Birthday announcement (Lily's p.o.v )

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I blew out my candles and everyone clapped. I finally turned nine .Amanda , Natalia, Kayla, Nicky,Julia,Addison , Judy, and all of my friends were there.

Amanda , Nicky , Julia walked to front the room and put on music . 
"Happy birthday Lily. " They siad
"This for you ." Nicky siad. 
"Oh,oh,oh,oh. Oh,oh." Nicky and Julia began to sing.
"I messed up tonight . I lost another fight. I still messed up but I just start agian. I keep falling down . I keep on hitting the ground. I always get up now to see what's next." Amanda sang.
" I won't give up . I won't give in. Till I the the reach the end. " They sang together. 
They sang all of Gazzle's top hit 'Try Everything. ' song .
"Happy birthday Lily! We love you!" They siad when they finished the song. 
We all clapped and I gave them a hug. 
"Thank you! I loved it! " I siad pulling away.
"Alright everyone!  We have a special announcement ! " Mommy called. 
Daddy came up and put his arm around her.
"How many of you wish Lily was your sister? " Mommy asked.
Everyone raised their paws.
"How many of you think Lily would be a good big sister? " Daddy asked.
Everyone raised their paws.
"Well....Lily, sweetie.  Your going to be a big sister! " Mommy siad cheerfully 
Everyone cheered and I started to cry and hugged mommy and daddy laughing. 
"Awww. Sweetheart,  are you ok? " Daddy asked.
"Yes . I'm so happy!  Is it a girl or a boy?"I asked. 
Everyone stopped cheering to hear the awnser. 
"We don't know sweetie. All we know is that your going to have four siblings. " Mommy siad cheerfully. 
Everyone started cheering agian and my friends hugged me.
I was going to be a big sister!  I was so happy. 
Amanda put on Ylaxes Song 'what dose the fox say?' Daddy moaned  and left the room. Making me and mommy laugh.

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