Chapter 10

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( May's POV )

Misty was lying on a bed with Nurse Joy and a doctor I didn't know. It must've been Serena screaming at her that made the girl collapse. Nobody could explain else. It was a mess! Everything always turned into a mess. I could only wait and hope my friend was alright. Soon Nurse Joy came out of the room and walked up to me.

"She's just a little stressed. I guess the screaming was too much for her."Nurse Joy said with a hint of a smile. "But there's nothing serious. Everything seems to work out fine and she'll awake soon."

I smiled happily. Gary who stood beside me just grinned. Serena hadn't heard Nurse Joy at all and was still crying. She was a nice person, I'm sure she never meant for this to happen. But it did.

It wasn't much longer that Misty came out of the room. I immediately hugged her.

"Hey, I just fainted. Not the worst thing that happened to me."Misty said smiling. "Everything is fine!"

"I was just really worried. It came out of nowhere."

Serena's sobbing stopped and she could only look at Misty. "I'm so sorry."she said.

Misty only smiled. "Don't worry, I'm not angry. It wasn't your fault anyway!" That clearly took Serena with surprise.

"It... it's not?"she said. Misty shook her head with a bright smile. "Still I said things I shouldn't have said. Or know."

"Who were you talking about anyway?"Misty asked. She stopped smiling and looked a little serious. Serena didn't seem to have the courage to actually say something and kept quiet. I looked at Gary who clearly waited for Serena to start talking. I wasn't sure what to do. I could help her, but I wasn't that forgivable as Misty. Misty waited for an answer that was probably never going to come.

"Misty!" Dawn, Leaf and Ash came running towards Misty. Ash gave a slight smile to Serena, but the rest ignored the girl.

"Are you okay?"Dawn asked.

"What happened?!"Leaf asked way too loud.

"Woah! One question at a time!"Misty yelled and I saw her taking a look at Serena, who still seemed to stay quiet. "I'm fine. I just hadn't slept tonight or yesterday for that matter. I guess it was more of a big deal than I thought it was." We heard a sigh of relief coming from Serena.

"So it really wasn't my fault?"

"Why would it be your fault?"Ash asked as he narrowed his eyes.

"I yelled at her in theatre class."Serena said and she looked at the ground.

"Why?"Ash asked. I looked at her this was something I liked to know too. Serena again stopped talking and turned red. "Why?" This time Ash's voice sounded a little dangerous. Serena wanted to run away, but Ash took her arm. "Why?!" His voice echoed through the hall. Serena's eyes were once again filled with tears and she tried to free her arm. But the girl wasn't able to get out of Ash's grip.

"Ash enough."Misty said, but Ash didn't listen. "She didn't have anything to do in this! Now let go!" Nobody else seemed to take Serena's side. Nobody else seemed to have sympathy for the honey blonde girl that was now crying. Only that one question. She only needed to give an answer to that one question.

But she didn't. Instead Misty came towards Ash and pushed him away of Serena. "What is wrong with you?!"she screamed. Serena wasn't able to run away and just sat on the floor still crying. Misty came down to encourage her. "Don't worry. It's not your fault. And if you don't want to say anything, you don't have to."

Serena finally stood up and ran away. I felt bad for the girl, but didn't really know if that pity was right. Misty seemed to be mad at Ash.

"Why are you so dense!"she yelled. "Can't you see how much it hurts her to see you mad at her!"

"She just needed to answer..."

"An unimportant question." Misty was furious. "Next time you want to become friends with someone, try to understand them."

I just looked how Misty walked away. Her bag hung over one arm. I saw how Ash was surprised and hurt by Misty's words. I wanted to make him feel better, but I didn't feel good myself. I slowly walked away. Soon I found myself running, but not towards my own dormitory.

I ran in Drew's room who was laying on his bed with his phone. He immediately looked up as I opened the door with tears in my eyes.

"What's wrong?"he asked.

"I... I didn't know where else to go to!"I said and I felt my tears burn. "Drew, Misty fainted in class. Serena screamed at her and..." Drew made me sit next to him. I didn't know why, but I buried my face into his shoulder. "I don't know what's going on. First Leaf disappears and then she's suddenly back after a whole day! And now Misty collapsed after Serena..."

"Sssht."Drew said softly as he hesitantly put his hand at my back. "Breathe." I stopped crying, though I now had the hiccups. He gently pushed me away from him to look me in the eyes. His green eyes sparkled and he softly said: "You're strong May. You can handle this."

I was shocked. This was the first time in the five years I knew him that he called me by my actual name. And he said I was strong. I got a small smile on my face and wiped away my tears. Drew let go of me and walked through his room surching for something. Then he came out with a film.

"You do like Harry Potter, right?"he said. I laughed.

"Which one?" He gave me the disc. "The half blood prince. I don't hate that one." Drew gave me a smile and put it in his laptop. And we watched together to the movie.

( Ash's POV )

I walked through the hall with no purpose at all. I didn't pay any attention to anything but the floor. Maybe I was too hard on Serena. Maybe Misty was right and I was dense. But I tried so hard to become friends with Misty. She said I needed to understand people. Though I think she was referring to Serena and not herself. 'What is wrong with you?!' I had heard the anger in Misty's voice and I had felt something inside me break. Though I wasn't sure what exactly. Did that make me  dense?

I bumped into someone. "Ouch!"a voice said. I knew that voice and I started making noises that would make me look like a Growlythe. (Ash is Growlythe confirmed. Sorry I just needed to do that!XD)

"I'm sorry."Serena said quickly before she even saw me. "Ash."

"Don't. Please."I said. I didn't even know why I was angry at her. She didn't do anything wrong, at least that's what Misty said.

"Ash, please. We need to talk." Serena tried to sound determined, but she failed at it. I wanted to walk away, but she grabbed my arm leaning closer to me. I didn't really know what to do. Serena closed her eyes. I knew she was trying to kiss me, but I didn't want to kiss her. So I freed my arm and walked backwards.

"I'm sorry."I said and I walked away. I tried to walk calm, but I soon caught myself running. I ran to the swimming pool. Luckily Misty was there, as I had predicted. She was letting her pokémon battle each other. Her skills were great and I remembered how I lost from her Starmie. That seemed like ages ago. "Hrnnn."

Misty looked up and her eyes narrowed. "What?"

I walked up to her. "I'm sorry if I offended you. I don't really know what I did wrong."

"You screamed at her."

"I remember her saying she did exactly the same to you."

"And why do care?"

"Because..." Misty scoffed and turned around to go on with the training. "Because I like you. And I don't know if I like you as a friend, or more..."

Misty turned back to me. She blushed which made me smirk at her. "Idiot."she then said. I was a little surprised, but she smirked at me. "Don't ever make fun of a girl when she's blushing!" She ran after me and threw me in the water. But I pulled her in together with me. Soaking wet we stepped out of the pool laughing.

"What about Serena?"I said and Misty turned very serious.

"You need to talk to her."Misty said. "Explain things. Get together. Everyone can see her obvious crush on you."

"What about my crush on you?" I didn't know why I said that, but I didn't regret it. Misty first looked surprised, but then she smiled. She let her hand lay on mine. I felt my cheeks burn up. Her aquamarine eyes sparkled as she looked me in the eyes.

"Good question."she said. She leaned forward to kiss me, but then Psyduck fell in the water. "Psyduck you stupid yellow mango!" Misty stood up and swam to Psyduck.

"Psy-ai-ai."Psyduck said.

"Ohhh. You little idiot."Misty said with a worried voice as she looked to Psyduck. "You know you can't swim, Psyduck." Psyduck just tilted its head.

"I don't think Psyduck understands you. And also... aren't Psyducks supposed to swim?"

"Yeah, but this one's special. For instance I didn't chose him, he chose me." I smiled as Misty called back all her pokémon. And we walked to our dorms. I first dropped Misty off, I hadn't said anything. When we were at her dorm Misty bit her lip. She wanted to say something, but decided not to and just smiled awkwardly.

"So."I said and I sighed. "I think we're here." Misty nodded and we became silent again.

"Ash about earlier, I didn't mean to..."-she talked softer and I almost didn't hear her-"kiss you."

"Almost."I said. I wanted to say something else, but instead I leaned towards her and gave her a quick, but meaningful kiss on her lips. She had turned red and it looked cute on her. "And I didn't mind."

( Misty's POV )

I watched as Ash walked away with his hands in his pockets and Pikachu close by him. Lucky for me Pikachu could only say Pikachu, otherwise I was dead. Oh Arceus, I was dead. I knew Serena liked him, I knew Ash had his group of fan girls. Still I tried to kiss him and he said he didn't mind. My heart was going incredibly fast and however there was one moment, one moment, I saw this was going out of hand, I didn't do anything. I just kept staring at the spot Ash had just stood and kissed me. A quick, tiny kiss. But it was a kiss. And I had never felt so happy in months.

"You caught Misty Waterflower."I said soft.


So nothing really exciting happened, sorry. But I did put some pokéshipping and contestshipping in it! I'm personally quite happy on how this chapter turned out, though I still like to hear your opinion. And if you think it's crap, please tell me what to do better. If you tell me what to do better it (hopefully) makes me better.

Also I'm sorry if I was too hard on Serena. I don't hate her, I don't hate amourshipping. I just don't ship it. And I'm not gonna make Serena a stupid b*tch. So sorry if I was too hard on Serena, just give me a little time to give her a better personality. And remember I only know her from fanfics and spoilers.

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