you all enjoy!


Falling to Rise

Chapter 25

"Knowledge is like a garden; if it is not cultivated, it cannot be harvested."

Dreamwalker. Telekinesis. Elemental. other. These were the sects of magic he possessed talent in.

It's been 3 weeks since Seto began learning about magic, 3 weeks since he met Wag, it was a new month too. The 2nd of Aeth.

Seto sat at the dining table in the dead of night, using only the light of a candle to see. He and the others still stayed at Jason's small home, his kindness has not gone unnoticed. Over these 3 weeks, each one of them have taken turns visiting and helping the camp. Well all but Adam, as it was determined it might be dangerous if anyone recognized him. Thankfully of the few people they have met, Tyler, Jason and his siblings, they seemed not to notice.

Seto was reading by the candlelight, well past midnight, he was determined to learn all he could. He and Wag have been over every part of his father's incomplete journal and added to it as the lessons continue.

In fact, Seto thought back, he recently began practice in control over his abilities. He learned interesting and valuable information about something to do with his family, something that was awe inspiring while at the same time frightening.


"Just to clarify, your name is Seto Magi correct?" Wag inquired as he mixed and brewed ingredients for a simple healing pot as he called it.

Seto nodded. Wag hummed while deep in thought, Seto was supposed to be reading through some books Wag had lent him, but he found himself deeply interested in his potion making instead.

"You know, that makes me think of something. Something I'm sure is no coincidence. We already know of your gifts with Telekinesis, Dreamwalking, and possibly the Elemental magic of Fire and Air. Which might I add, you have a very strong bloodline to posses so much natural talent, but the fourth thing you mentioned just might be..."

Wag trailed off and muttered to himself. Something about magic...Nyx...and sight. It didn't make sense to Seto.

Suddenly he perked up and asked, "How much do you know of Vragan history, things concerning magic and the Nyx?"

"Uh... well pretty much nothing, I had a friend who mentioned the Nyx, but other than that nothing at all."

"Hmm, well I think I've figured some things out, but it will be a lot to take in." Wag pulled up a chair and removed his freshly brewed potions and placed them on shelves. Then he took a moment to exchange his messy cloak for another and sit in the chair he pulled up beside Seto.

"It's been a long time since I lived in Vragan, so my history may be a bit rusty, but let's begin shall we?" Seto nodded and bookmarked his page before turning his full attention to Wag.

"Magic didn't appear until over two thousand years ago. When people first began to inhabit the cold icy lands of Vragan. It was said that a terrible beast lived in the mountains that came to be known as the Restless Slopes. However it was the wise king of Vragan that advised his people to offer up livestock and gold to the beast. To appease it, as they were the intruders of the beast's land and should respect it as so.

As the months went by, the people felt that their efforts were workings as the fearsome beast never came to their little homes. Only seemed to roam the skies during the night. Soon it seemed the people were safe and for the next year they made their offerings on designated days of celebration.

But by that same year, something within the people changed. Or more specifically, changed within a certain family, at first. The Magicks family found their children to be born with odd powers, something that has never been seen before. The signs of these powers did not begin to show until after their toddling years however.

With no name for the gift, the powers were named magic , after the family, and it was believed that the beast, now named Nyx by the people, had granted them these wholesome gifts. With slight suspicion these magical children grew up to be wondrous people, and soon after their kids and their kids showed ability of these powers. Those with magic were held in high regard.

But it was not without a price.

As the Magicks family were the first to wield magic, and the first to learn magic, they were also the first to abuse it. And not every sorcerer after that would use the gifts for good.

Those who would abuse them found themselves placed under a curse. A curse that became known as the Nyx's curse.

It was a curse that would only affect magic users, it was not contagious, but however genetic. So anyone who dared abuse their powers would be cursed with a sickness that slowly killed them. And if they so choose to have offspring, their kids would be infected for their parent(s) misdeeds only if they possessed magic. And their curse would only begin to affect them in their adult years.

There was no cure, but the only thing that could rid the curse was the Nyx. A personal offering must be made, and then the curse may be lifted.

Even with no cure, the curse could be stalled. The people found that the use of healing magic could stall the effects for many years, and the curse did not affect their uses of magic. They could still use their gifts."

Wag cleared his throat, "That was the basis of the history and how magic came to be. But that is not the part of the history I wanted to tell you. I wanted to talk a little more about the Magicks family."

"Ok," Seto was still trying to take in all the information that Wag had just told him. It was, truthfully, quite a lot to process.

"First, are you the firstborn in your family?" Seto nodded.

"Then allow me to propose you are perhaps a descendant of the Magicks family--"


"It's not uncommon for names to change over time, especially family names. My father was quite fond of following the history of the Magicks, as he was sure they never died out. He wrote a page on the names changes over time, and yours fits snuggly there. From Magicks to Magnus, to Majik to Maji, to Magi."

Wag paused before starting up again, "I think you might possess a magic that was only granted to the direct descendants of the Magicks family, and only to the firstborn of a firstborn in the Magicks family. The power to see the future."

Seto's eyes widened, a power to see the future. Something like that existed.

"It's a power that is purely genetic, and non learnable skill. It was believed that for a long time that those who carried they skill had died out and the power died with them too. But I think that the gift of sight just didn't have the right candidate. Seto, you may be the first person in over several hundred years to have that power."

Seto opened his mouth, then closed it, then opened it again, then closed it. He was at a loss for words, him possess some lost magic, to see the future. He could hardly believe it, but it would explain the visions he's had before.

"Ho-how do I use it?"

"That I can't say, and your father's journal has no information either. It was believed to be a lost magic, so there is no one alive who can tell you anything about, at least nothing useful."



To see the future.

He was the only one, as the power could only be passed down to a firstborn of a firstborn and so forth. So there was no one to teach him. No one to tell him how to use it, or how to control it. He was alone in this field.

He remembered Wag mentioning how remarkably gifted he was. He mentioned how it was common for a sorcerer to possess 2-3 natural talents, arriving at different combinations of two minors or two majors or two minors and one major and so forth. He said it was rare for someone to be born with only one gift or in Seto's case four. Three majors and one minor.

Now after Seto asked what were the difference between Majors and Minors. Wag explained that Telekinesis, Elemental, the Sight, the Enchanter, Telepathy and the Brewer were the 6 Majors of magic. The Majors are the largest parts of magic and the hardest to learn unless you have a natural talent in them, and they offer more freedom of use. Then there are the minors, 9 in total, simpler categories of magic and more restricted. One of which was Seto's ability to Dreamwalk. It literally meant he could walk through dreams.

Seto sighed and blew out the candle. He was tired, and wanted to go to bed. He had to wake up early today, and everyone was already asleep. He closed his journal and put it in a small bag he tied to his belt. Wag had given him the bag so he would no longer have to carry it in his boot. Thank Notch.

It wasn't exactly comfortable.

He closed his eyes and let out a long and tired breath. That's odd, why is there still light? Seto could still see light behind his closed lids, he opened them and out the window of Jason's home, he saw fire.

Oh no! What ever will happen, omg. XD Also no stream today. I have some studying to do.


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