Chapter 1- A Fallen "Child"

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Frisk's POV:

"We didn't even know each other then. Well, not as Frisk and Asriel, but still." Asriel stated.

"I'm glad Alphys was able to create that SOUL for you, Asriel. I like you a lot better this way." I stated as we walked out of the ruins and into the area where 'Flowey' and I first met. "And here's where you told me 'In this word it's either kill, or be killed.' Even though I never listened. Even Chara tried to-" I stopped talking and noticed that Asriel tensed up. "Still not over it huh?" Despite being able to get Asriel his body back, we were unable to locate Chara, or her body. Asriel took a deep breath and shook his head.

"I'm fine, it's more just the fact that I was so naïve to think that she was a good person. Granted, I still love her to death, but she wasn't as nice as-" He was cut off when there was a scream coming from the opening in the mountain. We both glanced at each other and ran to the next area. It was there in the patch of buttercups that we saw her. Asriel looked taken aback. The green sweater, with the singular yellow stripe across the chest. It looked like a more mature version of Chara. I then came to my senses and noticed this wasn't Chara, It was someone different. Someone new. She had h/l h/c hair that covered her face in the mixture of buttercups. I kneeled down by her side and checked her pulse. It was there but it was faint. I soon realized that there were wolf ears atop her head and a tail poking out from underneath her shirt.

"She's still alive, but there's no way we will be able to carry her all the way to Snowdin; it's simply too far away." We both stared at her, wondering what to do. I pulled out my phone, and pulled up Sans' contact. ring. ring. ring. ring.


"Okay." I hear Toriel say hello and ask how we were doing. "We are doing just fine Mom. While we where on our walk we found a girl, she seems to have fallen, and we won't be able to carry her to Snowdin. She's unconscious and her pulse is very distant. We were wondering if we could get Sans to teleport her back the the house, but I'm guessing he's asleep."

"You are correct my child. I will wake him and send him your way. And please, stay safe."

"We will mom, thanks. Love you, bye." I ended the call and sighed.

"What's the word?" Asriel asked innocently.

"We wait for mom to wake up Sans and then have him come get us." I sighed once again, slightly stressed from the whole situation. Asriel groaned and flopped onto his side, pulling out his phone. I glanced at her again, instantly reminded of Chara. "Does she remind you of Chara at all? I mean she has the sweater, and their faces are similar in a way." Asriel looked at the girl again.

"Yeah. She's a spitting image of Chara. I swear, if I didn't know better I'd say they're related. It's been years though. At least a hundred. Anyone related to Chara is probably gone by now. Plus Chara didn't have wolf eaaaarssssss- wait what happened to her ears and tail?" I glanced at the girl again, and she didn't have the wolf ears or tail. Was she able to hide her monster form? Or was it just our imaginations running wild. After all, we spend most of our time with monsters so it would make sense.

"I don't know. Maybe we just imagined it."

"I'm not sure dude, it seemed pretty real to me." Asriel responded. I hear a whooshing noise and a blue light and Sans appeared.

"what's up kiddo?" Sans said, a grin on his face.

"Took you long enough. Now can you teleport us and this girl home." I smiled a Sans who's grin widened.

"sure thing kiddo." Sans said, with no puns whatsoever.

"Sans, is something up you haven't made any puns yet..?"

"it's a bet to go punless for an hour. it's killing me." He stated picking up the girl. "hold on I'll be right back." He vanishes with the girl, and soon reappears again. "alright, hold on kids."

"SAAANNSSSS! We aren't kids anym-" Asriel got cut off by the teleportation process. He gasped and looked scared. "A little warning next time?!?!!?" Asriel scolded.

"oops." Sans said walking off. "oh, yeah. the girl is in pap's room for now." he said before disappearing into his room. Tori- Mom- *sigh* Toriel was in Papyrus' room, healing the girl. I still didn't know whether or not to think of her as Toriel or as Mom. Sure, I say to her 'Mom' but in my head I always say Toriel. But I know that I can figure it out.

"THE OTHER HUMAN IS UPSTAIRS IF YOU WERE WONDERING FRISK." Papyrus said in his normal yelling voice. Both Asriel and I went upstairs to check on the fallen 'child.' Toriel had just finished healing her, and she took off the girl's shoes. She wasn't wearing any socks, but it didn't seem to bother her. I noticed something on her ankle, burned into her skin. It read "1604BM"

"Hey mom, look at this." I pointed at the imprint and she ran her fingers over the mark. Toriel then sighed and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"It is a very old wound, and it was not received any time recently. On a more positive note, she should wake up in a few days time. She must have been very exhausted to become unconscious after that fall. Not to mention she is severely malnourished, and dehydrated." She said moving the girl's h/c hair from her face. Toriel stood up, and sighed. "She just needs some rest."

"Hey mom?" I spoke. She turned her head to me, ears flopping into their respective place in the process. "Does she remind you of Chara?" She tensed at my words then smiled.

"Very much so. But we mustn't dwell on the past. Come on boys, lets go have dinner."

??? POV:

A few days... I have to see her... I have to let her know I'm here.... I have to guide her.. to get to him.. so she can kill him... we always were the closest sisters. --;kngeptojh-fdpgn'-Wouldn't you agree my dear Reader...? After all you did kill men to escape-=--=popofkgatnnefwt- ERROR !^)$BM--- She is the only reason I am risking being near him.

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