Chapter 47

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Day: And it's a new Thursday! I seem to love Thursdays...

( Misty's POV )

I uncomfortably switched from looking at officer Jenny, the wall and the policeman beside Jenny. A camera hang up in a corner of the ceiling, and May, Drew, Ash and Gary were behind a glass window, so close yet so far away. It had been three days since Sky's trial. I had already guessed Sky would tell the truth behind me moving here. I had talked about it with Leaf, who said Sky might be nice. But why would a psychopath who tried to kill me be nice?

Officer Jenny cleared her throat, "I think we all know why you're here."

"You didn't want to hear what had happened because of how it started."I said quickly, defensive. Officer Jenny looked at me icily. I gulped, quickly looking at the ground.

"This information Sky gave us is already in the news, we can't keep quiet about it."the man beside officer Jenny stated. I bit my lip, even though that bit of information was obvious. "What we can do for you is tell that it isn't true. That Sky lied, and you never killed anyone. Or is that the truth? What exactly did you do, Miss Waterflower?" I didn't dare to meet the eyes of both persons in front of me.

I considered lying to the police, again. Though I doubted I could fool officer Jenny twice. I heard a sigh and looked up enough to see only to officer Jenny's chin. I slowly opened my mouth, only to close it again. I closed my eyes for a second before finally saying, "Everything Sky said was the absolute truth."

"At least that's an honest answer."the man stiffened.

"Please, stop the unnecessary comments, Dylan."officer Jenny said tiredly. I dared to look a bit higher, careful not to let our eyes meet. Her hair was messier than usual, and she didn't seem to wear any makeup.

"Yes, sorry ma'am."Dylan said robotically, and he gave a short nod. He looked at me, a straight face. No emotion in it, just blank. "Sky has been declared guilty not long ago. You did well."

I blinked. "I didn't do anything, and I certainly didn't do anything good."I blurted. "Though I truly try to become a better person, I don't think I'm close to being a good person, at all. I'm sorry for wasting your time, lying to the entire government, getting a lunatic into this town and for everything that happened and will come." Officer Jenny clicked her tongue.

"Well, you should be sorry."Dylan said, trying to sound as if he was confident. "You did some pretty illegal stuff, and I'm afraid the police and the government can't trust you anymore."

"You won't be punished."officer Jenny said abruptly, not listening to Dylan. My eyes widened, finally looking at officer Jenny's face. "You heard me just fine. I don't think you have to pay for your crimes, considering you also helped me and the government to catch the culprit. I don't believe there is any person who has shown me more courage and hard work than you have." She gave me a smile and turned to Dylan. "If you want I can say that to the people of the government's faces." Dylan nodded quickly, heading out of the room. I looked at Jenny as she brushed her hair with her fingers.

"Thank you."I muttered. She looked up at me. Her icy glare hadn't changed, but somehow I interpreted it different. "But I have a question," Officer Jenny rose an eyebrow. "Why was my name in one of your documents? Don't ask me how I know that there was document about me. I couldn't read it though. But I kept wondering why it was there? It was before you acknowledged our information could be correct."

"A good officer sticks to the facts,"officer Jenny said. "But she also listens to whatever others might have found. No proof, no truth. But you have to consider everything. You can't just ignore possibly helpful information. I made a document about you, and with that the story your friend May told me. Now that the case is closed, all the files on you, Barry, Leaf and the others will disappear. So don't worry about it, I'm just doing my job. No matter how many people say I'm not doing it the right way. I think I'm the only person qualified to determine when or not I do my job right. You kids don't have any idea on what a police officer has to be like."

"I guess you're right."I murmured, feeling bad on calling her a bad officer.

"I believe I am."officer Jenny declared, then she walked away. I stood there for a minute, before going after her. 

Outside May, Drew, Gary and Ash greeted me, asking how the talk went. They also told me how furious Dylan had been when walking out of the room. We walked outdoors, seeing a lot of reporters and journalists outside, pushing others aside to talk to officer Jenny. Microphones pointed at her.

"What's with them?"Ash asked a bit annoyed. The journalists also blocked our path.

"What are you going to do about Misty Waterflower?"a reporter asked on a rather annoying tone. "Is she also going straight into prison, just like miss Keen?" Officer Jenny showed no particular emotion, and she didn't even push people away to get out of the crowd.

"I won't punish Misty for any of her deeds."officer Jenny said. "However she has killed someone, she has acted in blind rage, which is very understandable. Not to mention the person falling off that cliff was likely to end dead, one way or another. Misty killed a killer. She got another behind bars, and did a pretty good job figuring out how to defeat Sky. I have bigger things to worry about than the people who think Misty Waterflower is a threat. Misty won't harm anyone, unless you try to kill her friends or family. And I don't believe anyone is stupid enough to do something like that. Though she did get a warning for never trying something like this again. Because I don't think I'll be able to be so kind and understanding next time."

Ash's jaw dropped. I looked at him, wondering what he thought of this. Even though the warning wasn't discussed at all, I wasn't surprised anymore. I actually admired this officer.

"Well, I guess you got out of this one."May said smiling. I nodded happily.

"I sure did." Gary laid his hand on my shoulder and grinned at me. "Well, I suppose we should get to school. Classes are gonna start again, even with the destroyed gym. I can imagine how mad Miss Ivy is gonna be when we come in late."

"She'll probably yell at us that we need to tell her the multiplication table of seven."Ash joked. I chuckled.

"Oh, you've got Miss Ivy."May said, smirking. "I almost pity you two."

"Yes, she should be especially grumpy because her favorite student is in prison now."Drew said. "Are you sure you want to go back to school, Misty?" He and May chortled. I grimaced, and Ash also looked annoyed.

"Yeah, Mist, we should at least consider skipping classes."Ash tried. I stuck out my tongue.

"Too bad, so sad!" Ash jumped on my back, trying to hit me. Though I easily shrugged him off. He pretended to wipe away something from his cheek, though there was nothing there. "Seriously?"I asked and he chuckled, slamming into me, making me lose balance for a few seconds.

"If I win, we'll skip school for the day."Ash said confidently. I grinned.

"Sure, hit me with your best shot." Ash gave something that looked like a nod, and ran into me again, while May, Drew and Gary ran away, giggling like little kids. A sort of happiness grew inside of me. A sort that I hadn't felt in a long time. Now, it truly felt like I started over, with a clean slate.

( Dawn's POV )

I sat beside Paul's bed, holding his hand. Leaf leaned against the wall, silent and with arms crossed. That was how Paul usually stood when he was with Drew, Ash and Gary. Or when he was listening to someone. It was his way of showing he was interested in what people said to him. If he didn't stand that way, he was or not interested or he didn't have a wall to lean against.

Leaf cleared her throat. "I'm gonna check up on Red now."she said hoarsely. "Can you handle it on your own?" I nodded, but didn't look Leaf in the eyes. I heard the door open and close, and then there was silence, again. I had refused to support Misty during her talk with officer Jenny, but told the principal that I was with her. Just to be in the hospital and remember how helpless I was. How helpless I always was.

The door opened again. "Oh, someone is still here."a guy said. I looked up.

"There is?"a woman asked, appearing from behind a corner. The guy had light brown hair and was wearing a blue uniform. The woman had dark red hair and wore a long white coat. She smiled at me. "Ah, I see. I'm sorry to interrupt, sweetie, but we need to check on him. Is it okay if you leave or stay on the sidelines?"

"What are you gonna do?"I asked. Again that hollow voice. My sentence echoing in my mind. It was as if that hollow voice was not me, but someone else.

"We need to look at how he is doing."the woman explained. "You know, how his heart rate is, his injuries and to refresh his bandages. Maybe some of the bandages can go away now. Owen, could you please get the cart here? We don't want to make this young lady wait for too long, now do we?" The guy nodded, and walked away. I stood up, walking back to let the woman do her thing. Soon, Owen came back with some medicinal liquids that stood on a small cart.

"Is this everything?"Owen asked.

"Yes, the rest should lay here somewhere." The woman got out some bandages from the cupboard. She washed her hands and put on rubber gloves. "Owen, could you please take off the band-aid from his head."

"Yes, ma'am."Owen saluted, and he turned Paul around, so that the plaster on the back if his head could be seen. I immediately gasped a bit by seeing the wound. It was a big wound. Luckily not very deep, but big enough not to heal very fast. He had gotten a hard smack against the wall.

The woman carefully cleaned the wound again, probably for precautions. Then she took a new band-aid and covered up the wound. She sighed, and Owen turned Paul back, so that he would lie on his back again. Then the woman sat down behind the computer, looking through some unreadable diagrams, while mumbling some stuff.

"There don't seem to be any changes."she said, turning to Owen. "Only more of the same." Owen looked at the computer screen, nodding.

"Then we're done here."Owen said. "Let's get to the next patient. I heard one of the students has woken up. She has eaten nonstop since then." Another student? Of course. We weren't the only ones who had gotten hurt. Some had died. Not a lot, luckily. Most were just wounded badly, or in a coma. Some came off without injury.

"Oh, really?"the woman said happily. "Who did?"

"Ursula Urara."Owen replied. My eyes widened. Ursula had been hurt? I didn't even know that she had been in the gym, let stand that the explosion had knocked her out. "You know, the girl with the peach hair." 

"Oh, did anyone visit her?"the woman asked, cleaning up. Owen shook his head.

"We called her parents several times, but they weren't interested in seeing their daughter."Owen said. I unwillingly looked at Owen, showing my shock. Their daughter could've been dead, and still they refused to see her. "They said something about too much work, and that she wasn't worth their time." The woman frowned.

"I think we need someone to have a nice chat with Ursula's parents."she said sharply. "Even if it isn't our department, we can't turn our backs on something this serious." Owen nodded.

"Anyway, we should go to the next patient."

"Wait."I said. "Could you please tell me where Ursula's room is?" The woman smiled.

"Third floor, fifth door on the right."she said, some sort of glimmer in her eyes. "I'm sure she'll be glad to see a familiar face."

"Yeah, glad."I sighed. I waved goodbye to Owen and the other doctor, and walked up the stairs to the third floor. Third floor, fifth door on the right. Third floor, fifth door on the right. Third floor, fifth door on the right. Third floor, fifth... "Here!"I exclaimed. I opened the door carefully. Ursula sat on the bed with a sandwich in her hand, and stopped eating as I came in, closing the door behind me. She looked a bit confused and her eyes followed me with my every move.

"What are you doing here?"Ursula asked, still some food left in her mouth. I grimaced when I saw that food, though I did understand that when you had just woken up from your coma you wouldn't really care about table manners. I focused on her eyes.

"I wanted to see how you were doing." Ursula swallowed her food and laid down the sandwich.

"Yeah, sure."Ursula said, stiffening. "We're not friends and you wouldn't forgive me that easily for humiliating you and your friends every chance I got. Are you here for payback, or to tell me the oh-so terrible lie about caring?"

"You're right, what you did to me and my friends sure wasn't nice, or easy to forgive."I admitted. "But I heard that no one else had bothered visiting, and even a rotten person like you deserves some company when you've just woken up from a coma." Ursula looked at me, still not convinced. But I knew that Ursula should have a heart. Maybe even a bigger one than I'd admit.

"Right."Ursula said, looking a bit sad. "How is Paul doing?"

"No one knows."I said, sighing deeply. "They all say that he's lucky and that he is doing pretty good, but it is still the question if he really is lucky. I mean, none of us know. He might not be dead, but he's not alive either." Ursula nodded.

"He'll wake up."Ursula said confidently. "He's strong, he'll wake up."

"I hope so."


Another chapter finished. So few left. I think two, maybe one.




Thank you!


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