Chapter 10: A Double Dark Gaia Fruit Eater! The Rivalry Between Cats and Dogs!

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(POV Carol Tea, Everfree forest)

After appearing somewhere else in the Everfree Forest, Carol took a good look at her surroundings. "Where is everyone else?" Carol asked. Then, she heard something that was coming from behind her. When the noise hit its peak, she then scratched the beast with her claws, shouting, "WILD CLAW!" After she finished attacking the creature, Carol realized that it was some kind of wolf that tried to hit her.

(Author's note: The wolf is a bipedal animal and is as big as a Timberwolf.)

"Note to self: Do not think for a moment that the enemy will stand still for that long," the wolf said, then got back up.

"Who are you?" Carol asked.

"Why bother asking since you're going to die after this fight is over?" the wolf asked.

"Because even if I'm going to die, I should at least know the name of my opponent," Carol said.

"Alright, fine. Wolfen Blood," the wolf said.

"Thank you," Carol said, then she asked, "Now what's with the hostility towards me?"

"Well, you're currently at war with the Cult of X, the group that I just so happen to be a part of," Wolfen Blood said.

"Which also makes the two of us enemies," Carol said.

"That's right," Wolfen Blood said.

"Well then, let's get at it," Carol said.

(Carol vs Wolfen Blood)

"SPREAD: CLAWS!" Wolfen Blood shouted as he slashed the air in front of him and created a Spread attack in the form of three scratches that were heading straight towards Carol. When Carol dodged the attack and it hit a tree, it created a puff of smoke around it and when it cleared, the attack seemed to have disappeared, leaving behind three large scratches behind.

(Author's note: How much piercing damage the attack does depends on how sharp the object is. For example, since Wolfen Blood is using his own claws to attack his opponent, the projectiles will only scratch the skin of his opponent due to his claws being made out of bones and not steel, like Mini-Lemon's knife.)

'Woah! If that would've hit me, then I'd already be in big trouble against this guy!' Carol said in her thoughts.

"Well well, it looks like this hunt's going to be more fun than I thought," Wolfen Blood said.

'Why does he think that he can beat me that easily?' Carol asked herself in her head.

"ARGENT SHIELD: GUARD DOG!" Wolfen Blood said, then he sat down the way that a dog would.

"That's it? You're just going to stand there and take my next hit?" Carol asked.

"That's it," Wolfen Blood said lying.

'Man, this guy is arrogant,' Carol thought as she dashed towards the giant wolf, but the very second she got close to him, she was propelled into the air with three shallow scratches on her torso and Wolfen Blood's right arm raised up high. After she hit the ground and stopped skidding on it, she asked Wolfen Blood, "Wh...What was that?"

"That was the power of the Argent Shield: Guard Dog. When I use this attack, any attempt to hit me is countered with the tremendous speed that I have. Because of this, my defences are the strongest amongst anyone that can use the Argent Shield," Wolfen Blood explained arrogantly.

"You've got to be kidding me," Carol said as she got back up.

"Oh, I'm not done yet. It's my turn to attack," Wolfen Blood said, then, slashing his arms and his legs up into the air, shouted, "SPREAD!"

"You were just bluffing, weren't you!?" Carol asked, shouting.

"Of course not. In fact, the attack's already commencing," Wolfen Blood said, which confused Carol until she looked up and saw multiple small red projectiles flying up into the sky. "Once those projectiles reach their maximum height, they'll fall like rain and hit you with full force!" Wolfen Blood explained, making Carol meow silently in fear and widen her eyes in shock. When the attack reached its maximum height, they rained down on Carol after Wolfen Blood shouted, "RAIN OF BLOOD!" The attack came down hard on Carol, who tried to deflect all of the pellets with her claws, but after two or three seconds, she couldn't keep up anymore and she began to take damage, getting cuts all over her body. "ARGENT SHIELD!" Wolfen Blood shouted as he used the Argent Shield to defend himself from his own attack.

'It's like I'm in the middle of a hailstorm, but the hail's a lot sharper than usual!' Carol thought as the pellets rained down on her, cutting every single spot that they could hit. After the attack ended a few minutes later, Carol had cuts all over her body, which were also on her clothes. Then, she got an idea on how to beat the Argent Shield: Guard Dog technique. She dashed straight towards Wolfen Blood like last time.

"You're charging straight at me again?" Wolfen Blood asked, then said, "You know what will happen if you just do that." Carol didn't say anything to the werewolf and kept on running towards Wolfen Blood. Then, Wolfen Blood did the same maneuver as when Carol charged at him earlier. However, this time, Carol grabbed onto his arm as it was heading towards her. Carol then ran down the arm towards Wolfen Blood, who was looking straight ahead, thinking that Carol was going to land in front of him soon.

"WILD CLAW!" Carol shouted while using a powerful slash attack on Wolfen Blood, causing the werewolf to be sent into a bunch of trees. "Not much of a hunt now, is it?" Carol asked Wolfen Blood rhetorically, then got a bit confused when Wolfen Blood got back to the battlefield with a face that said that he was pissed off.

"You've angered me, you damn cat! You're supposed to be the easiest fight of my life due to the fact that you're a cat and I'm a dog! Cats always run aways from dogs! Don't you get it?! Dogs are always supposed to win against cats like you!" Wolfen Blood shouted.

"I was wondering why you were underestimating me, and as it turns out, it's because you believe that you would easily beat me since I'm a cat and you're a dog," Carol said, then shouted, "You know, THAT'S THE MOST STEREOTYPICAL THING I'VE EVER HEARD OF! YOU ARE NOTHING MORE THAN A RACIST JERK!"

"YOU'VE GOT NO RIGHT TO CALL ME THAT!" Wolfen Blood shouted as his arm literally stretched straight towards Carol like a rubber band.

(Author's note: This is supposed to be similar to Sonic's Werehog form in Sonic Unleashed.)

'What the-?! How the hell did he do that?!' Carol asked in her head after dodging the attack.

After laughing evilly, Wolfen Blood asked, "How do you like my Werewolf Fruit Awakening?"

'Werewolf Fruit?' Carol asked in her head, then she thought, 'That explains why he's walking on two legs.'

"Now, it's time for you to die, cat!" Wolfen Blood said, then shouted, "SPREAD: FLAME CLAW!" The attack was similar to the Spread: Claw attack from before, but when the attack hit a tree after Carol dodged it, the tree disintegrated.

"What the fuck!?" Carol asked, shocked at what she just saw.

"That was the power of the Rage Fruit! Whenever I get angry at someone, all of that anger gets turned into flames for my attacks!" Wolfen Blood explained.

'Maybe I shouldn't have angered him,' Carol said in her head.

"Not only that, but the Rage Fruit is one of the Seven Deadly Sins known as Wrath!" Wolfen Blood bragged.

"You're not the first Deadly Sin that I've fought," Carol said.

"Maybe, but let's see just how long you can last against me!" Wolfen Blood shouted as he used his Werewolf Fruit Awakening to try and grab her, but Carol dodged it. Wolfen Blood kept on trying to grab Carol with the Awakening, but Carol kept on dodging it.

'Good thing his stretched out arms retract just as fast,' Carol said in her head. As Carol got closer to Wolfen Blood, he tried to attack the female wildcat Avalician before she could hit him. However, all of his efforts were in vain as Carol had managed to hit him with a barrage of kicks, shouting, "WILD KICK!" After the attack connected, Wolfen Blood was sent flying into a bunch of trees just like when Carol hit Wolfen Blood with the Wild Claw. However, unlike last time, when Wolfen Blood got back to the battlefield, he was literally on fire.

"Well, what do you know. Never thought a cat would force me into my Rage Fruit's Awakening!" Wolfen Blood said. After he said that, he then charged at Carol with all of his might, trying to get rid of the wildcat. However, just before the werewolf was able to hit her, Carol jumped up into a tree that was close to the one that was right behind her when she dodged Wolfen Blood's attack, making the werewolf think that he had won. "I have finally bested my prey! Now to find the corpse so that I may dine on this victory," Wolfen Blood said. Carol then noticed that there was a piece of the moon on a necklace that the werewolf was wearing.

'Well, if that moon rock contains magic that can only be found on the moon, then that would explain how he can maintain his werewolf form in the daytime, Carol said to herself quietly. Then, knowing that the werewolf's own rage made him celebrate prematurely, Carol then put the palm of her left hand on the back of her right hand and put the fingers of her left hand through the gaps of her right hand. Then, after reaching the idiotic werewolf from behind, she began to shout, "WILD..."

"WAIT WHAT!?" Wolfen Blood shouted, shocked to hear Carol's voice again after "seeing to her death."

"...BLADE!" Carol shouted as she slashed at the werewolf with her claws still in that weird positioning. The cut that then formed on the dog's back was a large one, with bigger scratches than from before.

"How was I...defeated by...a damn cat?" Wolfen Blood said as he fell forwards, landing on his belly.

"Now do you understand why you shouldn't underestimate someone just because of some stereotype?" Carol asked the unconscious wolf that turned back into a pony.

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