Chapter 11

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( Dawn's POV )

May had taken forever to come to her room. I was a little angry at her, but also curious where she had been. 

"What took you so long?!"I yelled at her. May turned red and started stuttering.

"Well, I-I-I j-just was some...where." Leaf came in May's room before I could say something back.

"May you're back! Good."she said with a smile. "You've got detention."

May just looked like a bomb came on her. "What?"she said with disbelief. Apparently she had completely forgotten she still had school.

"Don't worry. You're not the only one!"I said laughing. "Ash and Serena also have detention. Misty got out of it, because of what happened."

"Oh great, so I'm stuck with the drama-scream queen."May said, struggling with the words 'drama-scream queen'. I chuckled and Leaf did her best not to laugh. It was crazy that two of us had been hurt and we remained a playful group of friends. Still it stayed a mistery what had happened to Leaf. And we were going to solve that mistery! I was sure of that.

Then I saw how late it was and I flipped. "Look I need to go."I said and I packed my bags. I had planned to meet Kenny in ten minutes! We should do a project together about Fire Types. (Yeah not only Misty, Ash, Leaf, Sky, Red and Serena have to do this project. Even if the rest is not in the same class. That's how school works!) We had chosen a Magmar. Kenny had seen a Magmar on tv and said it was one of the coolest Fire type pokémon. We had agreed to meet in the park.

( time skip )

"I'm sorry I'm late."I said panting. Kenny just chuckled.

"Don't worry, I'm getting used to it." I decided not to take it as an insult and smiled back. "Well I have done research about a Magmar. It doesn't have any problem with heat. It can live in a volcano without burning to death. I'm not sure how many heat it can take, but scientists are currently busy trying to figure that out. It is sure that a Magmar can't survive on the sun. That is too hot." I felt bad for not having any information at all.

"I forgot to get any information about a Magmar's evolution and if that has any effect on the heat a Magmar can take. I don't have any information about the heat of a flamethrower either."

"Well you did much."Kenny said and he glared at me. I just chuckled and he chuckled too.

"I'm sorry. There has just happened so much. Leaf's disappearance, Misty fainting, Serena's incredibly annoying drama and..."I stopped talking. "Well that's it. But it's crazy I'm not already traumatized by the recent events!"

"You won't get traumatized that fast."Kenny said and he gave me an annoying smirk. I scoffed and turned my head away from him, closing my eyes.

"They are my best friends and almost gave me a heart attack!"

"I get Leaf, but Misty? How long do you know her, three days?!"

"Actually six days."I said and I looked him in the eyes again. "And what is wrong with me getting friends?"

"Nothing wrong with it. Except you getting friends mean those friends of you are very desperate." I growled.

"Then you must be very desperate too."I said. Kenny didn't seem to know what to say. "What's wrong? Lost your tongue?"

This time Kenny growled. But he soon smiled. "Well, that's all today and..." His eyes narrowed as he looked at the lake.

"What?"I said and I turned around. I saw Paul running circles and I almost smiled. I never got to thank him for bringing me to my room that day. And now didn't seem like the right time.

"Pfff... he's just a big show off!"Kenny said. (Got the reference here?)

"Why do you think that?"I said. Kenny didn't seem to be on good terms with Paul. Then again, did anyone? With Paul you never knew. I just watched him running. I soon saw a group of girls also watch him run and I got a weird feeling in my stomach. Kenny said something, but I didn't really listen. The only things I was looking at were Paul and the group of girls I wanted to murder so badly.

"Dawn? Dawn?!"Kenny yelled. I got back in reality. "Dawn are you even listening?!"

"Wha... What!"I screamed. "Eh... sorry. I guess I was kinda..."

"See that's what I mean. He just needs to run a few circles and he gets your full attention." I blushed furious, though I tried to hide it.

"I don't know what you're talking about."I said and I looked at the ground. Piplup was there with a humongous smirk on its face. That made me blush even more. "Piplup return. Like I said: I've got no idea what you're talking about."

( time skip )

Kenny was gone, but I stayed in the park. Trying to focus on the ducks in the lake, but got distracted by Paul coming by every time. I didn't have the courage to walk up to him and give him a proper thank you. So I just sat and watched as he came by. One of the girls did seem confident enough to walk up to Paul and block his way. I listened very carefully and hid in the bushes.

"Hey Paully!"the girl said. Oh Arceus. I remembered that voice as Ursula's, and we weren't on good terms. (I'm just gonna say it again, I don't know some characters so I don't know the history between Dawn and Ursula. Now this is a fanfic where they can have met different ways, so don't judge.) I looked at them with clenched fists.

Paul just ignored the girl and tried to get past her. When Ursula made her pokémon help with blocking Paul he gave a soft sound. A sound which most people would be scared of. But Ursula wasn't most people.

"I was thinking..." Paul raised an eyebrow, but kept silent. "What if you and I..." I grind my teeth as Ursula's hand took Paul's shirt. Paul stayed stoned while Ursula came closer to him. "Could get together."

Why didn't he do anything?! Was this his way of saying: 'Hey Ursula I don't hate you, of all people.'

"What do you say?"she whispered in his ear. Just loud enough so I could hear. I wanted to turn around and run away, but I kept staring as Ursula's lips came incredibly close to Paul's. Paul made eye contact with Ursula, their lips so close to each other they almost kissed.

This time I did turn around, but immediately turned back as I heard: "In your dreams, Ursula."

There was no friendly tone in his voice. No smile on his lips. He just stared at Ursula with his emotionless eyes, and his voice colder than a Frost Breath. And I smiled. Ursula seemed to be losing it. She let go and started talking angrily.

"You and I belong together. You just don't see it!"she yelled. A few of her friends she was with, while looking how Paul ran seemed incredibly ashamed of her. One of them walked up to the two.

"I'm sorry about my friend."she said. "We'll leave." Paul's eyes narrowed. The girl took Ursula in a grip, but Ursula was stronger.

"No!"Ursula yelled. She didn't take it lightly Paul had rejected her. "I love you and you're gonna love me."

"Not how love works."Paul said. He didn't say much still he had said eight words in two minutes! He clearly seemed sure about this. Ursula was mad, but left with her friend.

When they were gone Paul sighed and started running again. I tried to sneak out of the bushes. When I was almost out of the park a Gyarados came out of a lake.

"Waaah!"I screamed as the Gyarados tried to attack. A person with a black uniform with an 'R' on it screamed something to the Gyarados but it didn't listen. The Gyarados panicked and did a hyperbeam that came straight at me. I did my hands towards my head, but soon felt something pulling me up. A Ninjask carried me with high speed. It stopped just before Paul.

"Well done Ninjask, return."he said and I fell. I stood up a little surprised. "You should stop getting yourself into trouble, Troublesome."

"I'm not Troublesome."I said soft. Paul just turned around and started running again.

I walked out of the park, but my mind stayed there. And it stayed there 'till late in the night...

( ????? POV )

I walked through the streets silent and fast. We couldn't stay at the same place everytime. I walked a restaurant in. I didn't need to explain myself, nobody was staring at me. Because nobody had any idea of what happened. The man came in, the guy that had promised so much. I was still mad at him for what he did to the girl, Leaf. But I didn't need the information all I needed to know was that I got my money and my revenge.

The man sat on the other side of the table and when a waitress came by he asked for beer. I just sat by him as he also ordered a drink for me. The man turned to me with a serious look in his eyes. "What?"I asked. I couldn't remember myself. I was a complete different person then a few months ago. I had made sure not only one but at least five officer Jenny's were looking for me. And I lost...

"I've got a task for you."the man said. His voice was soft, but loud enough so that it wouldn't draw any attention...

( time skip )

I took my gun. It wasn't the same gun as I had used on Leaf. This gun had actual bullets. I had never killed someone, it became time I did. I sighed closing my eyes and concentrating on the target. I just needed to use all my knowledge I had from the lessons. I had only one shot at this. Leaf's shot was far from perfect. It must've hit in the center of her back and it had been closer to her shoulder. This shot needed to be perfect.

I straightened my back. My eyes were focused on only one thing; the target. And I shot. I heard a loud sound coming from the gun and I had to step a few steps away. But I kept in balance and I stayed concentrated. I looked at the body that lay on the ground. A perfect shot. In the head so that he would die immediately.

A perfect shot.

( Jessie's POV )

I did my best to do what the customers asked. How annoying they were didn't matter. I was furious at some old lady that said I was too slow. But I kept quiet and nodded. The strange couple had left and I was glad they did. They had a mysterious look in their eyes and I didn't feel like finding out what it meant. I came into the kitchen to tell the cook the orders I got when I heard the sound. It was the sound of a gun.

I ran out of the door forgetting the orders I had to do and saw a blonde haired guy laying on the ground. I didn't know the boy. He was young, couldn't be older than sixteen. He just lay on the ground bleeding. I was scared, but took my phone with shaky hands and called an ambulance. It wasn't long until the ambulance arrived.

I looked at officer Jenny as she walked up to me. "We need to ask you some questions miss."she said to me. I nodded slowly.

"I-is he alive?"I asked. Officer Jenny shook her head. I still remembered the day my father died. Found on the floor of his office with a knife in his left hand. That was suicide this was murder. And it happened here at the back of the restaurant, where I worked. Someone was killed here.

I walked after officer Jenny and answered all her questions. You could here the fear in my voice and I sometimes wiped away some tears. I didn't know the boy, I never even heard his name. He wasn't one of my customers and I was still crying for him.

After the talk with officer Jenny she said that I could go. She wished me the best of luck and left me here. Soon everyone was gone and that left me. Me and a woman with a black uniform with a red 'R' on it.

"Jessie, right?"the woman asked. I nodded and looked to the ground. "I heard this is not the first dead body you've seen."

"My father died."I said soft. "And my mother disappeared."

"My condolences." The woman came up to me and laid her hand on my shoulder. "I know a place where you would fit in Jessie. I think you would love it there."

I looked at her. "I don't seem to fit in anywhere."

"That's because you're not looking in the right places."

I was scared, this made me vulnerable. So I listened.

"It's a place called team Rocket."the woman said. I nodded. "There you will be taught to become strong. Nobody will ever hurt you again."

"They won't?"I asked. The woman shook her head. If I wasn't this scared. And if I wasn't so alone. I would've thought about this. I wouldn't have come with the woman. But I did. I was too weak and too afraid. My tears were starting to dry up as I walked through the night with the stranger. I knew I was making a mistake, but I did it anyway.


So how was it? Too dark? If you have any questions or suggestions I'd love to hear them. I personally like the darker themes, but if you really don't you can say that.



Thank you!


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