Chapter One: Nordic Diplomacy

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Thus far, the diplomatic mission had gone well, all things considered. The planet of Freyr VI, colloquially known as Asgard, was well on its way to joining the federation, when everything went sideways. Surprisingly, this time Jim had nothing to do with the current altercation, but, well, none of this is particularly important. At least not for you, and certainly not yet. You're here for the action, aren't you? So let's get to it, shall we?

A dull boom, and a skull-rattling thud, and the blaring of emergency alarms rocked ensign Pavel Chekov into consciousness. He hated to admit it, but he'd fallen asleep at the console, bored by inaction.

"Engage evasive maneuvers, Mr Chekov." The captain spoke calmly as he entered the bridge.

Chekov nodded "Aye, kheptain". Furiously dancing his fingers across the control console, he noted a variable armada approaching the ship from the planet's inner atmosphere. "Sir, wasn't zis supposed to be a simple diplomatic endeavor?"

"It was, Chekov. It was." Kirk shook his head.

Another rumble tossed the ship's crew like a fresh salad to and fro. "Captain, I'm getting reports of hull breaches in decks six, nine, and seventeen near medical." Sulu, in the seat next to him, checked over the readings, presumably hoping he was seeing things.

The captain pinched the bridge of his nose "Ah, shit."

Crewman 2nd class Anthony Hawk had been dabbing filling from a replicated senue jelly doughnut off of his red uniform shirt when, in a shower of sparks and debris, several pods breached the hull and landed on the floor in front of him. Several hulking forms emerged from said pods, wielding battle axes or bows and clothed in heavy plated armor. Before he could even reach for his phaser, one of the beings chopped his head clean off, shouting "For Valhalla!"

"This is completely your fault, you know that, right?" Bones grumbled to his green-blooded companion, speed walking to his destination.

"I fail to see how I could possibly be at fault for our current predicament, doctor." Spock raised his eyebrow calmly. "If I remember correctly, you were the one who-"

Bickering was interrupted by the sound of fighting in the corridor to the left of them, phasers firing, metal clanging, and a sound similar to thunder all echoed from that direction.

The two looked at each other, an expression of mutual understanding was shared for a moment, and they both rushed down the hallway, battle ready.

"Captain, we're being hailed." Lieutenant Uhura spoke urgently.

Kirk sighed, completely done with this shit "Of course we are... Bring it up on the display, Lieutenant."

A grizzled old man, complete with a long white beard and one glossy blue eye, as well as the typical traits of an Asgardian (gold-hewn skin, runic tattoos, ridges on the cheeks and forehead) appeared on the screen. He did not look pleased. "Your flimsy 'federation' will pay for this blasphemy, captain! We will start by claiming this ship, and then advance to take over your empire!"

"Emperor Odin, I have to restate to you that there was absolutely no ill intention in my lieutenant's action. If you cease your attack immediately we can discuss reparations, but I must insist that-"

"Your lieutenant? No, I could care less about that tiny elf. The mere suggestion that we would join such a cowardly conglomeration is insulting in itself! There is nothing you can do now, captain."

"Alright that's it, close the comm." Kirk's brow furrowed. "Ok, how come nobody told us about this? Nevermind, doesn't matter, I already know. Uhura, hail Scotty and tell him to transfer all unnecessary power reserves to the engines. We're getting out of dodge."

"Yes sir."

Meanwhile, back on deck seventeen, Bones made a run for the door at the end of the hallway. Inside was the emergency quarantine shield control, which would lock down this section of the ship until a manual override was sent to the bridge. He heard a groan, and a loud thud behind him. Turning around, he saw Spock standing over the form of one of the axe-clad soldiers.

"Oh. Uh, thanks, Spock."

"You are most welcome, doctor. Might I suggest we continue to the control terminal?"

"Yes, yeah. Yes." Bones shook his head, half shocked at the fact that he almost died, and half annoyed that Spock was the one that saved him. He better not want the favor returned later, bones thought.

On the ground, the soldier that had fallen at Spock's hand groaned and curled up in a ball.

"Dr. McCoy to bridge." Bones pressed his comm, leaning against the wall of the dim control terminal room.

"Acknowledged." came crisply through the other end.

"Me and First officer Spock are currently located in the deck seventeen remote control terminal. We've locked down deck seventeen via the emergency quarantine shield. Likelihood of other survivors is low, sir. Those bastards totally annihilated us."

"Yeah, we're getting similar reports from decks five through nine." Kirk replied "...What is it, sulu? Oh, also decks fifteen and sixteen now, too. We should be handling it, our intel shows us that the Asgardians don't like to be a certain distance away from their leader, so once we get the hell out of here they should retreat."

"They should? It doesn't sound like you're sure, Jim."

"Kirk out."

Bones huffed, exasperated "If we make it out of this mess, I'm gonna smother him in his sleep."

Twenty minutes and several turbulence induced bruises later, Bones and Spock emerged from their hiding place. The place was a mess, crew members in varying states of death and life, pipes sticking out at strange angles from the ceiling, lights sparking, medical equipment strewn about the place.

"All things considered doctor, it could be worse." Spock assessed, kneeling to help an injured crew member.

"Spock, don't say things like that." Bones grumbled

"Why, doctor?"


He ceased speaking when his response was proven for him by the disoriented Asguardian soldier stumbling down the hall.

"Oh. I see."

The soldier took his helmet off, revealing a confused expression on a surprisingly human face. "Hello? Where am I? What's going on?" 



Sorry if this chapter is a bit disjointed, it'll get better, I promise! There was just a lot I had to establish in this first chapter, yknow how it is. :)

I have no Idea if Wattpad is even really a fanfic site anymore, but hey, it's the only fanfic site i have. 

Please comment, that shit gives me life!!!!

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