Chapter 9: Spade VS Mini-Lemon! The Usage of Creepypastas!

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(POV Spade, Everfree Forest)

(Author's note: I'm not going to do first person points of view, just so no one gets confused.)

After a bright flash of light disappeared as fast as it appeared (within the blink of an eye), Spade fell on his butt and started groaning in pain from the minor drop that he fell from. After getting back up,  he asked himself, "Where is everyone?"

"You're in a battlefield, my little friend," a female voice said from within the trees. When she stepped out of the shadows of the trees, her physical body was shown. She was an Equestrian with a mane and tail that had a dark shade of blonde, her fur color was pure blonde, her eyes were a dark blue color, and she had a lemon slice for decoration in her mane for some reason.

"And you would be?" Spade asked the mare.

"My name is Mini-Lemon," the mare said.

(Author's note: For those of you who have subscribed to Vannamelon's YouTube channel, yes, this is the same Mini-Lemon that tries to get rid of Vannamelon almost every Halloween.)

"Well, Mini-Lemon, what is your business with me?" Spade asked.

"Just to kill you and when I'm done with you, I'll then go ahead and kill one of your friends," Mini-Lemon said to Spade, which angered him very much.

"Don't you even think about hurting Misty!" Spade snapped at the mare.

"So, that's the name of your girlfriend?" Mini-Lemon asked Spade, who facepalmed at his stupidity.

"Idiot," Spade said to himself.

After licking the dull end of a knife that she apparently had, Mini-Lemon said, "Well then, once I kill you, I may just pay your girlfriend a visit and maybe give her a one way ticket to hell."

Spade, who was obviously angered by that statement, shouted, "OVER MY DEAD BODY!"

"I couldn't agree with that statement towards you even more," Mini-Lemon said.

(Spade vs Mini-Lemon)

Mini-Lemon was the first one to attack, with her firing a Peashooter from the knife somehow, shouting, "PEASHOOTER!" Spade, having heard of the Peashooter from Shifter after the latter of which told Spade about Tails Doll using that technique, dodged it, making a small hole in the side of the tree that the Peashooter hit appear.

'What the-? How can an attack like that do that kind of damage to something?' Spade asked himself in his head.

"So you dodged it. You seem rather smart enough to get out of the way of the attack," Mini-Lemon said.

'That tree looks like it's about to fall at any second now,' Spade thought, referring to the tree that the Peashooter had just hit.

"Normally, when techniques like the Peashooter are fired with a finger gun, it just creates ordinary projectiles made out of Argent Energy. However, when something sharp like a knife is used instead of a finger gun, the projectiles become more sharp than what they're supposed to," Mini-Lemon explained.

"Well then, guess I better skip the warm up," Spade said, then he took out a card and infused it with his own energy like what he did back when he was fighting Dr. Finitevus. "GOLDEN CARD THROW! ACE OF LIGHT!" Spade shouted as he threw the card at Mini-Lemon.

"Nice try," Mini-Lemon said, then, using the Argent Shield technique, shouted, "ARGENT SHIELD!" Mini-Lemon expected the technique to withstand the attack, but she overestimated the Argent Shield, causing her to feel a large amount of pain from it. After the attack was over, some kind of black mass was starting to seep out of Mini-Lemon's mouth until she covered her mouth with her hooves, saying, "Oh ho no! I'm not going anywhere! I'm the one in control here, not you!"

"Huh?" Spade asked himself, obviously confused at the moment while hearing the conversation that Mini-Lemon had with what seemed like herself.

"Listen here, Vannamelon! You are the slave, not the master! You obey me! You do not get to have even a little bit of say in any matter at all! Now let me back in your body!" Mini-Lemon said, obviously not knowing that she said all of that out loud while Spade heard all of it.

'So this mare has a demon inside of her and that stuff that's seeping out is that very demon,' Spade said.

"You think that you are above a Creepypasta like me, but all your kind has done is fight each other, with the wars causing bloodshed! Every single pony on this planet deserve to be slaves! You are no exception to this! What I'm doing to you proves that I'm better than you!" Mini-Lemon said, then she uncovered her mouth, signalling that she was able to take back control over that body. However, it was very clear that she was very much mad at what Spade did to her due to the fact that she had bloodshot eyes. "How in the hell did you break through the Argent Shield!?"

"By infusing that card that I threw at you with the energy that was granted to me by my planet's Kingdom Stone," Spade explained with a hint of anger in his voice that Mini-Lemon didn't notice in her anger.

"That was rhetorical! And even if it wasn't, I'd still be very much pissed off at the fact that you nearly forced me to exit this body, and because of that, you now get to see what I can really do! When I used the Peashooter technique with my knife earlier, I was only playing around with you! The Mega Blast is even more deadly than the Peashooter that I fired at you! The chances of you surviving this attack are zero!" Mini-Lemon said.

"Well then, I'd better not let it hit me," Spade said, then shouted, "FLASH STEP!" When Spade performed the Flash Step, he ended up right in front of Mini-Lemon and punched her with cards in the fist, shouting, "CARD FIST!" The attack made Mini-Lemon fall backwards onto the ground, causing more pain for her. "You said that every pony deserve to be slaves?" Spade asked, making Mini-Lemon realize that her side of her recent conversation with Vannamelon was said out loud. "DOWNWARD CARD THROW!" Spade shouted, throwing a card onto Mini-Lemon's right shoulder. "You're better because you're a slave owner, is that right?" Spade asked Mini-Lemon. When Mini-Lemon tried to get back up, Spade threw a card upwards that hit Mini-Lemon and made her land on her belly, shouting, "CARD FIST UPPERCUT!" When Mini-Lemon barely managed to get back up, Spade shouted angrily, "THE ONLY PERSON THAT A SLAVE OWNER IS BETTER THAN IS SATAN HIMSELF!"

"Son of a bitch!" Mini-Lemon cursed, then fired a Mega Blast with her knife right at Spade, shouting, "MEGA BLAST!" When the Mega Blast was fired, was visually more sharp than a normal Mega Blast.

"FLASH STEP!" Spade shouted as he used his favorite evasive technique to dodge the Mega Blast. The Mega Blast blasted straight through three trees before disappearing completely.

(Author's note: If ranged techniques like the Peashooter had infinite range, then that might be annoyingly overpowered, and I do not want my readers to see it like that at all.)

"Where the hell did that damn panda go to!?" Mini-Lemon shouted.

(Author's note: Yes, Spade is a panda. I looked up his race and I couldn't believe it either.)

"GOLDEN..." Spade shouted from behind Mini-Lemon, making Mini-Lemon widen her eyes in what she knew was about to happen, then Spade shouted, "... CARD SHUFFLE!" When he shouted this, he threw multiple cards that were glowing yellow at Mini-Lemon, and when the attack finally ended, Spade collapsed onto the ground on his butt and Mini-Lemon was ejected from the Equestrian body and tried to possess Spade the very second he left her original body. 'Crap! I used up too much energy from that last attack to even move!' Spade said, only bracing himself for the huge ball of darkness heading right towards him by closing his eyes. After a few more seconds, Spade opened his eyes again and saw that Mini-Lemon was turning into dust right before his eyes. 'Guess that's why she tried to possess me as quickly as possible,' Spade said in his head. Then, he heard groaning from the same spot that Mini-Lemon's original body was in.

(Author's note: The image below shows what Vannamelon looks like.)

"Are you the one that had just defeated Mini-Lemon?" the pony asked Spade.

"Yes," Spade said, then he asked, "Why do you-?"

"THEN KILL ME!" she shouted, interrupting Spade and shocking him.

"What? Why?" Spade asked.

"Because I have nothing left of me! That demon bitch took all of it away from me!" the pony said, tears starting to form in her eyes.

"I still don't see why-" Spade tried to say.

"And the worst part of it all is that I was fully aware of what that demon was making me do, but I couldn't stop it! She killed so many innocent ponies, did so many terrible things with my body, and the worst part of it all is that I knew what she was doing, and I couldn't do a damn thing to stop all of it!" the pony shouted with tears streaming down her eyes, interrupting Spade again. This outburst alone is what made Spade feel bad for her and had to do what he could to cheer her up.

"Listen, kid..." Spade tried to say.

"Vannamelon," the pony told Spade, tears still streaming down her face and onto her neck.

"Vannamelon, if you did do all of that on purpose, then what you're saying would actually be true. However, since it was a demon that you do it all, what you're doing right now is like blaming yourself for a natural disaster. It was never your fault. If you ever want to progress from the monster that Mini-Lemon turned you into, then you need to let go of your guilt. Just because you were turned into a monster, doesn't mean that you can't prove that you're different. The most important thing right now is for you to forgive yourself," Spade said to Vannamelon, which made the mare smile and start to cry tears of joy.

"Thanks, Mister... I didn't get your name," Vannamelon said.

"Spade," the panda bear assassin said.

"Thank you, Spade," Vannamelon said, then asked, "How did you know so much about that kind of stuff?"

"My half-brother went through something similar to what you went through," Spade said, then he asked, "Just one more question: What exactly is a Creepypasta?"

"It's basically an artificial demon that's made by the Cult of X," Vannamelon explained.

"Why am I not surprised about that?" Spade said sarcastically.

"I know, right?" Vannamelon asked, obviously annoyed with the Cult of X.

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