Chapter 2- Welcoming (sorta)

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Frisk speaking in sign language will be like this:
Hello! I am Frisk!

Your character speaking in sign language will look like this:
Hello! I am (y/n)!

Your POV:
I slowly open my eyes and I smelled something delicious. I heard chatter. This wasn't normal. I closed my eyes again and snuggled into the blankets- WAIT BLANKETS? I was on an actual mattress with actual blankets and actual pillows! Thoughts of my escape quickly flood my mind. I open my eyes and sit up. I had a slight headache, but I'm sure it would have been worse- that is if I didn't have restorative properties. I glanced around the room. I was in a race car bed, and next to the bed was a table with action figures. In the far corner of the room was a table with a computer (I had only seen them in the asylum- never outside). It seemed like the room would belong to a child, however, the fact that the room was neatly cleaned told me otherwise. "Hold on, I'm gonna go grab my phone. I left it in Pap's room." I heard someone say whilst they walked up stairs. The door creaked open and a monster- one that looked like a goat- walked into the room. He wore a black hoodie and jeans. His horns were rather long, but they suited his simple attire well. "Oh, hello! I didn't think you would be up yet. My mom said that you wouldn't be up for another week. Hiya! I'm Asriel! Nice to meet you! What's your name?" I was afraid to speak, the last time I talked to someone they died. That had always been the case. That is except for my friends Liam and Haley from the asylum. We have the same condition and so we can link speak- telepathically that is. I knew sign language but I'm not sure if he knew it.

My name is (y/n). I signed. He looked confused.

"Ah, hold on. FRISSSKKKK CAN YOU COME HERE? THE GIRL WOKE UP!" I heard muffled speech and footsteps leading towards the room. A boy- a human boy- walked into the room. He had brown hair that was medium length, eyes that seemed to be closed although he most likely was able to see through his eyelashes, and he had a patient smile. He wore a blue and purple striped shirt with a black jacket over it. He paired this with simple dark colored jeans. "I came in here and she was awake, I tried talking to her, but I think she was using sign language." The boy just nodded and signed:
Hello. I'm Frisk, and this is Asriel. We found you at the opening of the underground. What's your name?

My name is (y/n). It's a pleasure.

You as well. You took quite a fall, you weren't supposed to wake up for another week.

So I've been told. How long ago did you find me?

We found you yesterday evening.

What is the date? With the year, please.

It is June 2nd, 2017. Why do you ask?

It's... Complicated.

"Uhh so if you are just gonna talk then I'm gonna leave.." The goat by the name of Asriel says, picking up his cell phone and making his way to the door.

"Asriel wait- why don't you get mom so that she can help (y/n). If she is well enough we could probably take her home and settle her in for the time being- that is until she recovers." Frisk says calmly whilst holding his smile.

H-Hey Frisk?

"Hm? What is it?" The boy said, allowing Asriel to slip out of the room.

I have nowhere to go. Do you think that maybe I could stay with you? I don't think I would be able to survive on my own, especially on the surface.

"I just have to make sure it's okay with my mom, other than that it's fine." He smiled once more and for no more than a second, I saw her. The way she used to smile could be seen in this boy. A pang of sadness hit my heart but I quickly got over it and smiled back at Frisk. Footsteps were heard coming up the stairs and I sat up straighter so I was in a better sitting position. Asriel came in the room and following him was another goat monster, this one with more gentle features that showed it was a female. She wore a purple tunic dress with some unknown symbol on it.

"Hello, my child. My name is Toriel, it's a pleasure to meet you." The woman said while signing at the same time.

I'm (y/n). It's nice to meet you too.

"She told me she has nowhere to go and I was wondering if she could stay with us," Frisk speaks up.

"Of course my child, if you don't mind me asking, but don't you have a family on the surface?"

They sent me away many years ago.

Frisk looked surprised as if such a thing were not possible. They abandoned me far too long ago, long enough that they could have had more kids and those kids could have kids. After her death, I broke down and they didn't want me. Saw me as insane. Sent me to that horrible place. Where I was experimented on and turned into the broken-SOULed being I am today.

"I'm sorry that that happened my child. You may stay with us as long as you like."

Thank you. Could I get some help standing up? My body feels rather heavy.

"O-of course." Frisk mutters while approaching me. Asriel also approaches me, but only after being nudged by Toriel. Frisk helps me stand, however, I stumble and fall into him. I blush, he blushes and Toriel giggles.

"sorry," I say in a voice less than a whisper. Frisk smiles and helps me up again. Asriel comes to my left side and helps support me there. We walk out the door, Toriel falling behind us. Below us is a family room, where two skeletons- one short and one tall, one yellow dinosaur/oversized lizard, and a piranha fish sit. The first one to glance up is the lizard.

"O-oh h-h-hello there. I-I'm g-glad to see y-you're awake." She stuttered. This made the skeleton duo look at me.

"HELLO THERE OTHER HUMAN! I AM THE GREAT PAPYRUS, PLEASED TO MAKE YOUR ACQUAINTANCE!" He said in a rather loud voice. The smaller skeleton seemed to glare at me, and I don't know why. We started our descent on the stairs, which caused me to have to lean on Frisk more. I kept my head down so I could focus on my footing. We then reach the bottom of the stairs and Asriel left my side to pull up a chair. I sat down and turned to the group. The fish lady smiled a huge grin and walked over to me.

"Hey kid! How's it going? Feeling any better?" She said, kinda loud. I smiled and nodded, signing 'yes' at the same time. "Woah, sign language cool! I don't know how to do it but I can understand some things!" She said with the huge grin of hers.

It's nice to meet you. I'm (y/n). I signed slowly so it could understand it.

"Nice to meet you too! I'm Undyne!" I smiled back at her. I looked around the room. The skeleton in the blue hoodie was looking at me differently. Like I did something wrong. I waved my hand at him and caught his attention.

Excuse me- Is something wrong? Frisk started to translate, but the skeleton chuckled.

"nah kiddo you're fine. i guess i've just got a ton of stuff on my mind. A Skele-ton."

"OH MY GOD SANS!" Papyrus shouted, looking frustrated at his brother. I giggled quietly but the small skeleton still noticed. He seemed to relax more seeing me laugh normally. That made me smile.

Wait, how do you all know sign language?

"I used to never speak with my voice, so I always used sign language. I ended up teaching all of them sign language so they could understand me. Some are better than others at sign language- such as Sans, Toriel, and Alphys," Frisk said gesturing to those in the group. "And some people such as Papyrus, Undyne, and Asriel aren't as good at it. Nonetheless, they can still understand it." It turns out the dinosaur was named Alphys. It was a cute name.

That's cool.

"Here is some lunch my child. You need to eat- you are severely malnourished." Toriel handed me a bowl of soup which was apparently homemade. I smiled and took a spoonful. It. Was. AMAZING. It was the best food I had ever tasted! I started to sign about how good it was, but I spilled it all over my lap. Standing up from the sudden pain (which didn't hurt too bad because of my high pain tolerance), the soup bowl clattered to the floor.

"Oh my god! Are you okay?!??" Frisk panicked trying to find a towel while I just stood there straight faced, hands shaking.

"My child, are you alright?" I couldn't do anything. Couldn't feel anything.

"Hey kid, you alright?" Undyne asked me standing up. Wake up. See me! Can't you see I'm trying to reach out to you?! (y/n)! I'm trying to help yo- I snap out of the trance I was in and glance over to Frisk, who was rushing to me with a towel.

"you okay kiddo? you kinda SOUP-rised us there." I looked at sans and smiled.

Sorry. I'm fine. Could you please hand me that towel Frisk?

Frisk walked over to me and handed me the towel. I started to dry myself off, but the room still seemed stare. I focused on cleaning myself up again when I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Frisk.

"Are you sure you're okay? You seem uncomfortable."

I am. I'm not used to being near so many monsters at one time. I'm used to only being near two or three.

"Oh! That's fine, it was odd for me when I first fell to the Underground, but everyone was so kind that I just fell in love with them."

That's nice. I smiled and silently looked around the room. Everyone seemed to have a smile, seemed so happy. And yet, it all faded away as I caught a glimpse of my sister before me. Chara.


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