Chapter Fifteen

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 "I swear to the Moon Goddess if you don't clear me to go to school, I'm going to kill you myself," Nicole says glaring at Andra. Andra looks up at her with a sad look. "No, no. See I'm healthy, I've been eating food....Oh, I even slept for an hour last night.'m good." She says and Andra laughs.

"You're fine to go." She says and Nicole jumps at her.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." She says and Andra laughs hugging her back. "You have no idea how boring it's been for the past week. Not much to do around here." She says knowing Andra thinks she's a crazy woman.

"Small problem," Max says and she looks up at him. "There's not enough room in your car for all of us."

"Maddie can sit on my lap." She says and they kinda chuckle at her. "I'm not staying here for one more boring hour. There are only so many times you can clean and play the same games." She says looking over at Andrew.

"Alright, let's go then," Max says. Nicole picks up Maggie and starts talking to her.

"You're goin' to daycare because I get to go ya school." She says with a smile on her face. Maggie, just being woken up doesn't seem to care and goes back to sleep on her shoulder. When they get to the car Nicole puts Maggie in her car seat and then lets Andra take the middle seat. She then gets in and pats her legs. Maddie laughs and climbs in. The two manage to buckle their seatbelt and get comfortable.

Once Maddie and Maggie are dropped off at daycare Max heads to their high school. Nicole doesn't get halfway through her first hour, which is science, before wishing she was back home. "I forgot how much this sucks." She whispers to Andra. Andra just laughs and continues to write notes.

During history, Nicole rests her eyes not caring one bit. She walks down to writing with Mason and when she gets in the class Rose jumps up and hugs her. "Girl, I can't believe you're finally back. Took you long enough." She says with a smile. Nicole smiles and nods her head.

"Alright, settle down class. Your papers are due in less than three weeks. Let's get some work done." Nicole forgot about that and groans.

"And because of you we have to write like eight pages." She grumbles pulling out her notebook.

"And a half." She looks over at him confused. "It's eight and a half." He says. She glares at him and slaps him with her notebook. "Hey, that was uncalled for Nikki." He says playfully glaring over at her. She grumbles under her breath and opens her notebook. She laughs reading the things she'd put in it. "I already have five pages done." He whispers. She grabs her notebook and begins hitting him again.

When class is over Nicole has only managed to get the front side of her first page because Andrew kept distracting her and she kept hitting him. "Careful, she's violent today," Andrew warns Mason as he walks her down to her next class.

"Only at him." She says with a glare. Andrew laughs before walking off to his next class.

"So, you two have become good friends," Mason says as they take their seats. She looks over at him suspiciously.

"Yeahhh, so?"

"Nothing, just kinda funny." He says and she looks at him confused.

"Why is it funny?" She asks and he shrugs thinking of a lie to come up with.

"You seemed to hate him when you first moved here, now you two are like best friends." He says knowing that's the closest truth to it. She nods her head but thinks he's hiding something. Their teacher walks in distracting her away from Mason. Mason smiles to himself and begins copying her notes onto his own paper.

"The weather is so bad today," Andra says looking out the cafeteria windows.

"Yeah, I wish it would go away and bring the sun back," Rose says grumbling. Everyone else around the table nods their heads. Nicole begins to put the food she'd bought in her bag when Andrew grabs her arm stopping her.

"You don't have to do that anymore. You can eat at lunch." He whispers into her ear. She nods her head and pulls her hand out of her bag. She looks at the apple and sandwich on her plate. She grabs the apple and begins to eat it.

The apple is the only thing Nicole eats and both Andrew and Andra notice it. Neither say anything about it and continue with their conversations. When the bell rings Nicole puts the sandwich in her bag not really thinking about it, she places her tray on the tray rack and walks with Max down to the music room.

When she enters the room she's greeted with smiles and hugs. "The classed missed you showing off." Her teacher says and Nicole smiles.

"I missed this class too." She says and the teacher gives her a small hug.

"Let me show you what we're working on. If you want to do anything for it, just ask." She says with a bright smile and leads her to the piano with a sheet of music in her hand.


"We are performing next week. You think you can master the part?" Max asks as the two walk through the halls after the bell has rung.

"Yeah, it's two songs that I already know an thuh other one, I'm just with thuh group, nothing solo. As for playing thuh piano, I can read an play while singing. It'll be good, but you ahr gonna be 'elpin' me." She says and he nods his head.

"Yeah, let's try to go through the first song." He says. She nods her head thinking of it.

"ok...Can you hear my cries..can you see my eyes..I'm calling out to you Mmm" She sings trying to remember the words.

"Yeah, but your cries and eyes are for another note, and try to go a little lower." He says. She nods her head and starts over. They continue to do this until they get to the car. "Ok, so you got the first part. Now you said you knew Lean On Me?" He asks and she nods her head. "Ok, we can do that one in the car with ease." He says getting into the driver side. She gets into the passenger side and they both look at each other to start.

They get about halfway through the song before Andra and Andrew come. They don't pay attention to them and focus on hitting the right notes. As it comes up to the solo Max lowers his voice like he would and sings his part as she raises her voice. "If there is a load... you have to bear...that you can't carry...I'm right up the road...I'll share your load...If you just call me..." Max starts clapping not even finishing the song. She laughs feeling relieved she hit the high notes.

"You've got this in the bag." He says holding up his hand. She high fives him and they look back at Andra and Andrew. They're both looking at Nicole with surprised looks. "Told you she can sing," Max says with a smirk and starts the car.

"Damn, you can sing high and you don't sound like you're screaming." She adds and Nicole smiles.

"Thank you." She says turning in her seat to face the front.

"Now, I can't believe that we have to sing this little kid song, it's not even in English." He grumbles and she laughs.

"That's the point, plus the elementary children are coming." She says, but he doesn't seem pleased. "And the song is We Know the Way." She adds. He just glares over at her. The car ride is quiet until both Max and Nicole's phone's go off. Nicole pulls her out and laughs when she reads the message from her teacher. "Girls have to learn How Far Will I Go and you guys have to learn Immortals, I forgot that was in Big Hero 6. Hey, that's a good song and it isn't like what us girls are singing. You've got one of the lead roles and Mia and I are doing a duet of the song apparently. This teacher.." She says shaking her head. She brings the lyrics of her new song and hums it. "Oh, this'll be easy. I mean I'm stuck with the higher part, but it's going to sound good with Mia's part." She says more to herself than anyone else.

When they get home Max and Nicole go into her room and begin working on there pieces. Andrew and Andra plop down on the couch both feeling left out. "This sucks," Andrew says and Andra nods her head.

"I should have joined music."

"You couldn't have gotten in." Andrew says and Andra slaps him. "What? Only the people she likes and people that are really good get it. It's like a total of twelve people." He says rubbing his arm.

"I guess. Hey, have you talked to Ty?" She asks and he looks over at her confused.

"No, why would I?"

"Well, he's going to be Alpha in a few years when Jake steps down. You might wanna start getting to know him." She says and Andrew shrugs.

"I do, it's just he's always busy trying to learn what he's going to have to do. I like the dude, but he doesn't even go to school anymore. He's homeschooled with Lilliana." He says and Andra nods her head.

"This is bs, everyone in this damn house has a mate." She says realizing it and feeling annoyed. Andrew looks over at her and laughs. "It's not funny. The children have mates before me." She says and he laughs harder. She glares over at him and shoves him off of the couch. He glares up at her as he stands.

"It's kinda funny." He says sitting down a little further from her. She huffs and crosses her arms.

"I didn't think the Moon Goddess would pair two women together. I mean it's happened before, but it seems strange for our world." She says thinking about Maggie. Andrew shrugs not really caring or thinking about it.

"You know they aren't coming out until they have to pick up Maddie and Maggie." He says standing up. He walks around the couch and pulls out a board game.

"Candy Land." Andra says. Andrew looks down at it and shrugs. "Alright, why not."


"You guys are still playing that." Max says in disbelief as he lets Maddie into the house. Nicole comes in after him with Maggie in her arms. They're all soaking wet and the three girls go to their room to change.

"Yes, it's addicting," Andrew says watching Andra pick up a card. She throws it down and grumbles as she has to bring her player back to the Plum Patch. "Haha." Max shakes his head at the two and walks to where he keeps his spare clothes. As he's changing the lights go out and he hears a small scream from Maddie.

He hears Nicole's voice and knows that Maddie's alright. He walks out of the room after changing blindly and almost crashes into Nicole. "Jesus," Nicole says jumping away.

"Sorry. Why are the lights out?" He asks but then hears Andrew.

"The storm did some damage. The pack doesn't have power either." He says as he hears them come into the living room. Nicole feels panic set in. She can't see anything and it reminds of her being in the cell. It being so dark she couldn't even see her own hand. She holds Maggie tight to her chest and tries to take in even breaths. She looks around frantically not hearing what the others are saying.

Andrew along with Andra hear Nicole's heart beating fast. Max is holding Maddie because she's scared but knows that Nicole is having some sort of panic attack. He hears Andrew and Andra walking towards her. Andrew brings his phone out and puts the flashlight on. He sees Nicole look at the light, but she's still freaking herself out. Andrew walks up to her and grabs Maggie. She doesn't fight him, just watches him hand her off to Andra. He walks back to Nicole. "Nicole, it's alright, just a power outage." He says, but her breathing is still getting quicker. Andrew looks at Max and Andra. I'm going to take her into her room. I have to calm her down, just stay here. He mindlinks.

Max puts his flashlight on and watches as Andrew takes Nicole down the hallway. Nicole feels herself walking, but doesn't register where. She walks into a room and feels the soft ground. The ground is soft, not like the cold floor. "It's soft." Andrew hears Nicole's shaky voice. He doesn't know what she's talking about until he sees her go on her knees feeling the ground.

"Yes, the ground is soft." He says hearing her heartbeat slowly go down. She smiles feeling the ground and then they are blinded by a light. They hear the big boom and Nicole feels like she's back in the war. She hears the screams and the pounding feet above her. Sara holds her tight to her chest and their Mother stands guard.

She shakes as images of all the bodies and her Mom in the muddy ground. Blood and water blending together around her. She can feel the blood in her hands and tries to wipe it off. She shakes her head trying to forget what happened. "No, Mamma non puoi morire." Andrew grabs Nicole's shoulders as she shakes and mumbles in Italian.

"Nicole, it's alright." He says, but she continues to shake in his arms. He hears running feet and then Maddie barges into the room. Max is right behind her but doesn't pull Maddie away. She walks up to Nicole.

"She's talking about her Mom. Saying that her Mom can't die. That she can't go through it again." She says translating what Nicole mumbles.

"It only happened like four years ago. She's still going through the trauma of it." Andra says walking into the room.

"What can be done?" Andrew asks feeling useless as tears stream down her face.

"She's going to have to go through it. The only thing we can do it be there for when she pulls through the memories." She says and Andrew curses. He looks back at Nicole, but she's lost. She keeps mumbling.

"She's remembering everything about the night. Her Mom realizing that their Dad died, her and her sister running out of the safe house to help. Sara getting attacked and knocked unconscious....She remembers seeing me for the first time. She's describing what she saw...Her Mom..." Maddie covers her ears and shakes her head. "No, no, don't think about it." She says backing away from Nicole. "My Mom died good. She..she just fell asleep." She whispers to herself. Max picks her up and holds her in his arms. He shakes his head and walks out of the room with her crying in his arms.

"Maddie's been good. She hasn't had any episodes since Nicole was in the hospital. The therapy had been helping her." Andra says looking down at Andrew. He holds Nicole in his arms feeling that's the only thing he can do.

"What did she see? What did they see?" He asks shaking his head. Andra looks over at him sadly.

"Maddie found her Mother asleep in the woods after the safe house was attacked. She remembered her neck was in a funny position, but she ran when her Dad shouted at her. He told her to run and that they loved her. She'd ran and found herself head to head with a big wolf. Her Dad had lunged at the wolf and she went running. She was screaming as she saw more bodies on the ground. She hates storms just as much as Nicole." Andra says taking a seat on the ground. She looks at Nicole wishing she could do something.

"How did she make it without being seen?" He asks and Andra shakes her head.

"I don't know. She said she went to her secret hiding stop which was where Nicole, Sara, and George were hiding. She said that Nicole had ran out and that George tried to catch her, but couldn't leave Sara. He'd pick both Sara and her up and found a car. She said that once they were in the car he went running back out. She said that George had found Nicole. Nicole was fighting him, but he got her into the car. She said she remembers Nicole having blood all over her hands and shirt. I don't know how she got the blood on her, but I'm assuming it's what haunts her." Andra says still staring into Nicole's blank eyes.

Andrew holds her closer to him and whispers into her ear. He tells her that she's going to be fine, that she's not alone, that he's there for her, and nothing bad is going to happen. He keeps telling her those things hoping that she can at least hear him. 

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