First day of school. Second grade (Lily's p.o.v )

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(Time skip ) 
" Lily! Come on,  your going to be late for school !" Mommy yelled from down stairs .
"Coming , Mommy! " I yelled. 
I ran down stairs and crashed into mommy and daddy.  
"Sorry." I siad
Mommy and daddy laughed. 
"It's ok , we needed that anyway." Daddy siad
"NICK!  It's alright sweetheart, just don't run in the house , ok?" Mommy siad
"Ok." I replied.
(Ten minutes later)
"Ok honey have a good day." Daddy siad .
"Alright . Be safe mommy and daddy.  I love you." I siad hugging them
"We love you to." Mommy siad.
I got out the car and skipped towards the schools doors.
"Nick do you think she'll be ok, I mean, shes ginger to be the only one who looks like that , and -"  I heard mommy say , so I slowed down
"Judy,  she'll be ok , now come on, you have a police station to manage ." Daddy siad. And they drove away.
(Time skip ) 
It was recess,  and I didn't make any friends. So I sat on the swings and swang. A few minutes later someone pushed me off from behinde. I fell and scraped my knee .
"OW! That wasn't nice! I would have gotten off and let you have a turn if you asked."I cried. 
A bever girl had pushed me .
"Oh really?  You would have ? I don't think you would. Your not even normal! " She siad 
everyone had made a circle around us to watch .
"S-What do you mean? I-I am normal ."I siad . I could feel my nose twitching. 
"Aww, look at her nose twitch,  shes scared !Are you going to cry! How pathetic , you don't belong here! What are you anyway?" A girl fox asked .
" A R-Red R-rabbite ! " I stammered. 
The foxes face went slack.
"Taylor,  let's leave her alone. " She siad .
"KIYETA ! No way Natalia , she needs to pay. Kayla , do it. " She snapped her fingers at another fox.
"N-No. J-just leave her alone ! She didn't do anything!" Siad Kara .
"Yes she did ! She's alive ! That's what she did!" Taylor screamed . 
"Charles ! Do it! " Taylor yelled at a lion .
He came up to me and clawed me across the cheek and muzzled me.
"No! Help! Stop! G-get this off of me !" I cried .
I got up and ran away and hid in the bushes .
"HA HAHAHA! " Everyone laughed. 
 I started to cry. I didn't do anything! I didn't even know Taylor.  
Natalie and Kayla came up to me. So did Two little bunny's , a lioness,  and a tiger.
A grey bunny with green eyes hopped up to me . 
"My names Amanda ,  are you ok?" She asked tacking off my muzzle.
"N-no. I-I d-d-dint d-o a-anthing to T-t-" I cried .
"It's ok . She's just mean." Natalia told me.
"I thought y-you guys were friends? " I asked 
"Nope , not anymore .  We don't want to be her friend of she's going to be mean ." Kayla siad.
The lioness came up and huged  me . 
"I'm sorry about Charles did my cousin isnt very nice. My name is Nicky ." She siad
"My names Julia ." Siad the tiger 
"My names Addison. " siad the black bunny with blue eyes. She was holding a little brown mouse with short black hair and brown eyes.
"And my name is Judy. What's your." Judy asked me.
"Lily.  Wait , are you Fru-Fru's daughter , the daughter off Mr.Big?" I asked .
" Yep. Wait arn't you Chife Hoops and Officer Wild's daughter?" Judy asked .
"Yep!" I siad 
"Your my god sister!" Judy siad happily. 
Then I had seven new friends.  Including my god sister.

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