Chapter Sixteen

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 "She's asleep," Andrew says looking up to Andra. Andra nods her head and looks down at Maggie who has been asleep for the past four hours.

"Her body needed a break. When she wakes up, she's going to feel like it's happening. She's going to feel like she's there. You'll have to get her to just breath and notice her surroundings." She says with a tired yawn.

"You can sleep." He says and then the lights flicker. They both look up and the lights stay on. "Power's back." He mumbles. Maggie starts to stir awake in Andra's arms.

"Hey, shhhh. Go back to sleep." Andra says holding Maggie to her chest. Maggie does so within a minute. "I'm going to go check on Max and Maddie." She stands up carefully with Maggie still in her arms. Andrew nods his head as she leaves the room. Andrew looks down at Nicole. Her head resting on his neck and her in his lap. Her cheeks are stained with tears, but other than that you couldn't tell anything was wrong.

He hears some commotion from the living room. He looks down the hallway to see Maddie. She looks at Nicole, but looks up at Andra and shakes her head. Maddie goes too far to the right and he can't see her anymore. Andra follows her leaving him a view of the kitchen.

He looks back down at Nicole, waiting for her to awake and have to relive her horrors. Andrew is there with her for another 20 minutes when she starts to move in his arms. "No, no questo non sta accadendo." She yells her eyes popping open.

"Nicole, Nicole. You're a home, you're safe. You aren't there, it isn't happening." He says grabbing her face and forcing her to look at him. "Nicole, you're safe in your own bedroom. Look around." He states. With rapid breathing, she looks around and notices he's right. She is in her bedroom. She looks down at herself. She's dry and there isn't any blood on her. She looks up at Andrew and starts crying.

Andrew pulls her into him and holds her. "Hey, shhh. It's ok." He says into her hair. Her body shakes and he holds her as she lets the pain out. She's tired of not letting it out for all the years. This is her way of grieving and it's the first time she's ever done it. "You're ok Nicole." He says rubbing her back. She nods her head and pulls back from him.

She wipes her eyes, but the tears continue to stream down her face. Andrew gives her a small smile and puts a hand on her cheek. "S-s-sorry." She stutters as she gives up on wiping the tears away.

"You've got nothing to be sorry for. You cry over your Mom, we all do." He says as she nods her head and looks down. She takes a few ragged breaths before she can stop crying. She pulls herself away from Andrew and stands up.

"Where's Maddie an Maggie?" She asks looking around her room.

"They're in the living room with Max and Andra." He says getting off of the ground. Nicole is quick to leave the room and run to the living room. She sees Maddie asleep in Max's arms and Maggie asleep in Andra's. Max looks up at her with what looks like a cold look. She looks at him confused, but he looks away from her.

"What?" She asks looking at him. He just shakes his head not able to talk about it civilly. She turns to Andrew with a questioning look.

"When were describing the Italian. Maddie had been translating what you were saying, said something that triggered her. She...she-"

"Had a nervous breakdown and then a panic attack," Max says glaring up at her. "She started seeing everything, everything she saw that night. It freaked her out."

Nicole stares down at Maddie. " she ok?" She asks in a whisper not believing she'd caused her pain.

"She's going to be fine. Maddie has been going to therapy. It's been helping her." Andra says. Nicole nods her head and continues to stare at Maddie.

"She's beder off with thuh pack. Ya can take her Max, she's safer thair." She says looking at Max. Max doesn't need to be told twice. He picks her up and is out the door.

"Nicole, she's going to be fine. You didn't do anything wrong-"

"I hurt her. I made her relive thuh worst thang that's ever happened t' her. I made her feel thuh pain an see thuh horrible thin's again....I made her see it again." She says in disbelief. She sinks into the floor putting her head into her hands.

"Nicole, she's going to be ok. She's strong and can move past it." Andrew says sitting beside her. She shakes her head and looks up at him.

"You don't understand. You don't know what she saw, what we saw." She says pulling her hair.

"You're right, I didn't see, but that doesn't mean you or she can't get past it. You both are strong and with everything that's happened, it's understandable that you panicked. No one is at fault here." Andrew waits for Nicole to answer, but she just stays with her hands in her hair and her head bent.

"Per favore, la dea la aiuta. Aiutala a passare oltre tutto quello che ha attraversato." Nicole says looking upwards. "Per favore."

She then stands up and walks to her room. She grabs a change of clothes and goes to the bathroom. Andrew looks up at Andra as she closes the door. "I don't know." She says shrugging her shoulders. He gets up off of the floor and takes a seat on the couch.

They sit in silence and Andrew mindlinks Jake. What's going on? What's the damage? He asks and waits for an answer.

Just a lot of trees broken down, nothing major. How are you guys? Max came by with Maddie. They're with Addison and Jem.

No damage to the house. Haven't been outside, but don't think there's going to be much. Is there still school today?

Yes, it was just a bad storm. No reason not to have you teenagers learning something. Andrew smiles and rolls his eyes.

Ok, see you at school then Alpha. Andrew tells Andra they still have school and she mumbles a few choice words. "That's stupid. Can't they just give us today off."

"We still have school?" Nicole asks walking into the living room. They both nod and watch as she rummages through the fridge. She grabs some grapes and sits next to them.

"We 'ave four hours ta kill then." She says popping a grape into her mouth. The two look at her confused, but she doesn't even glance towards them. They watch her get up and pull some things out of her bag. "I really need ta finish this science." She says opening up her book and getting ready to take notes on the chapter.

Andrew looks at Andra with a worried look. She's trying to forget and move on. Just go with it. She mindlinks him. He nods his head and goes to find his own backpack.

Andra puts Maggie on the floor with a blanket and lets her sleep as the three of them work on homework for the next four hours. Within the first five minutes, Nicole puts music on not liking the silence, but other than that the only noises are the pencils on paper.


"It's so windy today," Andra yells over the wind and tries to push her hair out of her face for it just to come right back.

"Yeah, no kidding." Andrew says as he feels the wind pushing him to the left. The three rush into school glad to be out of the wind. Nicole and Andra fix their hair as Andrew just laughs at the mess of them. They both glare over at him and try to brush their hair with their fingers.

"Come on, we need ta get ta science," Nicole says pulling Andra along as she still tries to flatten her hair down. Everyone in science is staring out the window. The sky dark and the wind still fiercely going.

"We shouldn't have come today. I've got a bad feeling." Andra says staring outside like everyone else.

"Has Avery said anythin'?" Nicole asks looking over at her.

"No, she's strange. Sometimes she can tell you every detail and other times she can't say anything. I don't even know if she can tell what's going to happen. She just can tell when people lie, but can sometimes know what's going to happen in the future. It's complicated." Andra says not knowing how to explain it.

"Alright, kids we've all seen bad storms. I'm not just standing up here to listen to my own voice." They all look up at her and she smiles. "Thank you." She begins going through the lesson, but no one's paying attention. It's not even two minutes later before they hear hail and are staring outside once again.

Almost everyone jumps as they hear the tornado warning. "Alright, come on class. We need to get down to the basement." She says grabbing a clipboard. Everyone stands up and starts following her. Every other class is doing the same thing.

Nicole thinks about Maddie and Maggie. They might not be safe or what if they can't hear the siren. She stops and starts running through everyone.

Andra sees her bolt but is pushed along with the crowd. Andrew, Andrew, Nicole ran off. She's on the west side of the school. She yells through the mindlink.

Andrew stops dead in his tracks. "What is she doing?" He asks before running to where Andra said she was. He runs as fast as he can, but is stopped by his Uncle.

"Andrew, where are you going? We need to get downstairs. This isn't a drill." He says grabbing his nephew's shoulders.

"Nicole. She went running off. I don't know*t. She's going after them." He says realizing that that's the only thing she's ever cared about. How could he not think of that first?


"Maddie and Maggie. Jem, I have to go after her." He says fighting his uncle.

"No, you might end up dead. She'll be fine." Andrew stares up at his uncle with anger. He knows he shouldn't do it, but he needs to get to Nicole.

"You will let me pass, I am you Beta and you will unhand me." He says using authority in his voice. His uncle lets go of him but has a cold look on his face. "I'm sorry uncle." He says before he's off. There's no one else in the hallways making it easy for him to get outside. When he does he's blown back and forth. He can't follow her scent because of the wind, so he takes his pants off and then shifts. He runs for the Elementary school first knowing she doesn't know that Max and Maddie are at the pack house.

Andrew gets frustrated as the hail hits him hard and the wind keeps blowing him in different directions. He uses his frustration to push himself. He sees another wolf a decent amount ahead of him. He knows it's Nicole and rushes to her.

He sees her go into the school and also sees the tornado has touched the ground. He runs in after her and is quick to shift back. He yells for her as he pulls his pants on. "Nicole, where are you?" He yells and finds her looking in the classrooms.

"She's not here. No one's here." She mumbles and Andrew grabs her arm.

"They went to their shelter long before and Maddie is safe with Max and the pack. Maggie is also safe, they're all safe except for you. We need to go, now." He says and pulls her. When they get outside he knows that won't make it to the shelter. Not before the tornado comes through.

He starts running pulling Nicole behind him. He runs to the opposite side of the street and runs down into the ditch. It's muddy, but he pushes her down. "Nicole, we need to lay flat. This is our only chance." He yells to her. She nods her head knowing what to do in a tornado. She did live in Texas and has been through tornados. Andrew lays right next to her looking around, hoping the tornado will pass them.

They both see the tornado picking up cars and homes. Andrew sees a car and other debris coming towards them. He uses his body to shield Nicole as it all comes right at them. They can hear loud noises and whistling.

Nicole can't see a thing but feels things hit her legs and then she doesn't feel anything. She doesn't really feel the wind either. She strains her ears, but can only hear a low whistle and Andrew's breathing. "Nicole, are you claustrophobic?" She hears him ask.

"No, why? Did it pass?" She asks confused. Andrew moves slightly and slowly off of Nicole. He crouches lowly not wanting to hit something. She looks up and sees the bottom of a car. " that.."

"We're stuck. The debri is stuck in the ditch." Andrew says looking around. There isn't much room. It's probably seven feet long, three feet wide, and the car is only about two feet off of where they are. Nicole sits up crouching like he is.

She looks at Andrew and sees something stuck in his shoulder. "Andrew, co-come here." She says. He looks at her confused but moves closer to her. She rips a little strip from her baggy shirt that she had slipped on after shifting and ties it tightly around the top of his shoulder and his arm. She then rips the other sleeve part. Andrew looks at her confused until she says, "This might hurt." She then pulls the wooden shard from his shoulder. He yells out but doesn't move afraid of hurting her. Nicole throws the shard down and puts the cloth on his shoulder. She puts pressure on it and keeps mumbling sorry.

"Nicole, it's ok. You don't have to keep saying sorry." He says looking over at her. She looks up at him and he smiles at her. She then feels a wave of dizziness come over her. "Nicole." She hears him say concerned. She feels a wave of emotions going through her. She keeps her hand on his bare back and feels the tingles. Finally, took you long enough. Her wolf says and Nicole's eyes go wide.


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