Chapter 19

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Woah! I just looked at how many people have read this and I was like: "WTH?! How?!" I wanted to say thanks! And especially to the people that have supported me. But that's enough of me talking. I usually stay silent until the end of the chapter. Still, thank you.

( Misty's POV )

I sat on the table with breakfast. May was sitting on the other side with Dawn, eating a humongous amount of food. Humongous. I sat next to Leaf. Dawn ate like a royal and Leaf didn't pay any attention to her food at all. It made me chuckle a bit. I noticed a few people whispering, while looking at us. And with us I meant May. Dawn poked May in her ribs.

"Ouch!"May squealed. "Hey! What was that for?!" Dawn gave a slight nod to the whispering girls. May frowned. "Who are they? And why are they looking at me like that?"

"I don't know."Dawn said. "I had a feeling you might know. Since they're staring at you."

May's eyes seemed to widen. "Oh Arceus."she said and with that she left her food. It had to be really important if she left her food. What was going on?

"What's with her?"Dawn asked. I shrugged.

"Why don't you ask her?"Leaf said sharply. Were Dawn and Leaf still fighting?

"Okay, you two really need to talk."I said. "I'll go after May in the meantime." Dawn and Leaf didn't look quite ready to talk yet, but I left them no choice. I ran off. When I was almost out of the canteen someone blocked the entrance.

"What's the rush?"the girl in front of me said.

"I need to find May quickly." Another girl with short reddish hair frowned.

"You sure you want that?"she asked. "I mean, I thought you liked Ash. Aren't you mad at May?"

"How could I like such an idiot?"I said annoyed. I really needed to get to May. "And why would I be mad at May?" The two girls looked at each other.

"They kissed."the first one said.

"May and Ash?"I asked a little unsure. Both girls nodded. "Kissed?"

"I felt terrible for you."the girl with the short hair said with fake worry. "It's all over the internet."

"Aren't you not allowed to have a phone or laptop?"

The girl looked a little sheepishly at me. "I'm not?" Then someone walked towards me. Ash. I quickly ran passed the girls. I looked back and they winked at me. They tried to hold back Ash, but he soon found his way passed the girls. I ran as fast as I could. Where to go? Swimming pool was the obvious option. My room was simple, but I didn't have the keys to lock it.

"Hiding from someone?"

"Who said that?"I asked angrily.

"Just me." A boy with brown hair and a black with white suit stood behind me. "I know a place you will not be found, promise."

"You better be right!"I said and I ran after him. I got into a large room. The only life there, were from pokémon. Well, besides me and the guy that helped me. If Ash found me here I would be very surprised. "Thanks."

"No problem. The name's Rudy, by the way."

"Misty." I shook his hand and then went to look around again. "What is this place?"

"It's the dancing class. Actually we have a new room for the dancing classes, so I'm the only one to use this room. Pretty cool, right?" I nodded. This Rudy guy was kinda nice, even when he had a sort of ego. "I'm the best dancer at Almia high. All because of this little room and my skills."

"I'm not much of a dancer to be honest."I said. "But back in Cerulean City, Lilly always gave me lessons. I mostly stepped on her toes and I complained a lot. But eventually I think it's a good thing I had those lessons. I guess I wouldn't be Misty without them."

"Dancing is a way of expressing yourself. It's obvious you think that without dancing you're not yourself."Rudy said. I chuckled. He sure had a strange view on dancing. "But tell me who were you running from and why?"

"That's not important."I said quickly and my smile faded away. Ash. Why had he kissed May? Was I not good enough for him? Maybe he was just playing around with me. What had happened between those two? Was it... was it love? I guess I now felt how Serena felt. Broken. It seemed impossible for me to pick up my life again. Last time I felt broken I moved to another region. Why May? She was my best friend. Now I felt like I couldn't trust the both of them.

"You okay?" I didn't realize I had started to cry. But I couldn't hold back anymore. I nodded, but the tears didn't make it very convincing. Then the door opened. I looked up. Ash. How the hell did he found me?! Rudy's eyes seemed to narrow as he walked in.

"Misty!"Ash yelled.

"Go away."I growled softly. But Ash didn't listen.

"She said go away."Rudy said louder. Ash pushed him aside and ran to me. He gave me a hug. I just stepped backwards and shook him off.

"What's wrong, Mist?"Ash asked. I somewhere had a feeling he already knew what was wrong. I just looked at him, angry. He literally cheated on me. Yes, nobody knew we were together, but wasn't that the idea of a secret relationship?

"You..."I wanted to finish the sentence, but realized I didn't have to. "You're the problem!" I tried to get passed him, but with no results. I couldn't hurt him. Not now he already had a black eye and some injuries.

"I heard they told you, but let me explain."

"How in the world can you explain this!"I yelled. "You kissed her! What's more to tell?!"

"I did that with a reason."Ash calmly said. Now I was really getting pissed.

"Oh yeah! Well I'll tell you the reason! Because you love her!"

"No!" Ash's angry voice echoed through the room. I saw Rudy staring at Ash with an angry face. Ash didn't look at anyone but me. I wanted to run away hide in the corner of my room back in the Cerulean City gym. Cerulean. Daisy, Violet and Lilly were still there. I would call them if it didn't cost me a fortune to call at least once. "Look at me."Ash said. He didn't even care Rudy was still watching the both of us. "I kissed May, because we needed a way to get Brendan away and we couldn't come back in time if May kept hiding in the toilet. After I kissed her Brendan came to me and gave me these injuries."

"You deserved those."I said angrily.

"I maybe didn't have a good plan, but can you really blame me?"

"You went on a date with my best friend. Kissed her, because reasons. Then you went back to school and didn't have the nerves to tell me, and you're seriously saying I cannot blame you?!"

"That's right."Rudy said. Ash got an annoyed look in his eyes.

"Could you please leave?"he said.

"No, he stays."I said in Rudy's defense. Actually it was a selfish move. Making him stay just because I could hurt Ash the way he hurt me.

"You don't really mean that, right?"Ash said chuckling.

"Do I look like I'm lying?" Ash shook his head, but turned towards Rudy again.

"Leave." Rudy walked away and closed the doors.

"How rude."I snarled to Ash. He rolled his eyes.

"I'm sorry that I didn't tell you alright."Ash said. "You always said I was an idiot, so here's your proof. I'm an idiot." I looked a little surprised. These words weren't the ones I expected to hear. I chuckled softly. Ash frowned at me.

"Finally, you see the truth."I said smiling. My anger had turned into some sort of happiness. "You know. If you just try hard enough, maybe I'll forgive you."

"Deal."Ash said. I hugged him. I wasn't ready to completely forgive him, but we could at least try. If Ash was honest with me, I had to be honest with him.

"I have to confess something." Ash looked up with a worried face. "I didn't move from Cerulean City, because I wanted to see new surroundings and to learn. I'm not quite ready to face my past yet, but I wanted you to know that I had a real reason to move here. And it's not pretty."

"It's okay."Ash said. "When you're ready to talk about it you can always tell me. And it wouldn't make any difference anyway. I love you Misty, nobody can change that." I gave him a weak smile. He was so nice. Though I wouldn't forget about his time with May. But that wasn't important now. Now I just felt like I needed to stand here and make this moment memorable.

( Drew's POV )

I ran after May, since Misty took too long. Nobody really seemed to notice. May wasn't really fast and I quickly caught up with her.

"May!"I yelled. She turned around and gave me an annoyed look.

"What do you want?"she said.

"Ask you what's wrong."I answered and I flicked my hair out of my face. She just glared at me and it made me feel ignored. "What's wrong?"

"Why do you care, Grasshead?" I shot imaginary daggers at her with my eyes. May gave me that proud look she only gave me when she was determined I wouldn't beat her. She always lost anyway. "I won't say a thing."

"Fine."I said eventually. May looked a little surprised by this. I wanted to walk away when I suddenly bumped into Brianna. Couldn't the girl just leave me alone! I was about to yell at Brianna when she started talking.

"What were you doing with... her?"

"Talking."I said as I narrowed my eyes. She looked way too confident. What was she up to? She looked at May with disgust. Oh, how I wanted to beat her up just for staring at May like that!

"Talking?"she said, raising an eyebrow as she faced me again.

"Yes,"I kept looking at Brianna with anger in my eyes. "Something wrong with that?" Brianna stepped towards me making our faces come dangerously close to one another.

"You seem to give up precious time to talk to her."Brianna said with a dangerous undertone.

"So?"May said. Brianna turned around to look directly at May. May was in the same proud position as before. Thank Arceus! She had decided to help me.

"Don't you feel just a little bad for Ash?"Brianna said.

"Ash?"May and I said in unison. Brianna turned around to look at me again.

"Oh you didn't know?"Brianna said in her sweet voice. She pulled out her phone, which she shouldn't even have in the first place, and showed me a picture of Ash and May... kissing. I didn't even want to know how she got that picture, all I wanted was to run away from here. But I kept my cool and looked Brianna in the eyes. It was hard not to look at May, see what she said about all this.

"So?"I asked her. Brianna looked at May. That was an excuse for me to look at her too. May looked at the picture Brianna was now holding before her eyes. I could see a blush creeping over May's cheeks.

"It's not like that!"May said desperately. So it was true. May and Ash had kissed. It hit me in the heart. She... she loved Ash. All I wanted to do was run away from here. Seeing May right now was the worst thing.

"So what's it like then?"Brianna said in an annoying voice. Brianna was still here. Good. I stepped towards her and took her phone.

"Are you even allowed to have a phone in the school?" Now it was Brianna's turn to become a tomato.

"I... I..."she stuttered. I raised an eyebrow, waiting for her answer. "The principal said that I was a good person and wouldn't do any harm to anyone! So I could keep my phone and all my stuff."

"Or..."May said. "You're the one causing all the trouble."

"I'll keep this one if you don't mind."I said with my usual arrogance.

"I mind!"Brianna said angrily.

"It was no request." May gave Brianna a short wave and she took of. Angry as hell! I smirked at May and threw her the phone. Then I realized what I saw on the phone and I quickly turned around to walk away.

"Drew wait."May said. Arceus, not now. I turned around facing the brunette. "What... what did you think when you saw that picture?" I wanted to look away, but made myself look straight into May's sapphire blue eyes. I took a short breath, preparing to lie.

"Nothing."I said and with that I took off.

"Drew?" I stopped walking, but it took a while for me to turn around again.

"Yes May?" The girl had a sad look on her face. Maybe she felt bad for the kiss, but I couldn't show her I cared. This was one of her problems and I didn't have to deal with it. May stepped towards me and gave me a long kiss. I suddenly felt strange. Like I didn't have any control over my body anymore. My heart was now acting instead of my brains. I kissed her back. It felt wonderful, unfortunately we were interrupted by the school bell. School bells. They are so rude.

I pulled away. May's sapphire eyes sparkled.

"I love you."she said. "You and only you."

"I love you too."I said and I felt a pain in my stomach. This felt so wrong and so right at the same time. "But you seriously need to figure out your feelings towards Ash."

( May's POV )

"But you seriously need to figure out your feelings towards Ash." Then he let go of me. I felt cold at the places his warm hands had touched my arms. People were now starting to walk through the halls. They were actually rude enough to come between the two of us, making me lose sight of Drew. When I was finally able to see again, he was gone. I felt how a tear rolled over my cheek.

"I don't have any romantic feelings towards Ash."I muttered. I walked to class, heartbroken.

( time skip )

"Everything alright May?"the history teacher asked me. I looked at him. I had been silent all the time. I nodded slowly, though it wasn't very convincing. No nod like that could be convincing.

"Yeah, right."Leaf said and she rolled her eyes. "That's like Dawn saying she's fine while she's crying. Spill it May!" I glared at Leaf. It wasn't their business!

"I am fine."I snarled. "And if you really must know, I'm just worried. People are getting the wrong idea of Ash and me. It's logical, but we aren't that way. Yes, we kissed. But it was to keep Brendan away! I hated him at that moment, alright! And if we weren't fast we wouldn't make it back to school."

"Wait, you kissed Ash!"Leaf screamed. Dawn tapped on Leaf's shoulder from behind us, smirking like an idiot. Leaf growled and surched through her bag. She took out her wallet and gave Dawn ten bucks.

"What?"I asked frowning.

"I said you would kiss Ash at least once, because that was bound to happen. You don't have to like each other, but people who have that much in common kiss at least once."Dawn explained taking Leaf's money. "Leaf said I was being ridiculous and friends stayed friends."

"Well you still haven't won the bet of Gary and I getting together, ha!"Leaf said. "And I can get that money back without actually doing something. You should really wake up earlier if you want to keep that money." Dawn let out a soft growl and covered the ten bucks Leaf had just given her.

"Don't you dare."

I chuckled and went back to doing history. It was funny how Dawn and Leaf had the ability to cheer me up in no time at all.


Finally! I finished it! This chapter was one of the hardest to write. And with that also the crappiest! I'm having serious problems with writing... If you have any suggestions please say.

Also I wonder, who do you think the killer is? Not Derek, because he's not the one killing people. I think...



Thank you!


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