Chapter 48

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Day: Friday.

( Misty's POV )

"Serena?"I asked. The girl stood before me, short hair, pretty dress and very much alive. Her skin was still pale as hell, but she looked better than the last time I'd seen her.

"Yes, it's me."Serena said with a sweet smile. "A hairdresser has made some few adjustments to my hair, so that it doesn't look like I've done it in a hospital with shaking hands." She chuckled, and I could just smile.

"It looks good on you."Leaf said. Leaf's health had also improved. Most bruises weren't to be seen anymore. Only the one on her head, but that one could be easily hidden by her hair. Her skin had tanned a bit again, and there was a smile on her face that hadn't been there in quite some time.

The door opened and the principal came in. "Could you all sit down, please?"the principal asked. Dawn already sat down. May, Dawn, Serena, Leaf and I were in this room together with a girl I didn't know. "Thank you all for coming." The principal smiled.

"Question, why am I here?"the unknown girl asked.

"Good question." I looked at the girl. Violet hair, dark skin, brown eyes. Her hair made me think of the plants that... I frowned.

"Another question, where are the plants?"I asked. It wasn't like I didn't like the idea of a bug free principal's room, but there was also something off about it. The principal's eyes darkened a bit.

"Oh, that."he said. "I'm afraid, this'll be one of my last days as your principal. Not only did I fail at keeping my students safe, I also failed at keeping eight students from breaking the law various times. The school board and the government have decided I am unfit to be principal. Tomorrow your new principal will come and say hello to everyone."

"W-what?"I said, a bit overwhelmed. I hadn't realized our actions, my actions, could have consequences for others. Now the principal would lose her job, just because I thought it was a good idea to go after Sky.

"And Iris, the answer on your question is also the reason why all of you are here."the principal said, smiling. "You six will be sharing a dorm from now on. I suggest you pack your bags and get ready. You'll have to be in dorm 40 past 1 PM. You can discuss who gets what room yourselves."

"Really?! Awesome!"May exclaimed.

"No, no, no, no, no! Not awesome!"Iris yelled. The principal gave her a questioning look. "I don't know you people and I don't want to! I'm not some lunatic who goes after murderers in the middle of the night. And I rather don't want to get chased by some new murderer who apparently wants to kill all of you. Oh, and did I mention one of them technically is a murderer. No, I'm not doing this!"

"You may not want to now, but believe me, you'll find amazing company in these girls."Serena said smiling at Iris.

"I already have amazing company in Bianca, Moon and Rosa, thank you very much."Iris snapped.

"I'm sorry for making you go somewhere you don't want to, Iris."the principal said. "But we've already decided, and I think you'll do great. After all, the murders are over and done for. You'll have a great time, I promise you." Iris still looked angry, but she didn't say anything anymore.

"Come."Leaf said to me. "I guess we should start packing our bags." I nodded and followed Leaf out of the room, getting a last glance at Iris. Well, that was gonna be fun. I'd live with someone who practically hated me already.

( time skip )

I took out the last of my stuff, letting a hand through my hair. I looked at the clock, almost 1 PM. Someone knocked on the door. "Coming."I said, and I opened the door. In the doorway stood Ash. He seemed to have cut his hair, and he certainly had worked out. "Hey."I said slowly. He scratched the back of his head.

"Eh... Hi?"he said awkwardly. "C-Can I come in?"he asked, and I widened the already opened door. "Look, I just wanted to talk to you. Since I... I don't know. I don't think I actually want to apologize, or take back what I said to you, because everything I said was true. I just... I guess I do want to be friends again. And I just wondered, are we cool?"

I nodded. "Yeah, yeah, we're cool."I replied.

"Good."he said, also nodding. Silence fell.

"So, that was it?"I asked, having to admit that I was slightly disappointed. Ash nodded again, looking at the window, and then looking at me.

"Yeah."he said. Another silence fell. "You know, I can also just go now. I said what I said, right?"

"No, no. You can stay, if you want to."I said quickly. And I regretted it immediately. Did I want it to become more awkward? Ash stood there, doing nothing.

"So, what are you packing for?"he asked, still a bit awkwardly. "You're not going back to Cerulean City, are you?" I shook my head.

"No, no, we're getting a new dorm."

"Oh, cool." Another silence. Arceus, please let someone come in and ruin the silence. "Eh.. May and I are going to get ice cream, are you also interested in some?"

"I-Ice cream?"I asked stuttering. Ash nodded. I looked outside. "In autumn?" I looked at Ash again. He first looked at me with his usual dumb expression. His eyes went from me to the window and back to me.


"Okay, sure, why not?"I asnwered. "Let me just pack my stuff." Ash nodded again. When I was done, I followed Ash outside. It was fun walking with him and May to the ice cream shop who wasn't closed because of the nice weather. How was the weather nice? It had rained for days straight. How could the weather suddenly change?

"What about you and Drew?"Ash asked May. Ash becoming aware of the love between two people? What exactly had she missed while they weren't together? May smiled.

"When he told me he would stay, I was so incredibly happy that I just... kissed him."May admitted. "Aside from the fact that my injuries hurt like hell, it was amazing. After, Drew and I have decided on a relationship. It might've taken long, but at least we're together." Ash and I quickly made eye contact. "Which you aren't."May said, smiling awkwardly. "Sorry, I forgot."

"That's okay."Ash said and he looked at me. "I'm just happy for you and Drew."

"Yeah, me too."I added myself to the conversation.

"Let's just decide what ice cream flavor you'd like."May said, inhaling. "Since we're here." There was a pretty long line, but that was fine.

"I'll have chocolate with strawberry, like usual."Ash said smiling.

"Vanilla with mango for me."May said chuckling. "And you, Misty?"

'Is there an Ash flavor?'I thought, but I quickly shook that thought off. "Just vanilla."I said softly, staring at the ice cream man, trying to get away that thought. 'Geez, Mist. You aren't together, and you won't be. Be happy you can still be friends.'

"Okay!"May said happily.

"Misty, are you alright?"

"What? Yeah, I'm fine."I said quickly, looking away again.

"Okay."Ash said, not convinced. We waited in line, until we finally got at the end of it and May ordered our ice creams. The vanilla was incredibly delicious, especially because of the warm weather. Ash and May were talking about all kinds of things, while I just rested a bit and let the wind cool me off.

"Misty!"someone yelled. I opened my eyes, and immediately wished I hadn't.

"Oh no."I sighed. Violet, Daisy and Lily crossed the road and reached me, Ash and May.

"It's so good to see you."Violet exclaimed. "We've been worried sick. We heard you had to go to the police, like totally close. But we knew you wouldn't end up in jail, like you are totally too innocent for that. Oh, and these must be your friends! Hi, I'm Violet."

"Yeah, we were like so lost."Lily confirmed. "Don't ever like, do something like this again, will you?" Then she looked at Ash and May, not really wanting me to answer the question. "By the way, I'm Lily. The prettiest of us." She gave a small wink to Ash. I groaned.

"And I'm Daisy, Misty's eldest sister."

"Okay, they met you, they are very happy, you can go now."I said quickly, putting up a fake smile.

"Um, no."Lily said immediately. "We came from like really far away, we're totally not gonna leave yet."

"I'll make time for you tomorrow, okay?"I said, giving my largest fake smile yet. Ash chuckled a bit. And May beside him had a big smile on her face. "What?"I asked.

"It's just funny how different you are from your sisters."Ash said.

"Exactly."May said giggling. "Aren't you going to introduce us, Misty?"

"Ugh." I glared at my friends, but introduced them anyway. Daisy, Violet and Lily stayed with us, under high protest from me. Daisy had told Ash about the mermaid play I used to do when I was ten, and now Lily couldn't stop saying Ash would've been such a better prince instead of Daisy. After some time, we parted ways and May, Ash and I went back to school. I was happy the principal had given everyone a free day, because now I finally felt like I had a fun one.

( time skip )

I was sitting on the couch, Leaf and Drew beside me. Ash, Gary and May sat on the ground. We were all sitting around the game monopoly. Gary had screamed that letting Pikachu play would be a crime, so Pikachu lay grumpily in Serena's arms by the fire. Iris had locked herself in her room, and the only thing she had said was, 'Can't you find any other place to play your stupid game?'

"Haha! Jackpot!"Drew exclaimed and he showed us his card.

"No fair!"Gary yelled abruptly, but Ash put his hand around Gary's mouth. Gary kept on mumbling stuff none of us could hear anymore.

"That's the third time you say it's not fair, in only one round."Drew said a bit annoyed, and he played his card, getting new money. "Your turn May." May took the dice and rolled it.

"Six."she said and she moved her pawn.

"Ha! You have to go into prison!"Ash laughed. May glared at Ash and moved her pawn to the prison.

"What kind of game even is this?"she mumbled annoyed. Ash couldn't stop laughing, and Gary finally freed his mouth just to also burst out in laughing. "I'm not the monopoly geek here."May muttered annoyed. Leaf and I also chuckled a bit.

Then the door opened. We all looked as Dawn came in. We quickly stood up and helped her to the couch. "What's wrong?"Drew asked her, but he didn't get an answer. Dawn curled up on the couch and softly started crying. It became louder and louder. May and I shared eye contact and May put her arms around Dawn.

"Shh."she sussed. "What happened?" Dawn hid her face in May's shoulder and seemed too sad to answer. "Hasn't Paul woken up yet?"May asked. Dawn did her best to say something.

"That-That's just the thing."she said still crying. "P-Paul has been de-declared dead an hour ago."


Well, that end could've been written better.

Sorry for all of the Ikarishippers reading this.

Hey, whenever y'all said you had hope for Paul waking up I said, "Yeah!". That's what you call giving false hope people. I don't know if you really should be proud of that. Well...

Try not to stop reading because of this. 😅



Thank you!


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